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The papers contained in this booklet were presented at the transnational conference “Employment/Working Conditions, Occupational Safety and Health of Posted Workers” in Ljubljana, Slovenia (15 February 2017). The conference brought together experts (researchers and practitioners) from several European countries to discuss the existing and new challenges related to OSH (occupational safety and health), labour, and working conditions of posted workers. The conference served as the launch event of the POOSH project, financed by the European Comission (Programme EaSI PROGRESS) and led by Dr. Kristina Toplak from the Slovenian Migration Institute at ZRC SAZU. The booklet is covering the topic of the OSH of posted workers from several angles. The first part is framed around contributions given by researchers working in the field of labor mobility, with the focus on the occupational safety and health of posted workers. The second part contains contributions from practitioners working in NGOs, trade unions or Ministries of Labour who presented their work as well as discussed national and transnational legislations related to the OSH of posted workers. / V knjižici so predstavljeni prispevki z mednarodne konference »Zaposlitveni/delovni pogoji ter varnost in zdravje pri delu napotenih delavcev«, ki se je odvijala 15. februarja v Ljubljani. Na konferenci so sodelovali raziskovalci in strokovnjaki iz več evropskih držav, ki so razpravljali o obstoječih in novih izzivih povezanih z varnostjo in zdravjem pri delu ter o delovnih pogojih napotenih delavcev. Konferenca je del POOSH projekta, ki ga vodi Dr. Kristina Toplak iz ISIM ZRC SAZU, financira pa ga Evropska komisija (Program EaSI PROGRESS). V knjižici je tematika napotenih delavcev osvetljena z več zornih kotov. Prvi del temelji na prispevkih raziskovalcev, ki se ukvarjajo z mobilnostjo in delovnimi migracijami, s poudarkom na tematiki varnosti in zdravja pri delu napotenih delavcev. Drugi del vsebuje prispevke strokovnjakov, predvsem predstavnikov nevladnih organizacijah, sindikatov ali ministerstev, ki so v prispevkih predstavili svoje delo in razpravljali o nacionalnih in nadnacionalnih zakonodajah, ki se nanašajo na napotene delavce ter na področje varnosti in zdravja pri delu.
The papers contained in this booklet were presented at the transnational conference "Employment/Working Conditions, Occupational Safety and Health of Posted Workers" in Ljubljana, Slovenia (15 February 2017). The conference brought together experts (researchers and practitioners) from several European countries to discuss the existing and new challenges related to OSH (occupational safety and health), labour, and working conditions of posted workers. The conference served as the launch event of the POOSH project, financed by the European Comission (Programme EaSI PROGRESS) and led by Dr. Kristina Toplak from the Slovenian Migration Institute at ZRC SAZU. The booklet is covering the topic of the OSH of posted workers from several angles. The first part is framed around contributions given by researchers working in the field of labor mobility, with the focus on the occupational safety and health of posted workers. The second part contains contributions from practitioners working in NGOs, trade unions or Ministries of Labour who presented their work as well as discussed national and transnational legislations related to the OSH of posted workers.
Are the tried and true safety practices still effective in the changing workplace? Is there a better way of safeguarding employees from accidents and injuries? In short, why do you perform the safety activities that you do on a daily basis and do they produce the results necessary to keep your safety program and your company competitive in the global market? Answering these questions and more, Workplace Safety and Health: Assessing Current Practices and Promoting Change in the Profession analyzes the current practices and identifies emerging issues and challenges in the safety and health profession. We Need a Game Changer ... A New Way of Achieving a Safe and Healthful Workplace Safety pioneer and educator Thomas Schneid makes a strong case that mandatory compliance with OSHA regulations is only the first step in a safety program. And that, due to globalization and the current emphasis on sustainability, the requirements of the safety profession have changed. He explores new sources of information and guidance for addressing the new and emerging issues created by the current economic situation, globalization, and the changing workplace. He also identifies and analyzes emerging ethical issues within the safety and health profession, then suggests potential solutions. Schneid then examines the basic assumptions and challenges you to assess and evaluate your activities in search of a better and more effective way of achieving the results necessary to be competitive in today’s workplace. Taking a provocative look at the current issues facing the safety profession, he shows you how to view safety activities and actions from a different perspective and see the real impact they have on the lives of others. He gives you the tools you need to go beyond OSHA compliance and develop safety programs that will be effective in the global workplace and create and maintain a safe workplace that eliminates all injuries and illnesses.
