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In this roomy, bawdy, exuberantly comic novel, Brad Leithauser takes us to an imaginary island-country, Freeland, during a crucial election year. Freeland occupies its own place in the North Atlantic, somewhere between Iceland and Greenland. A geological miracle, it is desolate ("What green is to Ireland, gray is to Freeland") -- and inspiring. The "friends" of the title are Hannibal, an expansive, lovable, unruly giant of a man who has been President of Freeland for twenty years, and Eggert, his shrewd, often prickly, always devious sidekick and adviser, who is Poet Laureate of Freeland and the book's narrator. As the book opens, Freeland -- long happily isolated and stubbornly independent -- is in trouble. The sins of the rest of the world have begun to wash up on its shores in the form of drugs, restless youth, and a polluted, fished-out ocean. And, to add to the complications, when Hannibal, who has promised to step down as president, decides to run again, the opposition imports three "electoral consultants" from the United States. As the story unfolds, the histories of the friends are revealed. While Hannibal is Fate's adored, Eggert travels perpetually under a cloud. Orphaned early, he must make his way by his wits. We follow him from his youth as he adventures Down Below (any place south of Freeland), collecting women, lovers, children, restlessly churning out fifty books in his search for love and admiration, returning home at last to raise a family and to serve his friend in his political hour of need. This huge, stunning, magical book brims with pleasures: delicious satire as the independent-minded natives meet the U.S.-trained "spin doctors"; a vibrant comic-strip vitality; and an edgy poignancy. Best of all, Leithauser has created a whole world, at once uncannily like and unlike our own. Readers who journey to Freeland will find it both a land of wonders and an ideal place from which to view the world they've left behind.
How can educators find joy in the midst of seemingly overwhelming challenges? Researcher Julie Schmidt Hasson interviewed hundreds of people about their most impactful teachers and shares her findings in this unique and powerful book. She lays out a three-step process that leads to greater peace, and greater impact on students. This three-step framework involves pausing, pondering, and persisting. First, teachers pause before reacting to an unexpected challenge, so they can intentionally choose a response. Next, they suspend assumptions and approach the challenge from a place of curiosity. Finally, they persist in this dance of patient inquiry and thoughtful responses in a way that leads to better outcomes for students. The stories integrated throughout the book provide evidence of the many ways teachers make a difference in students’ lives. It is a challenging time to be a teacher, and this book provides the inspiration and information teachers need to stay longer, grow stronger, and continue making an impact.
This book engages with the question of making sense of seeing in today’s technologically dominated world. It does so by exploring the notion of the ‘hypermodern’, a term which is used to capture the drive in contemporary culture to achieve ever greater speed and efficiency. The volume draws principally on the thought of Paul Virilio and Friedrich Nietzsche. The text’s key argument is that destabilizing tendencies, which become increasingly evident in hypermodern culture, spring from its having a dual character. This duality turns on hypermodernity’s uncomfortable, unstable and possibly unsustainable relation to its own past. The volume engages with this dual character in a unique way. Its discussions are prefaced by poems and photographic images which together frame and permeate the text’s arguments and analyses. Part One offers linked engagements with Virilio’s articulation of the hypermodernized cultural-visual environment, Nietzsche’s accounts of history, power and archaic visuality, and briefer discussions of various other writers. Part Two presents a creative elaboration of these engagements through a combination of poetry, image and aphorism. Through this combination the digital image, a quintessentially hypermodern form of representation, is turned against itself to allow for reflection on the ethics and politics of seeing today. The volume concludes with an open-ended dialogue on visual culture, the archaic and the hypermodern.
This book is from the musings in my personal reflective blog , A Gift From The Journey. In my musings it is my hope that the reader might find one aspect of my musings helpful in their lives. In life we can feel that we are alone in our experiences. It is my experience that there is always someone else that my have had a similar journey. The sense of isolation is lifted when we know that we are not the only one on any given path. In my musings I am often struck by how many similar themes that have happened in my life. Others have also shared some of those experiences/themes. I am grateful for the many paths on my journey and I hope that you will enjoy accompanying me on my journey. I have received many gifts in my life. There have been many individuals who have touched my spirit and in that moment my life was changed. In my life the bridge builders that I have known are responsible for much of my success. Without them I would have been blind when a new path opened. I have a personal belief that whether we have a positive moment in life or a negative moment in life that each moment becomes our teacher. It is in the transcending of these moments that our greatest gift of wisdom becomes our blessing. I hope that you enjoy this journey with me.
The acclaimed and irresistible truth-telling poetics found in Ponder Awhile is magical. Poet Mohit K. Misra does more than ponder as he contemplates the nature of man and God, he unveils the very essence of humanity. An atheist from a long line of Hindu and Parsi priests, in his mid-twenties the sea conjured his restless spirit into action and in fact, he gained enlightenment in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. A decade later, Award Winning Finalist "USA Book News" Spirituality General 2009; Top 100 Recommended Religion and Spirituality "ebookmall" 2009; Ranked 1 in Religious and Spiritual eBooks "Franklin" 2010/ 2011; "Best Book Buys" Ranked 1 in Poetry books 2011- Top 10 Poetry, Top 10 Body, Mind and Spirit and Top 10 Philosophy- Religious Books 2011/2012 and 2013; , Ponder Awhile shares his soul's awakening to the truth and the light.
Awakening From The American Dream… From Crisis To Consciousness… is an expose’ of the American Dream as illusory enculturation. It is a call to awakening to true reality in which happiness is not something to be pursued, but rather innately experienced as one’s birthright. The book invites readers to wake up from the American Dream, rather than trying to make it work or creating a new dream. A dream is a dream… it can never be reality. Part One focuses on the initial stages of awakening, beginning to question Dream beliefs, like the pursuit of happiness (if you’re chasing it you don’t have it!). Part Two uses the Socratic Method to question popular myths about life in America, relative to twelve specific areas of life (like the economy, health, marriage, religion, etc.). Readers are invited to challenge their own convictions and open to new possibilities. Part Three is about what it is like to live wide-awake, taking personal responsibility for the reality you create and being a leader by example for others.