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[Illustrated with over one hundred maps, photos and portraits, of the battles, individuals and places involved in the Indian Mutiny] A Young Sublatern fights for his life and for glory during the Indian Mutiny, engaged at the bloody siege of Delhi and during the advance to relieve the besieged British Residence at Lucknow. General Sir Hugh Gough won his Victoria Cross while riding with the famous Hodson’s Horse during the Indian Mutiny; this book, written some years later based on his letters sent at the time, makes for exhilarating reading. His V.C. award was gazetted as follows: “Hugh Henry Gough, Lieutenant, 1st Bengal Light Cavalry. Lieutenant Gough, when in command of a party of Hodson’s Horse, near Mumbagh, on 12 November, 1857, particularly distinguished himself by his forward bearing in charging across a swamp and capturing two guns although defended by a vastly superior body of the enemy. On this occasion he had his horse wounded in two places and his turban cut through by sword cuts, while engaged in combat with three sepoys. Lieutenant Gough also particularly distinguished himself near Jallalabad, Lucknow, on 21 February 1858, by showing a brilliant example to his Regiment when ordered to charge the enemies guns, and by his gallant and forward conduct he enabled them to effect their object. On this occasion he engaged himself in a series of single combats, until at length he was disabled by a musket ball through the leg, while charging two sepoys with fixed bayonets. Lieutenant Gough on that day had two horses killed under him, a shot through his helmet and another through his scabbard, besides being severely wounded.”
Newly illustrated throughout with contemporary maps, portraits, photographs and engravings, this is G.B. Malleson's concise and authoritative account of the Indian Mutiny of 1857. This detailed version of the events of 1857-58 is based on the evidence of the time, using the official documents, personal letters and private journals of those who experienced the insurgence first hand. Originally published in 1891, it describes the causes of the rebellion, its main protagonists, the sieges, battles and skirmishes and its aftermath from a Victorian perspective. From the massacre of Cawnpore, the siege of Delhi to the final relief of Lucknow, this book follows the soldiers of the British East India Company from the first sparks of unrest to the final bitter conclusion of the war.Today, many consider the Indian Mutiny and the ruthless treatment of the rebels and the complete humiliation of their leaders by the British, the beginning of the end for the British Raj. It took another 90 years before India won the independence it so desperately wanted.
[Illustrated with over one hundred maps, photos and portraits, of the battles, individuals and places involved in the Indian Mutiny] Even a long experience of Indian and the customs of the Indians could have prepared John Sherer for the tumultuous events of the Indian Mutiny of 1857. A tax collector and magistrate, who first arrived in India in 1846, Sherer was posted to the North-West provinces when the Sepoy Revolt started. His experiences as narrated here form an interesting counter point to the military narratives that were written on the engagements of the mutiny. He and his fellow non-combatants and administrators were thrown to the wind as all the official British authorities attempted to put down the revolt. Widely lauded when the book was first published in 1910, it is a must for anyone interested in the Indian Mutiny. “Mr Sherer gives a graphic account of the events he witnessed in the terrible times of the Mutiny. He has done right to publish the letters sent to him by Sir James Outram and others; they speak for themselves.”—Glasgow Herald. “It throws an interesting sidelight on those troublous times from a civilian non-combatant’s point of view.”—Pall Mall Gazette. “Full of exciting adventure, with the added charm of actual personal experience. Written in a vigorous and picturesque style.”—Bookseller. “Mr Sherer’s narrative is full of good stories, and he has done well to republish it in its present form.”—Publishers’ Circular. “This publication will be interesting, instructive, and useful to the younger generation, as throwing a few sidelights on a momentous episode in our national history, and enabling them to estimate in some degree the anxiety, sorrow and horror which moved the nation in thrills and pulsations.”—Shooting Times.
Illustrated with over one hundred maps, photos and portraits, of the battles, individuals and places involved in the Indian Mutiny. A fascinating view of the Indian Mutiny from a non-commissioned officer. “These Reminiscences are submitted to the public in the trust that they will be welcomed alike by soldier and civilian. They are recorded by one who was himself an actor in the scenes which he describes, and who viewed them from a novel and most unusual position for a military historian—the ranks. They have been carefully perused by an officer who was present at many of the operations mentioned; and considerable pains have been taken to verify, wherever possible, those incidents of which he was not personally cognisant. The interest of Mr. Forbes-Mitchell’s straightforward and soldierlike story is enhanced by the coincidence that he takes up the pen where Lady Inglis laid it down; and it is hoped that this volume may prove an acceptable continuation of her touching narrative of the Defence of Lucknow, and that, as a record of the Great Mutiny, it may furnish another thrilling chapter in that unparalleled story of suffering and of heroism,—of man’s bravery and of woman’s devotion.”—Introduction
[Illustrated with over one hundred maps, photos and portraits, of the battles of the Indian Mutiny] By 1857, British power in India had been largely undisputed for almost fifty years, however, the armies of the East India Company were largely recruited from the native people of India. This inherent weakness would be exposed during the events of the Indian Mutiny of 1857-1858, as the Sepoy soldiers turned against their erstwhile British employers. The events that led up to the Revolt were many and varied, including British highhandedness, ignorance of local customs and religious values, and incendiary propaganda. It is generally argued that the spark that lit the flame was the rumour that the newly issued rifle cartridges would be greased either with tallow, derived from beef and thereby offensive to Hindus, or lard, derived from pork and thereby offensive to Muslims. The enraged soldiers mutinied across a number of Indian States, taking Delhi, besieging Lucknow, and revolting in Oudh. The rebellion was eventually quelled in 1858 however, the effects of the Mutiny were far ranging and important. The East Indian Company was dissolved and the British government set about reorganising all facets of its power in India from the political to the administration and, most pointedly, the military. Although India would not gain its Independence until 150 years later, the events of the Indian Mutiny stayed in the folk consciousness of the country, a number of the leaders were lionized in certain circles, and a measure of nascent nationhood was born. Of the many books written on the event, few are as well respected, accurate, frequently read or cited as the six volume history produced by two ex-British Army officers, Sir John Kaye and Colonel George Malleson, who had both erved extensively in India. This fourth volume deals with the events from September 1857 to Early 1858.
