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The prospering economy has boosted employment and reduced unemployment to historical low levels. The risk of overheating is increasing with double digit growth in wages and higher consumer price inflation, although it remains within the central bank’s tolerance band.
India has been a growth champion in recent years and has succeeded in taming inflation, the current account deficit and non-performing loans. India's participation in the global economy has risen, with outstanding performances in some services, while the largest diaspora in the world is an asset in developing new markets. India has also lifted many millions of people out of poverty and has made access to housing for all a priority. Ambitious structural reforms -- including better targeted household support, financial inclusion initiatives, the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, the new approach to federalism and the corporate income tax reform -- have played a key role.
Swiss citizens continue to enjoy high living standards on a range of dimensions. Economic growth has slowed but the healthy labour market is still supporting incomes and consumption. However, risks to the outlook are building. Monetary policy has been very accommodative but low interest rates are adding to financial risks. Fiscal policy is sound and debt low. There is scope to make greater use of available fiscal space. Adapting to population ageing is becoming pressing. This trend, along with digital transformation, will bring new opportunities for the economy and society, but challenges as well. Policies have not kept up with rising life expectancy, particularly the statutory retirement age. Updating the pension system and lowering barriers to working longer would ensure that workers continue to receive adequate incomes during retirement.
Well-being in New Zealand is generally high, although there is room for improvement in incomes, housing affordability, distribution, water quality and GHG emissions. Economic growth is projected to remain around 21⁄2 per cent. The main risks to the outlook are rising trade restrictions and a housing market correction. Labour market reforms have been initiated to increase wages for the low paid but will need to be implemented cautiously to minimise potential adverse effects. Substantial planned increases in bank capital requirements should reduce the expected costs of financial crises but might reduce economic activity.
Wellbeing in Norway is high; GDP per capita is among the top-ranking countries and the country scores well in measures of inclusiveness. Several challenges must be addressed, however, if this good standing is to be sustained. The economy is vulnerable to trade risks. Also, though property markets and related credit appear to be heading for a soft landing, risks remain. Norway has substantial opportunities for more effective public spending remain, and exploiting these will become more important as fiscal space narrows. Productivity growth remains low, requiring attention to business policy.
A guide for constructing and using composite indicators for policy makers, academics, the media and other interested parties. In particular, this handbook is concerned with indicators which compare and rank country performance.
Estonia’s economy continues to perform well, and growing incomes support well-being. However, the expansion has peaked, and growth is set to soften due to weak international demand. Prudent fiscal policy has resulted in low debt, but spending pressures related to meeting infrastructure needs and ageing are mounting. Old age poverty is high and the proposal to allow early withdrawal of pension funds threatens macroeconomic stability and pension adequacy. The gender wage gap is among the highest in the OECD, and inequalities in income and health are considerable, reflecting gaps in the social safety net. The oil-shale sector is highly energy-intensive and is the main culprit behind Estonia’s high greenhouse gas emissions, but reducing dependence on the sector is challenging, as it is an important employer and meets 70% of Estonia’s energy needs.
OECD's periodic survey of Hungary's economy. This 2010 edition includes chapters covering restoring sustainable growth, sustaining fiscal reform, enhancing financial stability through better regulation, and raising education's contribution to growth.
France's economic growth has slowed down after a gradual recovery. Limited productivity and employment gains have reduced the growth of GDP per inhabitant; public spending remains very high. Reducing public expenditures is needed to put debt on a firmly declining path. This and streamlining the tax system would also help reducing taxes, which would boost economic activity eventually.