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Crimson and Indigo are two young, star-crossed lovers whose journey has propelled them across multiple lifetimes and alternate realities to a place where their love could survive. But now, with both near the end of their existence in a world where the past, present, and future coexist, the two temporal travelers forge a new relationship with one another in the fever of a budding love affair. For Crimson, an assassin, the past no longer has any meaning. The once torrid love affair that consumed her has become nothing more than a fleeting memory. Yet, she is strangely drawn to Jake Ramious, the hotshot freighter pilot she engaged to deliver a survey team to a mysterious planet at the heart of a spatial rift. Now, some fifty years later, Crimson is taunted by the memories of her previous existence, the probability of losing the one thread of her life capable of rekindling her love for Indigo, and the prospect of being consumed by the metamorphosis of two universes. Internally torn like never before, Crimson must confront her own demons and find a way to restore her futurebefore her beloved Indigo is erased from history forever.
When bounty hunter, Indigo, takes up residency in rookie temporal agent, Kristic Kaa, and finds himself in the midst of a conspiracy that ultimately spells doom for both himself and his future incarnation, he enlists the help of the corporate assassin, Crimson Krydal Starr, his oldest adversary, to rectify the situation; however, before she can intervene and bring justice to the ill-fated reunion and rid the cosmos of the Industries mega-conglomerate, her host falls victim to his charm and its all she can do to overcome the challenge of bloodthirsty inhuman warriors, during a feeble attempt to escape certain death on a crumbling planet at the heart of a universe spiraling out of control. ' Faced with life and death, Crimson Krydal Starr and Jake Indigo Ramious must join forces, before succumbing to the veracity of their previous existence as bounty hunter and corporate assassin, Crimson Indigo, the most desirable temporal agents ever employed as a ruthless hired gun. Now, on the verge of their own annihilation, it's up to Crimson Indigo to find a way to merge their respective symbiotic nuances into a single entity capable of blending their immeasurable complications as former adversaries and lovers.
When bounty hunter, Indigo, takes up residency in rookie temporal agent, Kristic Kaa, and finds himself in the midst of a conspiracy that ultimately spells doom for both himself and his future incarnation, he enlists the help of his oldest adversary, the corporate assassin, Crimson, to rectify the situation, but before she can intervene, and rid the cosmos of the Industries mega-conglomerate, her host falls victim to his charm, and its all she can do to overcome the challenge of bloodthirsty pirates, and inhuman warriors, on a crumbling planet at the heart of a universe spiraling out of control. Faced with life and death, Crimson and Indigo must join forces, before succumbing to the veracity of their previous existence as the most desirable temporal agent ever employed as a ruthless hired gun.
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Tasked with restoring the stability of the republic, a band of cutthroat pirates take on sinister forces in a fight to restore balance when a new radical empire changes the past forever. It's all Crimson and Indigo can do to stop this childish rivalry as it blossoms into a full-fledged war between those in the past, and the future entities who wish to alter existence while laying waste to the future of civilization in a deceitful renaissance of secret betrayals that places the fate of humanity in the hands of Lisa identical twins who find themselves separated in a freakish accident that sends them into alternate realities with a boatload of odd inhabitants, a host of aliens and an unusual transit system peppered by deadly consequences for riding without a permit. Meanwhile, in another version of the future, Jake Indigo Ramious and his Nomad Interpreter, Nilana, find themselves at the mercy of temporal agents on mission to alter the course of the future using Lisa and Laura's DNA. It's literally all the trio of time traveling doppelgängers can do to stay alive during a climatic encounter with a deadly Hound Transit Authority Hunting-machine, who is hell-bent on removing them all from the transit system at any cost, including their lives. However, when it comes to crossing paths with our dimension hoping twin sisters, Lisa and Laura Keri, overwriting history may take more than simply altering a world's cultural past, under the guise of a hostile takeover, At story's end, our intrepid travelers tread lightly, while a hero arises in the face of a ruthless, international cartel of criminal elites, who are responsible for the demise of an entire planetary population. It's up to Crimson and Indigo to forge a new relationship in the midst of a budding romance, expanding love affair, and the challenges of bloodthirsty inhuman warriors on a crumbling planet, in a universe spiraling out of control.
