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00 This practical treatise is an introduction to the mathematics and physics of affine Kac-Moody algebras. It is the result of an unusual interdisciplinary effort by two physicists and two mathematicians to make this field understandable to a broad readership and to illuminate the connections among seemingly disparate domains of mathematics and physics that are tantalizingly suggested by the ubiquity of Lie theory. The book will be useful to Lie algebraists, high energy physicists, statistical mechanics, and number theorists. Volume One contains a description of Kac-Moody Lie algebras, and especially the affine algebras and their representations; the results of extensive computations follow in Volume Two, which is spiral bound for easy reference. This practical treatise is an introduction to the mathematics and physics of affine Kac-Moody algebras. It is the result of an unusual interdisciplinary effort by two physicists and two mathematicians to make this field understandable to a broad readership and to illuminate the connections among seemingly disparate domains of mathematics and physics that are tantalizingly suggested by the ubiquity of Lie theory. The book will be useful to Lie algebraists, high energy physicists, statistical mechanics, and number theorists. Volume One contains a description of Kac-Moody Lie algebras, and especially the affine algebras and their representations; the results of extensive computations follow in Volume Two, which is spiral bound for easy reference.
As the Proceedings of the 1984 Canadian Mathematical Society's Summer Seminar, this book focuses on some advances in the theory of semisimple Lie algebras and some direct outgrowths of that theory. The following papers are of particular interest: an important survey article by R. Block and R. Wilson on restricted simple Lie algebras, a survey of universal enveloping algebras of semisimple Lie algebras by W. Borho, a course on Kac-Moody Lie algebras by I. G. Macdonald with an extensive bibliography of this field by Georgia Benkart, and a course on formal groups by M. Hazewinkel. Because of the expository surveys and courses, the book will be especially useful to graduate students in Lie theory, as well as to researchers in the field.
This is the last of three major volumes which present a comprehensive treatment of the theory of the main classes of special functions from the point of view of the theory of group representations. This volume deals with q-analogs of special functions, quantum groups and algebras (including Hopf algebras), and (representations of) semi-simple Lie groups. Also treated are special functions of a matrix argument, representations in the Gel'fand-Tsetlin basis, and, finally, modular forms, theta-functions and affine Lie algebras. The volume builds upon results of the previous two volumes, and presents many new results. Subscribers to the complete set of three volumes will be entitled to a discount of 15%.
The third, substantially revised edition of a monograph concerned with Kac-Moody algebras, a particular class of infinite-dimensional Lie albegras, and their representations, based on courses given over a number of years at MIT and in Paris.
Kac-Moody Lie algebras 9 were introduced in the mid-1960s independently by V. Kac and R. Moody, generalizing the finite-dimensional semisimple Lie alge bras which we refer to as the finite case. The theory has undergone tremendous developments in various directions and connections with diverse areas abound, including mathematical physics, so much so that this theory has become a stan dard tool in mathematics. A detailed treatment of the Lie algebra aspect of the theory can be found in V. Kac's book [Kac-90l This self-contained work treats the algebro-geometric and the topological aspects of Kac-Moody theory from scratch. The emphasis is on the study of the Kac-Moody groups 9 and their flag varieties XY, including their detailed construction, and their applications to the representation theory of g. In the finite case, 9 is nothing but a semisimple Y simply-connected algebraic group and X is the flag variety 9 /Py for a parabolic subgroup p y C g.
This book gives a systematic account of the structure and representation theory of finite-dimensional complex Lie superalgebras of classical type and serves as a good introduction to representation theory of Lie superalgebras. Several folklore results are rigorously proved (and occasionally corrected in detail), sometimes with new proofs. Three important dualities are presented in the book, with the unifying theme of determining irreducible characters of Lie superalgebras. In order of increasing sophistication, they are Schur duality, Howe duality, and super duality. The combinatorics of symmetric functions is developed as needed in connections to Harish-Chandra homomorphism as well as irreducible characters for Lie superalgebras. Schur-Sergeev duality for the queer Lie superalgebra is presented from scratch with complete detail. Howe duality for Lie superalgebras is presented in book form for the first time. Super duality is a new approach developed in the past few years toward understanding the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand category of modules for classical Lie superalgebras. Super duality relates the representation theory of classical Lie superalgebras directly to the representation theory of classical Lie algebras and thus gives a solution to the irreducible character problem of Lie superalgebras via the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials of classical Lie algebras.
This thesis presents several new insights on the interface between mathematics and theoretical physics, with a central role for Riemann surfaces. First of all, the duality between Vafa-Witten theory and WZW models is embedded in string theory. Secondly, this model is generalized to a web of dualities connecting topological string theory and N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories to a configuration of D-branes that intersect over a Riemann surface. This description yields a new perspective on topological string theory in terms of a KP integrable system based on a quantum curve. Thirdly, this thesis describes a geometric analysis of wall-crossing in N=4 string theory. And lastly, it offers a novel approach to constuct metastable vacua in type IIB string theory.