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This review of public governance in Finland finds the traditional Nordic model under pressure from rapid ageing, the economic crisis and societal disillusionment. It makes recommendations for improving public governance in Finland.
This review of public governance in Finland finds the traditional Nordic model under pressure from rapid ageing, the economic crisis and societal disillusionment. It makes recommendations for improving public governance in Finland.
This review looks at how, building on its significant accomplishments to date, the Estonian public administration can work together as a single government to improve and sustain service delivery to citizens and to meet new challenges on the horizon.
This review looks at how, building on its significant accomplishments to date, the Estonian public administration can work together as a single government to improve and sustain service delivery to citizens and to meet new challenges on the horizon.
This publication examines public governance arrangements in Finland and Estonia in two key areas: whole-of-government strategy steering and digital governance.
This report examined how Finland has been incorporating anticipatory functions within its governance system to deal with complex and future challenges in a systemic way. The report applies a new model of anticipatory innovation governance (AIG), developed by the OECD, addressing a considerable gap in prior knowledge and guidance on how governments prepare for unknowable futures.
This publication supports reforms towards greater strategic agility in the public sector through the use of budgeting policy levers, human resource management strategies and ICTs.
This review analyses public governance in the Slovak Republic and provides recommendations to support ongoing comprehensive public administration reform.
At the global level, civic space is narrowing and thus efforts to protect and promote it are more important than ever. The OECD defines Civic Space as the set of legal, policy, institutional, and practical conditions necessary for non-governmental actors to access information, express themselves, associate, organise, and participate in public life.
This report examines the influence of trust on policy making and explores some of the steps governments can take to strengthen public trust.