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Art is a gift from God, and never has this been more true than with Bezalel, the artist called by God to build the Tabernacle. God called Bezalel and filled him with His Spirit and made him a wise artist at heart. In the same way, God calls all artists to transform their natural talents into supernatural so that they can become wise-hearted like Bezalel.As related in Exodus, after the Israelites left Egypt, they eventually came to Mount Sinai. There, the Lord not only gave Moses tablets of stone with His laws and commandments, but He also instructed that offerings be made and a sanctuary built so that He might dwell among his people. This sanctuary was the Tabernacle-a visible manifestation of the presence of God among his people. But it was not Moses who designed the Tabernacle. Instead, the Lord gave him detailed instructions for its construction, including its dimensions, the specific materials to be used, and even the colors. These instructions were to be followed explicitly-as the Lord said, "According to what I show you, you will do." This approach to art serves as a model for contemporary art projects: God provides the design and instructions, and artists have only to implement them to create works that will impact nations.Though Moses would supervise, the construction of the Tabernacle would fall to the artisan Bezalel, whom the Lord called by name. Bezalel means "shadow of God," and as biblical scholar Edward Ephraim Kalish explains, a man created in the image of God is a man with the ability and the need to create. As a result of this similarity, the artist must reflect the glory of God. In other words, only the artist who loves God and respects His laws can fulfill the commitment to create art for the glory of God. The Lord called others to help Bezalel, including Oholiab and both men and women who were "wise hearted," experts with special abilities, people with great artistic capacity and an artistic spirit filled with wisdom.The first gift that God gave to Bezalel was to fill him with the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God enriched the natural capabilities in Bezalel and transformed them into extraordinary ones. The Lord also gave Bezalel wisdom, the complete vision of the project; understanding, or comprehension of the information, distinguishing or discerning between what is true or false; and knowledge, or the information itself. The fifth gift God gave Bezalel was that of art, or that touch of excellence of the Spirit of God and virtuosity, giving him the ability to do his task with "honor and beauty," and the sixth was that of teaching. When combined with Bezalel's obedience and submission to God's instructions, these gifts were used to build the Tabernacle with a high level of excellence, and the Lord was glorified. The story of the Tabernacle does not end with Bezalel and its construction. The rituals established have transcended generations with a primary purpose: to point to Jesus as the mediator of a new covenant. Ultimately, the story of Bezalel includes the foundation of a possible theology of art, one that proclaims that art is God's will and a gift to humanity, that artists are creators, chosen and called by the Lord. Artists reflect the greatness of God, and consequently, they need to shine and reflect His glory.
Art is a gift from God, and never has this been more true than with Bezalel, the artist called by God to build the Tabernacle. God called Bezalel and filled him with His Spirit and made him a wise artist at heart. In the same way, God calls all artists to transform their natural talents into supernatural so that they can become wise-hearted like Bezalel.As related in Exodus, after the Israelites left Egypt, they eventually came to Mount Sinai. There, the Lord not only gave Moses tablets of stone with His laws and commandments, but He also instructed that offerings be made and a sanctuary built so that He might dwell among his people. This sanctuary was the Tabernacle-a visible manifestation of the presence of God among his people. But it was not Moses who designed the Tabernacle. Instead, the Lord gave him detailed instructions for its construction, including its dimensions, the specific materials to be used, and even the colors. These instructions were to be followed explicitly-as the Lord said, "According to what I show you, you will do." This approach to art serves as a model for contemporary art projects: God provides the design and instructions, and artists have only to implement them to create works that will impact nations.Though Moses would supervise, the construction of the Tabernacle would fall to the artisan Bezalel, whom the Lord called by name. Bezalel means "shadow of God," and as biblical scholar Edward Ephraim Kalish explains, a man created in the image of God is a man with the ability and the need to create. As a result of this similarity, the artist must reflect the glory of God. In other words, only the artist who loves God and respects His laws can fulfill the commitment to create art for the glory of God. The Lord called others to help Bezalel, including Oholiab and both men and women who were "wise hearted," experts with special abilities, people with great artistic capacity and an artistic spirit filled with wisdom.The first gift that God gave to Bezalel was to fill him with the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God enriched the natural capabilities in Bezalel and transformed them into extraordinary ones. The Lord also gave Bezalel wisdom, the complete vision of the project; understanding, or comprehension of the information, distinguishing or discerning between what is true or false; and knowledge, or the information itself. The fifth gift God gave Bezalel was that of art, or that touch of excellence of the Spirit of God and virtuosity, giving him the ability to do his task with "honor and beauty," and the sixth was that of teaching. When combined with Bezalel's obedience and submission to God's instructions, these gifts were used to build the Tabernacle with a high level of excellence, and the Lord was glorified. The story of the Tabernacle does not end with Bezalel and its construction. The rituals established have transcended generations with a primary purpose: to point to Jesus as the mediator of a new covenant. Ultimately, the story of Bezalel includes the foundation of a possible theology of art, one that proclaims that art is God's will and a gift to humanity, that artists are creators, chosen and called by the Lord. Artists reflect the greatness of God, and consequently, they need to shine and reflect His glory.
