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Mexico’s robust macroeconomic policy framework has supported moderate growth despite several headwinds in recent years. However, low productivity growth has hindered Mexico’s convergence to higher-income OECD countries and inequalities remain high. These factors call for a renewed strategy to boost productivity and inclusiveness.
After a slow recovery from the pandemic, the Mexican economy has navigated well the global environment of tightening financial conditions and heightened uncertainty.
Mexico's robust macroeconomic policy framework has supported moderate growth despite several headwinds in recent years. However, low productivity growth has hindered Mexico's convergence to higher-income OECD countries and inequalities remain high. These factors call for a renewed strategy to boost productivity and inclusiveness. Rising crime and insecurity are negatively affecting economic activity and citizens' wellbeing, particularly the underprivileged and women. Strengthening institutional quality is a priority. Improving the weak rule of law will also facilitate the effective implementation of policy initiatives in other areas. In spite of recent achievements, tax revenues remain low and fiscal policy has little redistributive impact. In the near term, improving the efficiency of tax collection and spending will allow the public debt-to-GDP ratio to stabilise and provide some room for greater social and infrastructure spending. In the medium term, raising tax revenues and modifying the tax mix will allow reductions in public debt, create further fiscal space and increase progressivity. Reducing high informality will require coordinated actions in enforcement, taxation, business and labour regulations and the social safety net to better align incentives to formalise and drive resources towards more productive (formal) firms. Increasing educational outcomes for all will increase equality of opportunities and build the foundations for higher productivity. Raising access to quality early childhood education and care will also encourage greater female labour market participation. Improving urban planning and transportation would raise the productivity potential of cities and improve environmental outcomes. SPECIAL FEATURE: STRENGTHENING INCLUSIVE GROWTH
Mexico is recovering from a pandemic that had deep economic and social impacts. Informal workers, women and youth were particularly hit, exacerbating long-standing social challenges. Mexico’s solid macroeconomic policy framework safeguarded macroeconomic stability. But medium term growth prospects have weakened and growth over the past two decades has been low.
Swiss citizens continue to enjoy high living standards on a range of dimensions. Economic growth has slowed but the healthy labour market is still supporting incomes and consumption. However, risks to the outlook are building. Monetary policy has been very accommodative but low interest rates are adding to financial risks. Fiscal policy is sound and debt low. There is scope to make greater use of available fiscal space. Adapting to population ageing is becoming pressing. This trend, along with digital transformation, will bring new opportunities for the economy and society, but challenges as well. Policies have not kept up with rising life expectancy, particularly the statutory retirement age. Updating the pension system and lowering barriers to working longer would ensure that workers continue to receive adequate incomes during retirement.
The 2011 edition of OECD's periodic economic survey of Mexico. This edition includes chapters on macroeconomic and structural policies, fiscal reform, structural reforms in regulatory, competition and education policies; and informality.
This 2017 OECD Economic Survey of Mexico examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. The special chapters cover inclusive growth and productivity.
The 2011 edition of OECD's periodic economic survey of Mexico. This edition includes chapters on macroeconomic and structural policies, fiscal reform, structural reforms in regulatory, competition and education policies; and informality.
India has been a growth champion in recent years and has succeeded in taming inflation, the current account deficit and non-performing loans. India's participation in the global economy has risen, with outstanding performances in some services, while the largest diaspora in the world is an asset in developing new markets. India has also lifted many millions of people out of poverty and has made access to housing for all a priority. Ambitious structural reforms -- including better targeted household support, financial inclusion initiatives, the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, the new approach to federalism and the corporate income tax reform -- have played a key role.
Well-being in New Zealand is generally high, although there is room for improvement in incomes, housing affordability, distribution, water quality and GHG emissions. Economic growth is projected to remain around 21⁄2 per cent. The main risks to the outlook are rising trade restrictions and a housing market correction. Labour market reforms have been initiated to increase wages for the low paid but will need to be implemented cautiously to minimise potential adverse effects. Substantial planned increases in bank capital requirements should reduce the expected costs of financial crises but might reduce economic activity.