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OCD Unmasked: A Practical Guide for Young Adults is a comprehensive guide to help young adults who are struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The book is written in a way that is easy to understand and follow, and uses real-life stories to help illustrate the concepts being discussed. One of the biggest benefits of this guide is that it offers a fresh perspective on OCD. Young adults who have been struggling with the condition for years often feel like they're the only ones going through this, but OCD Unmasked dispels this myth by sharing real stories from other people who have faced similar challenges. By reading these stories, young adults can feel a sense of comfort knowing that they are not alone in their struggles with OCD. Another benefit of this guide is that it provides practical tools and techniques for managing OCD symptoms. From exposure and response prevention (ERP) to mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral therapy, OCD Unmasked covers a range of treatments that have been proven to be effective in treating the condition. The book also provides tips on how to develop a personalized action plan, including steps for self-care, stress management, and healthy coping mechanisms. For those who are looking for a guide that is tailored specifically to their needs as young adults, OCD Unmasked is the perfect solution. The book takes into account the unique challenges that young adults face, such as balancing school, work, and relationships, and provides advice on how to navigate these challenges while managing OCD symptoms. One of the most valuable aspects of OCD Unmasked is that it gives young adults the confidence and hope they need to overcome their OCD. By reading about the experiences of others who have successfully managed their symptoms, young adults can gain the courage to take control of their own lives and regain their sense of self. In conclusion, OCD Unmasked: A Practical Guide for Young Adults is an essential resource for young adults who are seeking a better understanding of OCD and practical tools to help manage their symptoms. The book's use of storytelling and its focus on the specific challenges facing young adults make it a must-read for anyone looking to break free from the grip of OCD and reclaim their life.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be a strong disorder and the tendencies pertaining to it can be challenging to manage, but if we learn to comprehend what it means, what the symptoms are, and what its main roots are, we will be better at handling the effects of it. Furthermore, symptoms can be treated and people who have it, can be cured. In this book, the author gives his audience some valuable insights as to how to do that. You will listen to: The most usual symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The explanation and description of OCD. Biological, mental, and environmental causes. More about treatments, medication, and solutions Brain science and neural background information about the disorder. Ways to handle those who show symptoms of OCD, whether they are kids or adults. And much more!
When you have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), it can feel like your own mind is at war with itself. Instead of having productive and positive thoughts, you rehash the same worries and fears over and over again until they become unbearable. Did you really remember to lock the front door? What if you were to hit someone while driving your car? You may find yourself engaging in exhaustive rituals to keep these thoughts at bay. But soon, the doubts come back with a vengeance. Coping with OCD offers a simple and engaging program that can help anyone with mild to moderate OCD get started on the road to recovery. This book begins with a crash course on what OCD is-and what it is not. You'll learn a proven, three-part program for recovery that uses safe and gradual exposure to distressing thoughts and situations, mindfulness practice, and techniques to restructure thinking. Additional chapters address how families can help, dealing with shame and blame, depression, and maintaining progress. The book also includes a helpful list of resources for further reading and additional support.
In March of 2020, feelings of loss, isolation and anxiety overtook us as the world came to a most surreal halt. New York City, one of the largest and most vibrant cities in the world, was now characterized by empty streets, restaurants and retail shops forced to close their doors, and a population that had sheltered in place. To no surprise, the topic of mental health grabbed the spotlight as suicide and depression rates increased exponentially. Although my battle with depression, anxiety and mental health started long before the spring of 2020, the conditions of the pandemic made them flare to levels I had never experienced before. To overcome my isolation and distract my mind, I quickly took my camera to the streets as an excuse to travel to new locations to regain control of my thoughts. I had no expectations or long-term goals with this endeavor other than to document my experience and create lasting memories. With each picture I took, there seemed to be a connection, a strong energy, from the people in the photos. I could feel their pain, their joy, their laughter, their struggles. I began journaling my thoughts about the impact those pictures had on me at that moment. From those impressions, this book – “Unmasked” – was born. UNMASKED, uses powerful imagery, taken throughout the 5 boroughs of New York, coupled with my thoughts presented in a Dr. Suess-like poetic cadence to bring awareness to mental health, equality, self-advocacy, emotional intelligence, and love which is God's highest power of all. UNMASKED, follows the main character “the Self” (the self represents the spirit or subconscious being with in all of us), on its journey from hopelessness to happiness. The Self travels through age, gender, race and a range of emotions and experiences throughout the pages of the book. Hidden among the pages are a couple of metaphorical motifs and thematic elements that bring a deeper meaning to the words on the page and enhance the reader’s experience. Motifs: The “MASK” (a playful poke at the COVID-19 pandemic) is a reference to the “mask” we wear to cover our authentic conscious self, to protect our vulnerabilities or to fit in with society. Masks often lie, hiding our true feelings and anxieties. The “INNER CHILD”. This inner child is defined as a part of your subconscious that has been receiving and storing messages (mentally and emotionally) since birth. It holds emotions, memories, and beliefs from the past as well as hopes and dreams for the future and are represented through the pictures of children in the book. Thematic Elements: Duality: (shows how obviously opposite or contrary forces may be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the real world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another) o Blackvs.White o Black & White vs. Color o Reality vs. Dream o Adult vs. Child o Mind vs. Body o Smile vs. Frown o Suffering vs. Fulfillment Color: The book's pictures start in black and white and then slowly introduce colors one at a time until the book is in full color, which represents a transition darkness and isolation to an optimistic perspective. Textures: (i.e. graffiti, bricks, leaves, concrete, etc.) can change mood, conjure connections to our memories. It can even challenge our awareness of reality. Statues: represent The Self - The conscious part of our being that makes us unique. The self is always with us, whether surrounded by people or all alone. The self is silent, resilient to nature’s course, and yet still grounded and secure no matter where we travel. Regardless of the time of day or the amount of attention given to them, statues stand in silence; a reminder of the potential for peace we all possess – but struggle to attain. Graffiti: used throughout to show individuality and represents emotion and speaking out on political, cultural social and economic issues. The narrator could be seen as God or a higher power, articulating thoughts of the main character.