Be Obedient to Gods calling; when He calls you, will you Answer? The whole purpose of this book is to encourage the believers in Jesus Christ to reach out and do that which the Lord has commissioned or is commissioning them to do; for the Kingdom of God. Heed (pay attention to) instruction and be wise, and do not ignore or neglect it. Proverbs 8:33 (AMP). And [His gifts to the church were varied and] He Himself appointed some as apostles [special messengers, representatives], some as prophets [who speak a new message from God to the people], some as evangelists [who spread the good news of salvation], and some as pastors and teachers [to shepherd and guide and instruct]. 12 [and He did this] to fully equip and perfect the saints (Gods people) for works of service, to build up the body of Christ [the church]. Ephesians 4:11-12 (AMP)
Although there are many crossroads that lead to defining moments, none is greater than deciding to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The second most important crossroad is whether to live in obedience to God and His commandments or to ignore God's perfect plan, be disobedient and go your own way. A Call to Obedience leads you to face these crucial crossroads and asks you to examine your personal relationship with Jesus Christ and your obedience to God's Word. As you read this book, you will be prompted to answer questions that will reveal your obedience to God. Do you have a relationship with Jesus or do you have religion? Do you love God enough to obey Him without reservation? Are you obeying God in your marriage? What career choice is best for you? What is your role in church? What is your ministry? Are you a good steward? Are you honoring your parents? Are you walking obediently in the Holy Spirit? Are you raising your children with God's Word as your manual? When you get a call to obedience what are you going to do with it? Are you going to reject the leading of the Holy Spirit or are you going to yield and obey? Obedience is an expression of absolute love for God. If you desire to love God with all your heart, mind and soul, you need to commit to be obedient to God's Word. If you want to know what the Word of God says about obedience in the crucial areas of life, this book is for you.
Art is a gift from God, and never has this been more true than with Bezalel, the artist called by God to build the Tabernacle. God called Bezalel and transformed his natural artistic gifts into supernatural ones and him into a wise artist at heart. In the same way, God calls all artists to transform their natural talents into supernatural so that they can become wise-hearted like Bezalel.As related in Exodus, after the Israelites left Egypt, they eventually came to Mount Sinai. There, the Lord not only gave Moses tablets of stone with His laws and commandments, but He also instructed that offerings be made and a sanctuary built so that He might dwell among his people. This sanctuary was the Tabernacle-a visible manifestation of the presence of God among his people. But it was not Moses who designed the Tabernacle. Instead, the Lord gave him detailed instructions for its construction, including its dimensions, the specific materials to be used, and even the colors. These instructions were to be followed explicitly-as the Lord said, "According to what I show you, you will do." This approach to art serves as a model for contemporary art projects: God provides the design and instructions, and artists have only to implement them to create works that will impact nations.Though Moses would supervise, the construction of the Tabernacle would fall to the artisan Bezalel, whom the Lord called by name. Bezalel means "shadow of God," and as biblical scholar and artist Edward Ephraim Kalish explains, a man created in the image of God is a man with the ability and the need to create. As a result of this similarity, the artist must reflect the glory of God. In other words, only the artist who loves God and respects His laws can fulfill the commitment to create art for the glory of God. The Lord called others to help Bezalel, including Oholiab and both men and women who were "wise hearted," experts with special abilities, people with great artistic capacity and an artistic spirit filled with wisdom.The first gift that God gave to Bezalel was to fill him with the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God enriched the natural capabilities in Bezalel and transformed them into extraordinary ones. The Lord also gave Bezalel wisdom, the complete vision of the project; understanding, or comprehension of the information, distinguishing or discerning between what is true or false; and knowledge, or the information itself. The fifth gift God gave Bezalel was that of art, or that touch of excellence of the Spirit of God and virtuosity, giving him the ability to do his task with "honor and beauty," and the sixth was that of teaching. When combined with Bezalel's obedience and submission to God's instructions, these gifts were used to build the Tabernacle with a high level of excellence, and the Lord was glorified. The story of the Tabernacle does not end with Bezalel and its construction. The rituals established have transcended generations with a primary purpose: to point to Jesus as the mediator of a new covenant. Ultimately, the story of Bezalel includes the foundation of a possible theology of art, one that proclaims that art is God's will and a gift to humanity, that artists are creators, chosen and called by the Lord. Artists reflect the greatness of God, and consequently, they need to shine and reflect His glory.
