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This report analyses Greek legislation in a number of sectors and identifies about 350 legal provisions which could be removed or amended to lift regulatory barriers to competition. The work undertaken in the project has involved the review of over 1 200 pieces of legislation in these sectors of ...
OECD Competition Assessment Reviews: Greece 2017This report analyses Greek legislation in a number of sectors and identifies about 350 legal provisions which could be removed or amended to lift regulatory barriers to competition. The work undertaken in the project has involved the review of over 1 200 pieces of legislation in these sectors of the economy, using the OECD Competition Assessment Toolkit. The analysis of the legislation and of the Greek sectors has been complemented by research into international experience and consultation with stakeholders from the public and private sectors. The OECD has developed recommendations to remove or modify the provisions in order to be less restrictive for suppliers and consumers, while still achieving Greek policy makers' initial objectives. If these recommendations are implemented, benefits to consumers in Greece and to the Greek economy should arise in all sectors. Throughout this report, the authors identify the sources of those benefits and, where possible, provide quantitative estimates.
This report identifies areas where reform could be undertaken to address regulatory barriers to competition in Greece.
The work undertaken by the Greek authorities in recent years to reinforce competition law and the Hellenic Competition Commission, to simplify business administration and to liberalise professional services have demonstrated the political willingness to address the problem of existing regulatory barriers to competition that have contributed to holding back the economic recovery. The OECD Competition Assessment Project, through the scrutiny of legislation in four sectors of the Greek economy, food processing, retail trade, building materials and tourism, has identified 336 areas where particula.
This review analyses regulatory barriers to competition in the tourism sector in Tunisia, with the goal of helping Tunisian authorities mitigate harm to competition and foster long-lasting growth. This report is based on a competition assessment conducted by the OECD identifying rules and regulations that may hinder the competitive and efficient functioning of markets in the tourism activities under review.
This review analyses regulatory barriers to competition in the gas sector in Mexico, with the goal of helping Mexican authorities make regulation more pro-competitive while fostering long-lasting growth.
. Against this backdrop, this report analyses Portuguese regulations for road, railway and maritime transport, and many ancillary services (such as vehicle inspection centres), as well as Portugal’s ports.
Drawing on the OECD Competition Assessment Toolkit, this report identifies 227 problematic regulations in Romania and makes 152 specific recommendations on legal provisions that should be amended or repealed.
Many of Mexico’s product markets remain among the most heavily regulated in the OECD. Structural flaws adversely affect the ability of firms to effectively compete in the markets and hamper innovation, efficiency and productivity.
Greece is on track to recover from a deep depression. Reforms have gathered pace and fiscal consolidation has strengthened credibility, lowering uncertainty. Exports have led the expansion and labour market reforms have improved competitiveness, supporting employment growth,...