[Illustrated with over one hundred maps, photos and portraits, of the battles of the Indian Mutiny] By 1857, British power in India had been largely undisputed for almost fifty years, however, the armies of the East India Company were largely recruited from the native people of India. This inherent weakness would be exposed during the events of the Indian Mutiny of 1857-1858, as the Sepoy soldiers turned against their erstwhile British employers. The events that led up to the Revolt were many and varied, including British highhandedness, ignorance of local customs and religious values, and incendiary propaganda. It is generally argued that the spark that lit the flame was the rumour that the newly issued rifle cartridges would be greased either with tallow, derived from beef and thereby offensive to Hindus, or lard, derived from pork and thereby offensive to Muslims. The enraged soldiers mutinied across a number of Indian States, taking Delhi, besieging Lucknow, and revolting in Oudh. The rebellion was eventually quelled in 1858 however, the effects of the Mutiny were far ranging and important. The East Indian Company was dissolved and the British government set about reorganising all facets of its power in India from the political to the administration and, most pointedly, the military. Although India would not gain its Independence until 150 years later, the events of the Indian Mutiny stayed in the folk consciousness of the country, a number of the leaders were lionized in certain circles, and a measure of nascent nationhood was born. Of the many books written on the event, few are as well respected, accurate, frequently read or cited as the six volume history produced by two ex-British Army officers, Sir John Kaye and Colonel George Malleson, who had both erved extensively in India. This third volume deals with events from June 1857 to September 1857..
[Illustrated with over one hundred maps, photos and portraits, of the battles of the Indian Mutiny] By 1857, British power in India had been largely undisputed for almost fifty years, however, the armies of the East India Company were largely recruited from the native people of India. This inherent weakness would be exposed during the events of the Indian Mutiny of 1857-1858, as the Sepoy soldiers turned against their erstwhile British employers. The events that led up to the Revolt were many and varied, including British highhandedness, ignorance of local customs and religious values, and incendiary propaganda. It is generally argued that the spark that lit the flame was the rumour that the newly issued rifle cartridges would be greased either with tallow, derived from beef and thereby offensive to Hindus, or lard, derived from pork and thereby offensive to Muslims. The enraged soldiers mutinied across a number of Indian States, taking Delhi, besieging Lucknow, and revolting in Oudh. The rebellion was eventually quelled in 1858 however, the effects of the Mutiny were far ranging and important. The East Indian Company was dissolved and the British government set about reorganising all facets of its power in India from the political to the administration and, most pointedly, the military. Although India would not gain its Independence until 150 years later, the events of the Indian Mutiny stayed in the folk consciousness of the country, a number of the leaders were lionized in certain circles, and a measure of nascent nationhood was born. Of the many books written on the event, few are as well respected, accurate, frequently read or cited as the six volume history produced by two ex-British Army officers, Sir John Kaye and Colonel George Malleson, who had both erved extensively in India. This second volume deals events from May 1857 to July 1857.
[Illustrated with over one hundred maps, photos and portraits, of the battles, individuals and places involved in the Indian Mutiny] Colonel MacKenzie was only a young subaltern of three years’ service when the great Sepoy Mutiny broke out in 1857. His regiment, the 3rd Bengal Light Cavalry stationed in Meerut, was one of the worst effected and he and his fellow British officers had to fight for their lives as the native soldiers rioted. Having escaped narrowly from his erstwhile soldiers he rallied to the main garrison in Meerut, the rebels fled toward Delhi. He joined in the expedition to re-capture Delhi and relates his recollections with great spirit, there was no rest for the gallant young lieutenant as he joined in the effort to relieve Lucknow. During the last of the fighting his commanding officer, Captain Sanford, was killed and MacKenzie relates his hero’s death with great empathy. After the mutiny MacKenzie achieved the rank of lieutenant-colonel in 1878 and led his troops in the Second Afghan War, 1879-80. Promoted to full colonel four years later, he served as honorary ADC to Lansdowne, the Viceroy of India.
Reviewed and (3500 gms) illustrated from original documents - 3 Vols. Vol. 1: Siege of Delhi - Defence of the Residence at Lucknow -The Story of Cawnpore - avelock's Campaign. Vol. 2: Havelock's Soccour of the Lucknow Residency - The Second defence - Relief by Sir Colin Campbell - Outram's Defence of the Alum Bagh - Siege and Capture of Lucknow. Vol. 3: The Campaign in Central India - The Rebellion in Rohilcund - The Campaign in Rohilcund - Mutiny in Western Behar - Siege and relief of Arrah - Suppression of Mutiny in Behar - The final campaign in Oudh - Pursuit of Tantia Topee. Product Dimensions: 25cmx17.5x6 cm., Vol. 1: xxxvi, 508p, Vol. 2: xviii 416p, Vol. 3: xxxvi, 652p, 9 maps, various illus., 39 plates (Reprint London 1904, 1912 edn.) 2006 Sub.: India - History - Sepoy Rebellion 1857-58 India - History - Autonomy and Independence Movements.