This eye-opening book shows how the rights of workers to safe and healthful workplaces are under greater attack today than at any time since the passage of the landmark Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970. This collection is organized around three thematic issues that pose significant challenges to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's ability to protect workers' safety and health. First, the economy has shifted from an industrial base to a white collar/service base, which includes more women workers than ever before - yet many of the safety and health problems that affect women are not being adequately addressed. Second, free market ideology and globalization have served to undermine worker safety and health laws. And finally, the effects of 9/11 have exacerbated the trend toward weakening workers' rights and safety standards in the name of national security.
Police officers, firefighters, and other public safety workers face exceptionally high rates of injury and fatality relative to the general workforce. This document provides an analysis of the risk factors associated with different aspects of public safety occupations, to help policymakers in their efforts to improve the health and safety of these employees.
The workplace is where 156 million working adults in the United States spend many waking hours, and it has a profound influence on health and well-being. Although some occupations and work-related activities are more hazardous than others and face higher rates of injuries, illness, disease, and fatalities, workers in all occupations face some form of work-related safety and health concerns. Understanding those risks to prevent injury, illness, or even fatal incidents is an important function of society. Occupational safety and health (OSH) surveillance provides the data and analyses needed to understand the relationships between work and injuries and illnesses in order to improve worker safety and health and prevent work-related injuries and illnesses. Information about the circumstances in which workers are injured or made ill on the job and how these patterns change over time is essential to develop effective prevention programs and target future research. The nation needs a robust OSH surveillance system to provide this critical information for informing policy development, guiding educational and regulatory activities, developing safer technologies, and enabling research and prevention strategies that serves and protects all workers. A Smarter National Surveillance System for Occupational Safety and Health in the 21st Century provides a comprehensive assessment of the state of OSH surveillance. This report is intended to be useful to federal and state agencies that have an interest in occupational safety and health, but may also be of interest broadly to employers, labor unions and other worker advocacy organizations, the workers' compensation insurance industry, as well as state epidemiologists, academic researchers, and the broader public health community. The recommendations address the strengths and weaknesses of the envisioned system relative to the status quo and both short- and long-term actions and strategies needed to bring about a progressive evolution of the current system.
These guidelines have been prepared by the International Labour Office in order to assist employers and national organisations with practical advice on implementing and improving occupational safety and health (OSH) management systems, in order to reduce work-related injuries, occupational ill health and diseases and unsafe working conditions. The guidelines may be applied on two levels: they provide a national OSH framework for legal and voluntary regulatory standards; and encourage the integration of OSH management principles with overall policy management at the organisational level.
The fourth edition of this popular handbook provides a thorough and up-to-date overview of the occupational safety and health field and the issues safety professionals face today. An excellent introductory reference for both students and professionals, this comprehensive book provides practical information regarding technology, management, and regulatory compliance issues, covering crucial topics like organizing, staffing, directing, and evaluating the system. This book also covers the required written programs for general industry, identifying when they are needed and which major points must be addressed for each. All major topics are addressed in this comprehensive volume, from safety-related laws and regulations to hazardous materials and workplace violence. Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health includes a chapter covering the issues and concerns raised by the threat of terrorism. This Fourth Edition also examines OSHA's recordkeeping standard so readers will know which industries are covered and what they must do to comply. It also covers the required written programs for general industry, identifying when they are needed and which major points must be addressed for each. A handy directory of resources including safety and health associations, First Responder organizations, as well as state and federal agencies, puts a wealth of information at the readers' fingertips.