Long before the great exodus of the past millennia, mankind found itself at the mercy of the Kalamar, a race of master-builders whose designs on the future incorporated the creation of a race of humanity that was not human, but rather biologically engineered living, breathing machines. The Alpha Renetta saw this special breed of man as a threat and immediately initiated seek and destroy policies. The Kalamar retaliated, sending a team of agents into the past in an attempt to revert the efforts by undermining the stability of their competition. These corporate assassins came to be known as: THUNDER RUNNERS Circumventing the Kalamar with a counterplot that nearly crippled and destroyed the great houses of the Corporate Assembly, triggering the Galactic Senate to host the idea of a special breed of time-traveling bounty hunters to combat these assassins. During the capitulation of the human race, a new bred of temporal agent, a precursor to the Ronna Kaa knights of the Temblor, infiltrated the Alpha Renetta, again surfacing to set into motion events that would alter the course of the future. As a result all that remained of humanity was a thread of their existence among the stars. The Alpha Renetta fostered these elite survivors, moving them to estranged planets with a cohabitation of beings, which were crossbred with the essence of another race. A wide berth of alien landscapes painted in unique tapestries became their playground, while the rest of humanity labored to stay alive in a universe under siege. One of these elitists, Samuel Nomad, a renegade traditionalist crossed the dimensional threshold with a purpose and a destiny predestined by the pioneers of a society determined to repopulate an insignificant planet in the Eden sector of the Milky Way Galaxy. However, the true nature of humanity's existence was countered with deception; ideals stood in the way. Naturally, Samuel Nomad became a hero. From the Journals of Maccon Book I: Of Crimson Indigo saga continues in Samuel Nomad's NEW AMERICA When Samuel Nomad is haunted by an unknown adversary who is tracking his every move, his perception of the universe changes as he realizes the past has spit into two possible futures, one of which may no longer exist for the lone temporal agent with a nomad symbiont, and an alternate version of himself.
Of Crimson Indigo: The Convergence Saga Continues... When the bounty hunter Assassin, Crimson Indigo, find themselves in the midst of a conspiracy that ultimately spells doom for their future incarnations, the temporal agents must intervene with the course of events and bring justice to the ill-fated cosmos of the Industries mega-conglomerate, and overcome the challenge of inhuman alien warriors, during a feeble attempt to escape certain death on a planet where the past, present and future coexist at the heart of a universe spiraling out of control. Faced with the possibilities of life or death, while succumbing to the veracity of their previous existences as commercial pilot turned bounty hunter and corporate liaison encountering her former existence as an assassin, Crimson Indigo, the most desirable temporal agents ever employed as ruthless hired gun, the would be lovers must now face off against the odds, joining Kristic Kaa, Gayla, Sarah Jolland, and the Gandee hunter, Avenall on a search for the truth behind the creation of an alternate reality where a ruthless ruling conglomerate plans on amalgamating all life into a new matrix of Biomechanical entities manipulating both time and space for their own ends. Now, on the verge of their own annihilation, it's up to Crimson Indigo to find a way to merge their respective symbiotic nuances into a single entity capable of blending their immeasurable complications as former adversaries and lovers in order to bring an end to the ruthless technocrat destined to rule the universe. Science Fiction/Adventure/Romance
The Crimson Lotus, Lobster Johnson's greatest adversary, has her origins revealed in this heart-pounding story of intrigue and magic! The Crimson Lotus began life as a young girl whose family was caught up in the Russo-Japanese war. Thirty years later, she exacts her revenge against those who wronged her with terrifying results! Two spies in China must try to chase her down before they become just another pair of flies in her web.