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This volume deals with physical properties of electrically one-dimensional conductors. It includes both a description of basic concepts and a review of recent progress in research. One-dimensional conductors are those materials in which an electric current flows easily in one specific crystal direction while the resistivity is very high in transverse directions. It was about 1973 when much attention began to be focussed on them and investigations started in earnest. The research was stimulated by the successful growth of crystals of the organic conductor TTF-TCNQ and of the inorganic conductor KCP. New concepts, characteristic of one dimension, were established in the in vestigations of their properties. Many new one-dimensional conductors were also found and synthesized. This field of research is attractive because of the discovery of new ma terials, phenomena and concepts which have only recently found a place in the framework of traditional solid-state physics and materials science. The relation of this topic to the wider field of solid-state sciences is therefore still uncertain. This situation is clearly reflected in the wide distribution of the fields of specialization of researchers. Due to this, and also to the rapid progress of research, no introductory book has been available which covers most of the important fields of research on one-dimensional conductors.
Although the problem of a metal in one dimension has long been known to solid-state physicists, it was not until the synthesis of real one-dimensional or quasi-one-dimensional systems that this subject began to attract considerable attention. This has been due in part to the search for high temperature superconductivity and the possibility of reaching this goal with quasi-one-dimensional substances. A period of intense activity began in 1973 with the report of a measurement of an apparently divergent conduc tivity peak in TfF-TCNQ. Since then a great deal has been learned about quasi-one-dimensional conductors. The emphasis now has shifted from trying to find materials of very high conductivity to the many interesting problems of physics and chemistry involved. But many questions remain open and are still under active investigation. This book gives a review of the experimental as well as theoretical progress made in this field over the last years. All the chapters have been written by scientists who have established themselves as experts in theoreti cal and experimental solid-state physics. The book is intended to be of use both to students and researchers entering the field as well as to more advanced physicists. The wealth of ideas and information it contains ought to be useful to anyone interested in quasi-one-dimensional systems, organic solids, or the search for novel conduction and superconduction mechanisms. The editors are very grateful to the authors for their collaboration in this book.
Research activities in low dimensional conductors have shown a rapid growth since 1972 and have led to the discovery of new and remarkable phy sical properties unique to both molecular and inorganic conductors exhibi ting one-dimensional transport behaviour. This NATO Institute was a conti nuation of aseries of NATO Advanced Study Institutes of Worshops which took place at regular intervals till 1979. This is the first time, however, that charge density wave transport and electronic properties of low dimen sional organic conductors are treated on an equal footing. The program of the Institute was framed by tutorial lectures in the theories and experiments of low dimensional conductors. The bulk of the course covered two series of low-dimensional mate rials with their respective properties. 1) The I-D inorganic conductors exhibiting the phenomena of sliding charge density waves, narrow band noise, memory effects, etc ..• 2) Low-dimensional crystallized organic conductors giving rise to various possibilities of ground states, spin-Peierls, spin density wave, Peierls, superconductivity and magnetic-field induced spin density wave, etc ... Since it has been established from the beginning that this Institute was to be devoted essentially to the Physics of Low Dimensional Conductors, only one main course summarized the progress in chemistry and material preparation.
The field of low-dimensional conductors has been very active for more than twenty years. It has grown continuously and both the inorganic and organic materials have remark able properties, such as charge and spin density waves and superconductivity. The discovery of superconductivity at high temperature in copper-based quasi two-dimensional conducting oxides nearly ten years ago has further enlarged the field and stimulated new research on inorganic conductors. It was obviously impossible to cover such a broad field in a ten day Institute and it seemed pertinent to concentrate on inorganic conductors, excluding the high Tc superconducting oxides. In this context, it was highly desirable to include both physics and chemistry in the same Institute in order to tighten or in some cases to establish links between physicists and chemists. This Advanced Study Institute is the continuation of a series of similar ones which have taken place every few years since 1974. 73 participants coming from 13 countries have taken part in this School at the beautiful site of the Centre de Physique des Houches in the Mont-Blanc mountain range. The scientific programme included more than forty lectures and seminars, two poster sessions and ten short talks. Several discussion sessions were organized for the evenings, one on New Materials, one on New Topics and one on the special problem of the Fermi and Luttinger liquids. The scientific activity was kept high from the beginning to the end of the Institute.
This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Advances in Organic Conductors and Superconductors" that was published in Crystals
Low-dimensional solids are of fundamental interest in materials science due to their anisotropic properties. Written not only for experts in the field, this book explains the important concepts behind their physics and surveys the most interesting one-dimensional systems and discusses their present and emerging applications in molecular scale electronics. The second edition of this successful book has been completely revised to include the remarkable achievements of the last ten years of research and applications. Chemists, polymer and materials scientists as well as students will find this book a very readable introduction to the solid-state physics of electronic materials.
This collection of articles provides authoritative and up-to-date reviews on the Hubbard Model. It will be useful to graduate students and researchers in the field.