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This collection of papers examines key trends in the internationalisation of employment, drawing on the proceedings of an ILO conference held in Annecy, France in April 2005. The papers focus on three related issues: the impacts of trade and investment abroad, including the offshoring of production of goods and services, and effects on the winners and losers in terms of employment; adjustment methods for coping with the short and medium term problems related to the globalisation of employment; and the importance of international instruments to help ensure a level playing field in trade and promote development, drawing on established rights and international labour standards.
The Oxford Handbook of Offshoring and Global Employment deals with a key issue of our time: How do globalization, economic growth and technological developments interact to impact employment? The book brings together eminent authors from a wide range of countries around the world, drawing on their diverse academic and policymaking backgrounds, and specific national or regional settings to assess how global economic changes have affected employment opportunities. The book is unique in a number of ways - It has a global reach, presenting analyses and viewpoints from both developed and developing countries, from all continents; its timing and context is particularly instructive, since most papers are located in the aftermath of the global financial crisis; and it addresses a wide range of questions-How do different types of offshoring and global linkages impact employment? How is the skill mix of the labor force impacted by globalization? How do institutional structures and regulations influence the outcome of globalization in developed and developing countries? Individual chapters analyze how the impact of global linkages on national economies is mediated through a number of structural aspects of the economy - its institutional and industrial structure, its resource base, its predominant firm type, its comparative advantage, and its regulatory practices. The chapters in the book cover both manufacturing and services sectors, and many chapters also address policy issues regarding innovation and job creation.
A pesar de que los procesos de deslocalización (offshoring) no son un fenómeno del todo nuevo, la forma en que se llevan a cabo sí que lo es. El objetivo de este libro es ayudar a los directivos de empresa a tratar con los retos organizativos derivados del auge de la deslocalización que ahora nos espera.En vista de las dificultades de obtener un índice o medida directa sobre la deslocalización, de la heterogeneidad de las fuentes disponibles, y de la falta de consenso en torno a la terminología utilizada, este estudio se basa en gran medida en los datos recientes de la OCDE y la ORN (una red de investigación a la que pertenecen los autores), así como en informes sobre la inversión extranjera directa. El estudio se ofrece como una guía a los tres grandes grupos de interés implicados. En primer lugar, advierte a los gobiernos de no obstaculizar "el proceso económico natural" que el fenómeno significa. En segundo lugar, aconseja a las empresas a visualizar a la deslocalización como una parte integral de la estrategia global. Y en tercer lugar, resalta la necesidad de flexibilidad y formación para aquellos trabajadores que han podido verse afectados por el fenómeno de la deslocalización.Este libro se dirige fundamentalmente a aquellos investigadores en el campo de las instituciones, a los decisores de política, y a los directivos del sector privado, que puedan tener cierto interés en los recientes procesos de deslocalización, y en la creencia de que el mismo les pueda ser útil para el desarrollo de las estrategias adecuadas a escala mundial.
This book is based on the 7th ILO Social Policy Lectures, which are endowed with the ILO's Nobel Peace Prize, held in Kingston, Jamaica in December 2005. In keeping with the topics covered in the lecture series, it uses the global value chains perspective to look at how offshore outsourcing has affected the quantity and quality of jobs in the global economy. While offering an overview of the contemporary global labour market, the book examines the issue of global consolidation and industrial upgrading and its promise and perils for development. It introduces an analytical framework for linking jobs in the industrial structures of both advanced and developing economies through the dynamics of global value chains. It reviews the strategies of leading firms global retailers, branded marketers, and brand-name manufacturers and considers the conceptualisation of jobs in the global economy not by their location in particular industries or countries, but by their role in global value chains.The author argues that, given the special features of global value chains, there is a need to reconsider the contemporary notions of global corporate social responsibility and private as well as public governance
offshoring opportunities is on target for today's marketplace "This book provides a much needed framework for offshoring that supports making sound business decisions in this area, and it can help guide the management of the resulting offshore relationship in an efficient and effective manner. John brings clarity and structure to this broad and complex subject." -Jim Maloney Chief Security Executive Corillian Corporation "An extremely well-written and researched book. Starts with a good background on the political and cultural implications of offshoring and proceeds to provide an invaluable guide to take the reader through the sourcing decision and how to make it." -Charly Paelinck Vice President of Application Development Harrah's Casino "We evaluate many different offshoring and site selection decisions each year for our clients, and I encourage every executive faced with these quandaries to consider the strategies discussed in this book. Offshoring Opportunities can be used as a practical review before investing millions, and it may just help you avoid several unintended consequences." -Jay Doherty Principal Mercer Human Resource Consulting
OUTSOURCING IS THE BAD BOY OF BUSINESS, blamed for poor quality, unethical salaries, inhumane conditions, and even the ruination of industrialized economies. Yet, Apple, Google, JP Morgan, and almost every Fortune 500 company outsources, and the industry is growing at breakneck speed. Hiring an offshore team can save a company 70% on its staffing costs and offer previously unimaginable access to a near-infinite pool of 2 billion highly qualified professionals. It's a game changing proposition for businesses. Globalization and technology are connecting the world's 8 billion people into one single online economy. For three decades, the outsourcing industry was a sleeping giant, generating $200 billion annually, and employing tens of millions of people, but mostly invisible to the traditional economy. Now, the giant is waking. Only recently has outsourcing become an option for small and medium-sized businesses. Previously, due to technological limitations, it was the exclusive domain of the big multinational conglomerates. Many smaller businesses have now heard of offshoring, but few really understand its full potential or how it can be applied to their company. What does outsourcing really mean for the typical business, entrepreneur, or manager? Should they embrace this movement or run from it? Is outsourcing really the devil incarnate or a misunderstood force for good? Will it cause the downfall of economic stability in the West or catalyze humanity's next step-change in prosperity and innovation? Inside Outsourcing takes a deep dive into the origin of outsourcing, its current state, and likely future. It explores the high-level concept, drills down into the mechanics, offers clear insights for its practical application, and provides actionable advice for businesses of all sizes exploring its potential. This book is a must-read if you don't want to miss this game-changing opportunity.
One of the most controversial topics in the news is the outsourcing of American jobs to other countries. Outsourced jobs have extended well beyond the manufacturing sector to include white-collar professionals, particularly in information technology, financial services, and customer service. Outsourcing America reveals just how much outsourcing is taking place, what its impact has been and will continue to be, and what can be done about the loss of jobs. More than an exposé, Outsourcing America shows how offshoring is part of the historical economic shift toward globalism and free trade, and demonstrates its impact on individual lives and communities. In addition, the book now features a new chapter on immigration policies and outsourcing, and advice on how individuals can avoid becoming victims of outsourcing. The authors discuss policies that countries like India and China use to attract U.S. industries, and they offer frank recommendations that business and political leaders must consider in order to confront this crisis—and bring more high-paying jobs back to the U.S.A.
Much attention has focused on the offshoringÓ of services to lower-wage locations abroad. Offshoring generally refers to an org. purchase of goods or services from abroad that were previously produced domestically. Extensive public debate has arisen about both the potential benefits of services offshoring, such as lower consumer prices & higher U.S. productivity, as well as the potential costs, such as increased job displacement for selected U.S. workers. This report: provides an overview of experts' views on the potential impacts of services offshoring; describes the types of policies that have been proposed in response to offshoring; & highlights some key areas where add'l. research might help advance the debate about offshoring. Illus.