What would you do if the Lord sent you a dream about a young woman, and then the next day, there she was—standing in front of you in the check-out line at your local gas station? Would you use this opportunity to witness, or would you shy away from following Holy Spirit because you don’t feel adequately trained, or you fear rejection and embarrassment? In Journeys to Unknown Spiritual Frontiers, Helen Pasanen and her husband, Art, focus on Spirit-led experiences in which they have seen the Glory of God manifested as part of the routine of daily life. You will discover examples of how a shy, introverted scientist has been able to share the hope in Jesus in a simple, loving way by sharing His faith story. Included are Helen and Art Pasanen’s testimonies of supernatural experiences as evidence of the Glory of God being manifested in our time, plus an account of Helen’s call to prophetic intercession.
This book is the fulfillment of a dream I had back in the year 2009. I had a very vivid dream that I would one day write a book entitled: The Obedience Call. In these end days God is calling Christians all around the world to train themselves into obedience, because obedience is not just important, it is absolutely necessary. Christians must complete the state of their sanctification in order to be ready for the Rapture. This book is a collection of five sermons on obedience. In the first four chapters you will learn about how to be a solider for Christ, the importance of walking in humility, meekness and patience, how to position yourself for God’s favor, and how you can become a vessel of prudence for God to dwell in. In the final chapter you will learn about how it is necessary for you to fulfill your destiny, how we must live worthily by walking in obedience, how we must fight the good fight of faith, the true meaning of God’s grace, an explanation of Philippians 1:6, and how we must sow in the Spirit to reap eternal life.
God has a unique calling for every individual that fits His special plan and purpose for your life. This calling is the way you are to live on the earth and encompasses all your being and doing. Essentially, calling refers to belonging to Christ and participating in His redemptive work in the world in the special way He has called you. The two books in this series will help you to discern your calling from God and then pursue that calling with passion and obedience, relying on the Lord Jesus Christ to fulfill the calling by doing His work in you and through you. In the process, you will experience miracles from God – all to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ! You will benefit by getting to know God in a personal way, deepening your daily walk with Him, and fulfilling your calling. By discerning, responding, and fulfilling your calling, you will experience the abundant life God intends you to have (John 10:10). In his books, Dr. Naresh Malhotra thoroughly explains the various callings of God with great insight from the Scriptures. Whether you are trying to discern and respond to the calling of God on your life, I encourage you to read both books, starting with God is Calling You: Discerning the Calling of God, and following it up with his second book, God is Calling You: Responding to the Calling of God. Dr. Charles Stanley Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Atlanta Founder and President of In Touch MinistriesThese powerful and compelling volumes will not only inspire and challenge you to greater Christian living, but could very well bring spiritual renewal and revival to the Christian Church.Dr. J. Gerald HarrisPastor and retired editor of The Christian Index
God has a unique calling for every individual that fits His special plan and purpose for your life. This calling is the way you are to live on the earth and encompasses all your being and doing. Essentially, calling refers to belonging to Christ and participating in His redemptive work in the world in the special way He has called you. The two books in this series will help you to discern your calling from God and then pursue that calling with passion and obedience, relying on the Lord Jesus Christ to fulfill the calling by doing His work in you and through you. In the process, you will experience miracles from God – all to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ! You will benefit by getting to know God in a personal way, deepening your daily walk with Him, and fulfilling your calling. By discerning, responding, and fulfilling your calling, you will experience the abundant life God intends you to have (John 10:10). In his books, Dr. Naresh Malhotra thoroughly explains the various callings of God with great insight from the Scriptures. Whether you are trying to discern and respond to the calling of God on your life, I encourage you to read both books, starting with God is Calling You: Discerning the Calling of God, and following it up with his second book, God is Calling You: Responding to the Calling of God. Dr. Charles Stanley Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Atlanta Founder and President of In Touch MinistriesThese powerful and compelling volumes will not only inspire and challenge you to greater Christian living but could very well bring spiritual renewal and revival to the Christian Church.Dr. J. Gerald HarrisPastor and retired editor of The Christian Index