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Are mathematical equations the best way to model nature? For many years it had been assumed that they were. But in the early 1980s, Stephen Wolfram made the radical proposal that one should instead build models that are based directly on simple computer programs. Wolfram made a detailed study of a class of such models known as cellular automata, and discovered a remarkable fact: that even when the underlying rules are very simple, the behaviour they produce can be highly complex, and can mimic many features of what we see in nature. And based on this result, Wolfram began a program of research to develop what he called A Science of Complexity."The results of Wolfram's work found many applications, from the so-called Wolfram Classification central to fields such as artificial life, to new ideas about cryptography and fluid dynamics. This book is a collection of Wolfram's original papers on cellular automata and complexity. Some of these papers are widely known in the scientific community others have never been published before. Together, the papers provide a highly readable account of what has become a major new field of science, with important implications for physics, biology, economics, computer science and many other areas.
Cellular automata provide one of the most interesting avenues into the study of complex systems in general, as well as having an intrinsic interest of their own. Because of their mathematical simplicity and representational robustness they have been used to model economic, political, biological, ecological, chemical, and physical systems. Almost any system which can be treated in terms of a discrete representation space in which the dynamics is based on local interaction rules can be modelled by a cellular automata.The aim of this book is to give an introduction to the analysis of cellular automata (CA) in terms of an approach in which CA rules are viewed as elements of a nonlinear operator algebra, which can be expressed in component form much as ordinary vectors are in vector algebra. Although a variety of different topics are covered, this viewpoint provides the underlying theme. The actual mathematics used is not hard, and the material should be accessible to anyone with a junior level university background, and a certain degree of mathematical maturity.
Are mathematical equations the best way to model nature? For many years it had been assumed that they were. But in the early 1980s, Stephen Wolfram made the radical proposal that one should instead build models that are based directly on simple computer programs. Wolfram made a detailed study of a class of such models known as cellular automata, and discovered a remarkable fact: that even when the underlying rules are very simple, the behaviour they produce can be highly complex, and can mimic many features of what we see in nature. And based on this result, Wolfram began a program of research to develop what he called A Science of Complexity."The results of Wolfram's work found many applications, from the so-called Wolfram Classification central to fields such as artificial life, to new ideas about cryptography and fluid dynamics. This book is a collection of Wolfram's original papers on cellular automata and complexity. Some of these papers are widely known in the scientific community others have never been published before. Together, the papers provide a highly readable account of what has become a major new field of science, with important implications for physics, biology, economics, computer science and many other areas.
This book presents an extensive survey and report of related research on important developments in cellular automata (CA) theory. The authors introduce you to this theory in a comprehensive manner that will help you understand the basics of CA and be prepared for further research. They illustrate the matrix algebraic tools that characterize group CA and help develop its applications in the field of VLSI testing. The text examines schemes based on easily testable FSM, bit-error correcting code, byte error correcting code, and characterization of 2D cellular automata. In addition, it looks into CA-based universal pattern generation, data encryption, and synthesis of easily testable combinational logic. The book covers new characterizations of group CA behavior, CA-based tools for fault diagnosis, and a wide variety of applications to solve real-life problems.
Cellular automata provide one of the most interesting avenues into the study of complex systems in general, as well as having an intrinsic interest of their own. Because of their mathematical simplicity and representational robustness they have been used to model economic, political, biological, ecological, chemical, and physical systems. Almost any system which can be treated in terms of a discrete representation space in which the dynamics is based on local interaction rules can be modelled by a cellular automata.The aim of this book is to give an introduction to the analysis of cellular automata (CA) in terms of an approach in which CA rules are viewed as elements of a nonlinear operator algebra, which can be expressed in component form much as ordinary vectors are in vector algebra. Although a variety of different topics are covered, this viewpoint provides the underlying theme. The actual mathematics used is not hard, and the material should be accessible to anyone with a junior level university background, and a certain degree of mathematical maturity.
The thirty four contributions in this book cover many aspects of contemporary studies on cellular automata and include reviews, research reports, and guides to recent literature and available software. Cellular automata, dynamic systems in which space and time are discrete, are yielding interesting applications in both the physical and natural sciences. The thirty four contributions in this book cover many aspects of contemporary studies on cellular automata and include reviews, research reports, and guides to recent literature and available software. Chapters cover mathematical analysis, the structure of the space of cellular automata, learning rules with specified properties: cellular automata in biology, physics, chemistry, and computation theory; and generalizations of cellular automata in neural nets, Boolean nets, and coupled map lattices.Current work on cellular automata may be viewed as revolving around two central and closely related problems: the forward problem and the inverse problem. The forward problem concerns the description of properties of given cellular automata. Properties considered include reversibility, invariants, criticality, fractal dimension, and computational power. The role of cellular automata in computation theory is seen as a particularly exciting venue for exploring parallel computers as theoretical and practical tools in mathematical physics. The inverse problem, an area of study gaining prominence particularly in the natural sciences, involves designing rules that possess specified properties or perform specified task. A long-term goal is to develop a set of techniques that can find a rule or set of rules that can reproduce quantitative observations of a physical system. Studies of the inverse problem take up the organization and structure of the set of automata, in particular the parameterization of the space of cellular automata. Optimization and learning techniques, like the genetic algorithm and adaptive stochastic cellular automata are applied to find cellular automaton rules that model such physical phenomena as crystal growth or perform such adaptive-learning tasks as balancing an inverted pole.Howard Gutowitz is Collaborateur in the Service de Physique du Solide et RĂ©sonance Magnetique, Commissariat a I'Energie Atomique, Saclay, France.
Cellular automata make up a class of completely discrete dynamical systems, which have became a core subject in the sciences of complexity due to their conceptual simplicity, easiness of implementation for computer simulation, and their ability to exhibit a wide variety of amazingly complex behavior. The feature of simplicity behind complexity of cellular automata has attracted the researchers' attention from a wide range of divergent fields of study of science, which extend from the exact disciplines of mathematical physics up to the social ones, and beyond. Numerous complex systems containing many discrete elements with local interactions have been and are being conveniently modelled as cellular automata. In this book, the versatility of cellular automata as models for a wide diversity of complex systems is underlined through the study of a number of outstanding problems using these innovative techniques for modelling and simulation.