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Oil and Development in the Arab Gulf States (1985) brings together in one volume the manifold sources of information on the Arab Gulf region, especially the impact of oil revenues on its economic, political and social development. It provides a balanced core of primary and secondary sources on various aspects of the economics of Arab oil between 1973 and 1983.
Were oil supplies everlasting and the demand for oil strong and continuous, economic diversification in the Gulf would be pointless. However oil reserves are finite and non-renewable and the world demand for oil from the Gulf region is simply not stable. Collectively the countries of the Gulf face the striking prospect that unless priorities and plans are set with care the gestation period of their economic development may be longer than the expected life of their hydrocarbon resources. This book examines just that threat. It considers the opportunities available to the Gulf states for accumulating sufficient productive capital in the non-oil sectors of their economy to offset the drawing down of oil reserves. The book pays particular attention to the possibilities of development through cooperation not only within the Gulf Cooperation Council but also within the larger Arab region and the Third World as a whole. It concludes with a critical review of the main challenges that these economies are facing and are likely to face in the near future with special emphasis on their major problems and failures. First published in 1984.
As the price of oil fell in the eighties the pressures on the Arab Gulf States to speed up the diversification of their economies into non-oil sectors increased. This book, first published in 1984, examines this problem and many other issues connected with the impact of oil revenues on development in the Gulf States. It considers changing oil production policies and developments in other sectors of the economy including agriculture, industry and banking. It explores population problems, moves towards Gulf economic coordination and the impact of oil on society, culture and education. This book provides an assessment of just how much the region depends on oil for its economic prosperity and development and some indication of the enormous problems that would face the region should the demand for oil decease still further.
During the 1970s and ‘80s economic relations between the Arab Gulf States and Japan grew enormously. Approximately 65% of Japan’s oil requirements were met from Arab Gulf resources. However, although Japanese imports of Arab oil comprise the major component of trade, Arab imports of Japanese goods are also increasing sharply. The seven Arab Gulf countries, represented by the Petroleum Information Committee accounted for 8% of Japan’s total exports. This book explores the various avenues of economic co-operation that have developed between Japan and the Gulf States both in energy and other areas. It considers the measures that have been taken to protect the security of oil supply. It reports Japan’s co-operation in the development of the petroleum industry in the Arab Gulf States. The book also examines the future prospects for economic, technological and political co-operation between Japan and the Arab Gulf States.
Originally published in 1985. This book gives the views of both oil producers and oil consumers, detailing in a systematic manner the problems that they have encountered in the energy field and the solutions that they have devised to deal with them. The book makes clear that producers and consumers have common purpose in the conservation and judicious management of the dwindling and non-renewable world oil resources. It also makes clear that they share a consistent vision of the industry’s future development. The contributions to the book explore a range of important themes in the development of the energy sector. The future of OPEC is discussed in the context of the state of the world oil market. Other chapters consider the lessons that have been drawn by the Arab Gulf oil producers and throughout the book there is comparison with the experience of Canada providing a number of important insights into the operation of the world oil industry.
The crucial importance of the Gulf region today – which may be defined as comprising the states of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, with Iran as a non-Arab onlooker – has stimulated surprisingly little interest in academic circles. Much of what has been written, moreover, focuses exclusively on those aspects of direct concern to external interests. The focus of this book is on the Gulf region as an area with its own problems of social, economic and political development. It examines the dimensions of the attempts by the governments and peoples of the area to create new social, economic and political structures – stemming mainly, of course, from their new-found oil wealth. First published in 1980.