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The corpus of astrological material ascribed to the Egyptian priest Manetho consists of six books of poetry. This book serves as the companion to the one published by OUP in 2020, which was the first commentary in any language on the earliest three books of Manetho's poetry (two, three, and six as they appear in the manuscript). This volume supplies the remainder (books four, one, and five). Manetho was credited with a series of didactic poems which list outcomes for planetary set-ups in a birth chart. The books covered in this volume are not as easily dated as those in the first volume, but the most recent is probably no later than the fourth century and they are still Egyptian. As in the first volume, their descriptions of the kinds of person who are born under happy and unhappy configurations of stars speak to the lived realities, aspirations, and fears of the astrologer's clientele. Unlike in the first volume, however, the individual books treated here have different authors, and there is more emphasis on profiling individual poets in terms of style, metre, and mannerisms. As in the first volume, there is a Greek text with English translation and an apparatus with parallel material to enable comparison with related works. But this volume pays more attention to the transmission of traditional material from one author to another, and to the special approach required of an editor of material which, being in practical use, circulated in unstable and minutely-varying textual forms.
Our knowledge of Manetho is uncertain, but we can affirm three things that are: his homeland, his priesthood in Heliopolis and his activity for the introduction of the cult of Serapis. The name Manetho can be explained as "The Truth of Thoth", and under the XIX Dynasty it is described as "First Priest of the Truth of Thoth". "Manetho" is from the Coptic "spouse" "herdsman" "horse", but the word does not seem to appear elsewhere as a proper name. Under the name of Manetho, Suida seems to distinguish two writers: Manetho di Mendes in Egypt, chief priest who wrote about the realization of Kyphi and Manetho di Diospoli or Sebennytus, works "A Treatise on Physical Doctrines" and "Apotelesmatica" (or Astrological Influences), in verses hexameters, and other astrological works. He describes himself as "High priest and scribe of the holy shrines of Egypt, born in Sebennytus and living in Heliopolis". To Manetho we owe the division into thirty dynasties of the history of ancient Egypt, this subdivision is partly confirmed also by other sources such as the Royal Canon.
Manetho was an Egyptian historian and priest from Sebennytos who lived during the Ptolemaic era, approximately during the 3rd century BC. His work, especially his chronology of the Pharoahs, is of great interest to Egyptologists.
This is the first commentary in any language on three of the books of ancient Greek astrological poetry ascribed to the Egyptian priest Manetho. The volume includes a Greek text with English translation and an apparatus with parallel material to enable comparison with related works.
Manetho was an Egyptian of the 3rd century BC. Born probably at Sebennytus in the Delta, he became a priest or high priest at Heliopolis. Apparently he and a Greek Timotheus did much to establish the cult of Serapis in Egypt. Eight works or parts of works were ascribed to him, all on history and religion and all apparently in Greek: Aegyptiaca, on the history of Egypt; The sacred book on Egyptian religion; An epitome of physical doctrines; On festivals: On ancient ritual and religion; On the making of Kyphi (an incense); The criticisms of Herodotus; and the spurious Book of Sothis. These survive only as quoted by other writers. This volume also contains the doubtful Kings of Thebes (in Egypt) and The old chronicle. -- jacket.
Every serious student of ancient Egyptian history and chronology will come across the writings of Manetho of Sebennytos sooner or later. This is the most comprehensive and easiest to digest explanation and analysis currently in print of what is behind Manetho's history of his native land and the so-called epitomes made from his "Aegyptiaca" at a later date. While, in 2012, Marianne Luban raised the understanding of Manetho to a new level, subsequent discoveries mandate this Third Edition of her popular work.
Die vorliegende Edition von De Stefani basiert auf den sechs Buchern von Apotelesmatica (astrologischen Gedichten auf griechischen Hexametern, 2.-5. Jhdt. n. Chr.), die falschlicher Weise dem agyptischen Manetho zugeschrieben wurden. Der Herausgeber hat die Handschriften, die das Werk uberliefern, neu zusammengetragen. Die letzte kritische Ausgabe des Ps.-Manetho, wurde von Hermann Koechly 1858 verfasst und beruht auf der Kollation der wichtigsten Handschrift von Jacob Gronovius von 1698. Die neue Edition wird von einer Beschreibung der Textuberlieferung des Ps.-Manetho, seines Stils und Sprachgebrauchs eingeleitet und bietet dazu einen Nachtrag und ein umfangreiches Wortverzeichnis.
The work of Bion of Smyrna, the late Hellenistic writer of bucolic poetry, survives in seventeen fragments and the longer Epitaph on Adonis. In this edition, J. D. Reed presents a Greek text of the poems together with a facing translation. The substantial introduction covers Bion's place in the bucolic tradition, his reinterpretation of ritual and myth in the Adonis poem (with attention to its social context), and various aspects of his style. It also includes a detailed examination of the textual transmission. The commentary investigates fully details arising from the texts, with an emphasis on linguistic and literary-historical issues. This is a comprehensive treatment of Bion, his poetry and his place in the literary tradition.
This companion to the Classical Quarterly contains reviews of new work dealing with the literatures and civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome. Over 300 books are reviewed each year.