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This thesis contributes to the development of a cooperative control theory for homogeneous and heterogeneous multi-agent systems consisting of identical and non-identical dynamical agents, respectively. The goal is to explain fundamental effects of non-identical agent dynamics on the behavior of a distributed system and, primarily, to develop suitable control design methods for a wide range of multi-agent coordination problems. Output synchronization problems as well as cooperative disturbance rejection and reference tracking problems in multi-agent systems are investigated. Suitable controller design methods for networks consisting of identical or non-identical linear time-invariant systems, linear parameter-varying systems, and selected classes of nonlinear systems are developed. These controller design methods provide a solution to a wide variety of distributed coordination and cooperative control scenarios.
Stability theory has allowed us to study both qualitative and quantitative properties of dynamical systems, and control theory has played a key role in designing numerous systems. Contemporary sensing and communication n- works enable collection and subscription of geographically-distributed inf- mation and such information can be used to enhance signi?cantly the perf- manceofmanyofexisting systems. Throughasharedsensing/communication network,heterogeneoussystemscannowbecontrolledtooperaterobustlyand autonomously; cooperative control is to make the systems act as one group and exhibit certain cooperative behavior, and it must be pliable to physical and environmental constraints as well as be robust to intermittency, latency and changing patterns of the information ?ow in the network. This book attempts to provide a detailed coverage on the tools of and the results on analyzing and synthesizing cooperative systems. Dynamical systems under consideration can be either continuous-time or discrete-time, either linear or non-linear, and either unconstrained or constrained. Technical contents of the book are divided into three parts. The ?rst part consists of Chapters 1, 2, and 4. Chapter 1 provides an overview of coope- tive behaviors, kinematical and dynamical modeling approaches, and typical vehicle models. Chapter 2 contains a review of standard analysis and design tools in both linear control theory and non-linear control theory. Chapter 4 is a focused treatment of non-negativematrices and their properties,multipli- tive sequence convergence of non-negative and row-stochastic matrices, and the presence of these matrices and sequences in linear cooperative systems.
Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems extends optimal control and adaptive control design methods to multi-agent systems on communication graphs. It develops Riccati design techniques for general linear dynamics for cooperative state feedback design, cooperative observer design, and cooperative dynamic output feedback design. Both continuous-time and discrete-time dynamical multi-agent systems are treated. Optimal cooperative control is introduced and neural adaptive design techniques for multi-agent nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics, which are rarely treated in literature are developed. Results spanning systems with first-, second- and on up to general high-order nonlinear dynamics are presented. Each control methodology proposed is developed by rigorous proofs. All algorithms are justified by simulation examples. The text is self-contained and will serve as an excellent comprehensive source of information for researchers and graduate students working with multi-agent systems.
This book investigates distributed cooperative control and communication of MASs including linear systems, nonlinear systems and multiple rigid body systems. The model-based and data-driven control method are employed to design the (optimal) cooperative control protocol. The approaches of this book consist of model-based and data-driven control such as predictive control, event-triggered control, optimal control, adaptive dynamic programming, etc. From this book, readers can learn about distributed cooperative control methods, data-driven control, finite-time stability analysis, cooperative attitude control of multiple rigid bodies. Some fundamental knowledge prepared to read this book is finite-time stability theory, event-triggered sampling mechanism, adaptive dynamic programming and optimal control.
During the last decades, considerable progress has been observed in all aspects regarding the study of cooperative systems including modeling of cooperative systems, resource allocation, discrete event driven dynamical control, continuous and hybrid dynamical control, and theory of the interaction of information, control, and hierarchy. Solution methods have been proposed using control and optimization approaches, emergent rule based techniques, game theoretic and team theoretic approaches. Measures of performance have been suggested that include the effects of hierarchies and information structures on solutions, performance bounds, concepts of convergence and stability, and problem complexity. These and other topics were discusses at the Second Annual Conference on Cooperative Control and Optimization in Gainesville, Florida. Refereed papers written by selected conference participants from the conference are gathered in this volume, which presents problem models, theoretical results, and algorithms for various aspects of cooperative control. Audience: The book is addressed to faculty, graduate students, and researchers in optimization and control, computer sciences and engineering.
Are there universal principles of coordinated group motion and if so what might they be? This carefully edited book presents how natural groupings such as fish schools, bird flocks, deer herds etc. coordinate themselves and move so flawlessly, often without an apparent leader or any form of centralized control. It shows how the underlying principles of cooperative control may be used for groups of mobile autonomous agents to help enable a large group of autonomous robotic vehicles in the air, on land or sea or underwater, to collectively accomplish useful tasks such as distributed, adaptive scientific data gathering, search and rescue, or reconnaissance.
Examines new cooperative control methodologies tailored to real-world applications in various domains such as in communication systems, physics systems, and multi-robotic systems Provides the fundamental mechanism for solving collective behaviors in naturally-occurring systems as well as cooperative behaviors in man-made systems Discusses cooperative control methodologies using real-world applications, including semi-conductor laser arrays, mobile sensor networks, and multi-robotic systems Includes results from the research group at the Stevens Institute of Technology to show how advanced control technologies can impact challenging issues, such as high energy systems and oil spill monitoring
This book establishes an important mathematical connection between cooperative control problems and network optimization problems. It shows that many cooperative control problems can in fact be understood, under certain passivity assumptions, using a pair of static network optimization problems. Merging notions from passivity theory and network optimization, it describes a novel network optimization approach that can be applied to the synthesis of controllers for diffusively-coupled networks of passive (or passivity-short) dynamical systems. It also introduces a data-based, model-free approach for the synthesis of network controllers for multi-agent systems with passivity-short agents. Further, the book describes a method for monitoring link faults in multi-agent systems using passivity theory and graph connectivity. It reports on some practical case studies describing the effectivity of the developed approaches in vehicle networks. All in all, this book offers an extensive source of information and novel methods in the emerging field of multi-agent cooperative control, paving the way to future developments of autonomous systems for various application domains
Modern complex large-scale dynamical systems exist in virtually every aspect of science and engineering, and are associated with a wide variety of technological, environmental, and social phenomena. This book develops stability analysis and control design framework for nonlinear large-scale interconnected dynamical systems.
Cooperative Control Design: A Systematic, Passivity-Based Approach discusses multi-agent coordination problems, including formation control, attitude coordination, and synchronization. The goal of the book is to introduce passivity as a design tool for multi-agent systems, to provide exemplary work using this tool, and to illustrate its advantages in designing robust cooperative control algorithms. The discussion begins with an introduction to passivity and demonstrates how passivity can be used as a design tool for motion coordination. Followed by the case of adaptive redesigns for reference velocity recovery while describing a basic design, a modified design and the parameter convergence problem. Formation control is presented as it relates to relative distance control and relative position control. The coverage is concluded with a comprehensive discussion of agreement and the synchronization problem with an example using attitude coordination.