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This book collects designs for 21 locations in the Stuttgart region, results of an international workshop.
Erstmals liegt mit Schaltstelle eine umfassende Studie zur zeitgenössischen deutschsprachigen Lyrik auf der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert vor. In einem breiten Spektrum an Beiträgen international renommierter Experten aus Deutschland, Großbritannien, den USA, Kanada, Italien und den Niederlanden präsentiert diese Untersuchung ausführliche Analysen zu bekannten Größen (wie Volker Braun, Ulrike Draesner, Durs Grünbein, Ernst Jandl, Barbara Köhler, Friederike Mayröcker, Brigitte Oleschinski und Raoul Schrott), eingehende Betrachtungen zur Lyrik des Körpers, zur Verwendung von Klischee-Bildern, zum Topos der Kindheit oder zur ‘neuen Schlichtheit’, sowie Beiträge zur jüngsten Generation von Dichterinnen und Dichtern, die im neuen Jahrhundert ihren Einstand gegeben haben. Untersuchungen zu individuellen Gedichtsammlungen ergänzen sich mit Abhandlungen, die Dialoge über die Jahrhundertgrenzen hinweg aufzeigen oder den Einfluß von Schlüsselfiguren wie Paul Celan und Gottfried Benn nachweisen. Zudem enthält der Band ein Interview mit Heinz Czechowski und neue Gedichte von acht führenden deutschsprachigen Lyrikerinnen und Lyrikern. Zu oft wird in Diskussionen zur Literatur in der Berliner Republik die Lyrik marginalisiert: dieser Band zeigt, daß sie im Gegenteil eine unerläßliche Rolle zu spielen hat. Für Wissenschaftler und Studierende der Germanistik, wie überhaupt für alle, die an den Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der modernen Lyrik interessiert sind, sollte diese Veröffentlichung zur Pflichtlektüre erhoben werden. Schaltstelle presents a pioneering examination of contemporary German poetry at the turn of the twenty-first century. Internationally recognised experts from Germany, UK, USA, Canada, Italy and the Netherlands offer a first assessment of the paths that German poetry has taken into the new millennium. Alongside in-depth analyses of established names are broader surveys of poetry of the body, the use of cliché, theories of metaphor, the topos of childhood, the ‘new simplicity’, and contributions dedicated to the youngest generation of poets making their debut in the new century. The volume also contains an interview with Heinz Czechowski, a substantial Bibliography and new poems by eight leading poets. Poetry is too often marginalised in discussions about literature in the Berlin Republic: this volume demonstrates that it has a vital role to play at their heart.
"Revue internationale de l'histoire des sciences, de la médecine, de la pharmacie et de la technique." (varies).
Under what circumstances do subjects become visible? And how do subjects themselves change and move the circumstances that allow them to appear? Rather than describing medial, architectural, or rhetorical arrangements that are readily available to subjects, or concentrating on the processes of subject constitution without their scenic arrangements, this volume is dedicated to the reciprocal production of both subjects and scenes. From various perspectives, it underlines the abysmal conditions in which subjects arrive on stage and vice versa the stages arrive at their subjects. Through articles that analyze concrete scenes in a highly-focused manner and question the concept of the scene itself, this volume argues that there is not subject without a scene, and no scene without an instance of description. Based on this thesis, this volume investigates antique drama and revolutionary rhetoric, therapeutic and bureaucratic facilities, experiments in fine art and film, and, not least, scenes of theory: rhetorical stages that perform arguments and politics. EditorsDr. Lars Friedrich works at the Institute for German Literature at the University of Frankfurt am Main.Dr. Karin Harrasser is a professor at the Art University in Linz.Dr. Céline Kaiser is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Ottersberg.
Both a learning platform and a pedagogical experiment, Urban School Ruhr is built upon the foundational belief that experts and amateurs can, together, build a space of critical exchange and knowledge transfer. USR prioritises exchange and dialogue that is not necessarily attached to specific outcomes, results or interventions in built reality, instead understanding conversation as the first step to co-producing cities. Explorations in Urban Practice, the first edition in the Urban School Ruhr Series, draws from and reflects upon USR’s experiences to date whilst also looking to the future of urban practice in contemporary cities. The book presents the reader with key current questions in the field: how can we learn city making? How should we understand the political concept of commoning for this purpose? And how can we discuss intervention as a strategy for enacting urban change?
Over the past decade and a half, Germany has experienced a period of political and cultural turbulence which many have attributed to the combined challenges of unification and globalisation. In response to growing exposure to global markets, politics and migration debates about identity have increasingly been renationalised. At the same time, there has been a notable reappraisal in Germany (and in German Studies) of the regional and global as spaces for the construction of identity. This volume sets out to explore these complex and at times contradictory trends, focusing in particular on developments in Germany since the 1970s, although chapters treating earlier periods are also included. The volume brings together British, Irish, German, Canadian and American scholars working in the field, and resulted from a conference organised by Women in German Studies at the University of Bath. The first section is primarily concerned with the specifically German concept of locality known as Heimat and its changing relationship with the global. Included are explorations of the writings of Kafka, Bachmann, Johnson, Sell, Wolf, Brinkmann and Jelinek amongst others as well as films by Schlöndorff and Steyerl. The second section focuses on the impact of the global on institutions and rituals such as commemoration, memorialisation, and architecture, which have traditionally been influential in shaping national self-images. Overall, this volume concludes that the nature of the relationship to the local has fundamentally changed under the impact of globalisation.
Mit der Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag wird mit Hartmut Kuhne ein Wissenschaftler geehrt, der durch seine langjahrige Lehr- und Ausgrabungstatigkeit zahlreiche Schuler im In- und Ausland hervorgebracht und sich grosse Verdienste um die Archaologie Syriens, aber auch Anatoliens erworben hat.Die von renommierten Archaologen und Philologen verfassten Beitrage zu den "Fundstellen" tragen dieser Lebensleistung Rechnung. Der chronologische Rahmen reicht vom Neolithikum Westsyriens (K. Bartl) und Sudwestanatoliens (E. Abay) bis zur Romanisierung Ostsyriens(A. Oettel) und der spatantiken Besiedlung des Tell Feheriye (N. Ritter). Einen Schwerpunkt bildet die mittel- und neuassyrische bzw. spathethitische Zeit. Dabei werden bau- und kunstgeschichtliche Fragen zur Architektur von Hama (P. Matthiae), Karkamis (M. Pucci), Tall Seh Hamad (A. Kose) und Kar Tukulti-Ninurta (A. Gilibert) ebenso thematisiert wie die Bestattungssitten in Tell Sabi Abyad (P. Akkermans/ E. Smits), Tall Knedig (S. Kulemann-Ossen/L. Martin) und Dur Katlimmu (J. Kreppner). W. Rollig, K. Radner und E. Cancik-Kirschbaum betrachten diesen Zeitraum aus historischem Blickwinkel. R. Bernbeck widmet sich in seinem Beitrag der historisch verzerrten Gestalt der Semiramis. D. Bonatz betrachtet "Bartlosigkeit in Assyrien" aus kulturanthropologischer Sicht. G. Bunnens beschaftigt sich mit der "damnatio memoriae" in den Wandmalereien von Til Barsib. V. Haas wirft am Beispiel des urartaischen Urzana-Siegels Licht auf die Forschungsgeschichte der altorientalischen Glyptik.