'Emily's moving book is a powerful testimony that shines a light on the continued failure of health services to provide any kind of meaningful improvement for autistic people. Should be essential reading for mental health professionals and anyone with autism in their lives.' - FERN BRADY, author of Strong Female Character 'This book will bring so many readers self-recognition and comfort.' - DEVON PRICE, author of Unmasking Autism 'Vulnerable, affecting and deeply personal, this book will go from a message in a bottle to a rallying cry for many autistic women, girls and young people. We are not alone.' - Elle McNicoll, bestselling author 'A brilliant, thorough exploration of autistic experience, delivered with humanity, compassion and vivid clarity.' - Pete Wharmby, author of Untypical 'A magnificent read which manages to be informative, engaging, sad and uplifting all at the same time. Whether you're discovering that you're autistic yourself or you simply want to understand autistic people better, this is a must-read.' - Cathy Wassell, CEO Autistic Girls Network charity & author of Nurturing Your Autistic Young Person 'The book I wish I'd been able to read when I was younger.' - Sarah Gibbs, author of Drama Queen To the outside world, Emily looks like a typical girl, with a normal family, living an ordinary life. But inside, Emily does not feel typical, and the older she gets, the more she realises that she is different. As she finally discovers when she is 16, Emily is autistic. Girl Unmasked is the extraordinary story of how she got there - and how she very nearly didn't. Still only 21, Emily writes with startling candour about the years leading up to her diagnosis. How books and imagination became her refuge as she sought to escape the increasing anxiety and unbearable stresses of school life; how her OCD almost destroyed her; how a system which did not understand autism let her down; and how she came so close to the edge that she and her family thought she would never survive. In this simple but powerful memoir, we see how family and friends became her lifeline and how, post-diagnosis, Emily came to understand her authentic self and begin to turn her life around, eventually becoming a mental health nurse with a desire to help others where she herself had once been failed. Ultimately uplifting, Girl Unmasked is a remarkable insight into what it can be like to be autistic - and shows us that through understanding and embracing difference we can all find ways to thrive.
This book has been replaced by Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for OCD and Its Subtypes, Second Edition, ISBN 978-1-4625-4101-0.
This is the first book to address the clinical and neurobiological interface between schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). There is growing evidence that obsessive-compulsive symptoms in schizophrenia are prevalent, persistent and characterized by a distinct pattern of familial inheritance, neurocognitive deficits and brain activation. This text provides guidelines for differential diagnosis of schizophrenic patients with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and patients with primary OCD alongside poor insight, psychotic features or schizotypal personality. Written by a leading expert in the coexistence of obsessive-compulsive and schizophrenic phenomena, Schizo-Obsessive Disorder uses numerous case studies to present diagnostic guidelines and to describe a recommended treatment algorithm, demystifying this complex disorder and aiding its effective management. The book is essential reading for psychiatrists, neurologists and the wider range of multidisciplinary mental health practitioners.
This step-by-step manual explains how to adapt CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) approaches to OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) for autistic children and adults. It outlines why there is the need to adapt treatment for the autistic population, and includes detailed guidance on each phase of the approach. It explains assessment of OCD in autism, the links between the two conditions and difficulties in identifying aspects of OCD in autistic people. The book offers advice on dealing with difficult issues and on the next steps after treatment is complete. Accompanying worksheets and handouts are available to download.
Unmasking Biblical Faiths aims to address many of the challenges to traditional Christian faith in the modern world. Since the eighteenth-century Age of Enlightenment, human reason, formerly tethered by the constraints of organized religion, has been set free to explore the universe relatively unchallenged. The influence of the Bible, on the other hand, weakened due to the successes of modern historical criticism, is found to be inadequate for the task of enabling the faith “once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3), in that it cannot adequately respond to the many questions about religious faith that human reasoning raises for modern human beings. In a series of short but tightly reasoned essays, Charles Hedrick explores the confrontation between traditional Christian faith and aggressive human reason, a conflict that is facilitated by Western secular education.
Let this workbook guide you toward your authentic, autistic self. You don’t have to hide anymore. If you grew up before the neurodiversity movement, chances are you were taught at an early age that your autistic traits were “wrong” or “bad.” Whether it was stimming, difficulties with making small talk, avoiding eye contact, sensitivities to loud sounds or certain textures, or even talking passionately about the things you care about—somewhere along the way you learned to mask these aspects of yourself to better fit in, avoid bullying from other kids, and in some cases to even gain the love of your own parents. The problem is that, over time, masking can lead to higher levels of stress, burnout, emotional dysregulation, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and depression. So how can you be your authentic self and still succeed and thrive in a neurotypical world? Written by a therapist who is actually autistic, this neurodiversity-affirming workbook offers skills to help you cultivate self-acceptance, manage intense emotions, and be your own advocate when needed. You’ll take a good look at the situations or people that caused you to mask in the first place. You’ll also discover: How to set and achieve your own authentic goals—with a clear view of who you are and what you care about Why self-love and self-acceptance is so important for autistic folks How to live your life on your own terms, while self-advocating for accommodations How to let go of old, hurtful messages about autistic people that you’ve internalized How autism can be both a strength and a disability Strategies to cope with burnout or meltdowns How to be assertive and set boundaries with others You don’t have to mask, hide, or camouflage any longer. Let this workbook guide you on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. You are worthy of it. And you deserve it.