Download Free Oecd Guidelines For The Testing Of Chemicals Section 4 Test No 457 Bg1luc Estrogen Receptor Transactivation Test Method For Identifying Estrogen Receptor Agonists And Antagonists Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Oecd Guidelines For The Testing Of Chemicals Section 4 Test No 457 Bg1luc Estrogen Receptor Transactivation Test Method For Identifying Estrogen Receptor Agonists And Antagonists and write the review.

This Test Guideline describes an in vitro assay, which provides concentration-response data for substances with in vitro ER agonist and antagonist activity. The test system utilises the BG1Luc4E2 cell line derived from a human ovarian adenocarcinoma ...
This Performance-Based Test Guideline (PBTG) describes in vitro assays, which provide the methodology of Stably Transfected Transactivation to detect Estrogen Receptor Agonists and Antagonists (ER TA assays).
This Performance-Based Test Guideline (PBTG) describes in vitro assays, which provide the methodology of Stably Transfected Transactivation to detect Estrogen Receptor Agonists and Antagonists (ER TA assays).
This Performance-Based Test Guideline (PBTG) describes in vitro assays, which provide the methodology for human recombinant in vitro assays to detect substances with estrogen receptor binding affinity (hrER binding assays).
This Performance-Based Test Guideline (PBTG) describes in vitro assays, which provides the methodology of Stably Transfected Transactivation to detect Estrogen Receptor Agonists (ER TAs). It comprises mechanistically and functionally similar test ...
This Test Guideline (TG) provides an in vitro procedure (the ARE-Nrf2 luciferase test method) used for supporting the discrimination between skin sensitisers and non-sensitisers in accordance with the UN GHS.
This Test Guideline describes in vitro assays, which use Androgen Receptor TransActivation (ARTA) to detect Androgen Receptor Agonists and Antagonists. The ARTA assay methods are mechanistically and functionally similar test methods that provide information on the transcription and translation of a reporter gene following the binding of a chemical to the androgen receptor and subsequent transactivation.
This Test Guideline describes an in vitro assay, which provides mechanistical information, and can be used for screening and prioritization purposes. The test system utilises the hERalpha-HeLa-9903 cell line derived from a human cervical tumor and ...
This Performance-Based Test Guideline (PBTG) describes in vitro assays, which provide the methodology of Stably Transfected Transactivation to detect Estrogen Receptor Agonists and Antagonists (ER TA assays). It comprises mechanistically and functionally similar test methods for the identification of estrogen receptor agonists and antagonists and should facilitate the development of new similar or modified test methods. The two reference test methods that provide the basis for this PBTG are: the Stably Transfected TA (STTA) assay using the (h) ERÎł-HeLa-9903 cell line, derived from a human cervical tumor, and the BG1Luc ER TA assay using the BG1Luc-4E2 cell line, derived from a human ovarian adenocarcinoma. The cell lines used in these assays express ER and have been stably transfected with an ER responsive luciferase reporter gene. The assays are used to identify chemicals that activate (id est act as agonists) and also suppress (id est act as antagonists) ER- dependent transcription. ER are activated following ligand binding, after which the receptor-ligand complex binds to specific DNA response elements and transactivates the reporter gene, resulting in increased cellular expression of a marker enzyme (e.g. luciferase in luciferase based systems). The enzyme then transforms the substrate to a bioluminescent product that can be quantitatively measured with a luminometer. These test methods are being proposed for screening and prioritisation purposes, but also provide mechanistic information that can be used in a weight of evidence approach.