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Throughout Human History there have been so many who have been recognized for their contribution to mankind, but very few of them measure up to Rebazar Tarzs. We are all Beings of Light from THE ALLIS. While we are here we have to deal with all the discrimination that is created from nothing, but then becomes what it does to the point of such an aberration that few people can really figure out What IS Real and what is not. Very few will ever come to know The TruReality LifeIS, but merely the Gods of Men and their Authoritarian Rulers on this planet and other like it. For sure you have to be a Real RiskTaker to discover what lies beyond the gods humans have invented along with their limited heavens. All of us have spent many lifetimes of being subjected to Distorted Documentation, along with all the brutal acts imposed upon us from those who rule, so there is a huge fear-factor that has lodged itself in the subconscious body of each of us. Take The Risk!
LifeIS Now, never old and outdated like the so-called 'Sacred Scriptures' that were created to Kontrol people into the silly notions of worship and prayer. ALLife IS an ISNISS. This IS Real! When YU listen to Life ITSelf with Your RealAwareniss and Your DreamVisions, Life will Show YU What IS Real Now. This is a big step for most people and YU have to Be a Real RiskTaker, or YU stay a slave to the Korporations of this world and once again grow very old and die lonely without any direction and RealGuidance as to where YU are going after this life. The Old Belief Systems do sound good with all their 'Marketing Ideas' silliness and everyone has the Free Will to go along with them. We are not here to pull people from what they want their life to be, We are 'Simply Reporting The News' with what LifeIS Now. LifeIS So Much Bigger than anything 'Created' on the earth, and it will be that only a very few will SEE this with Themselves. YU might be one of The Lucky Ones!
REBAZAR & DUANE & SHAR... THE ALLIS, IS ALLIFE... This is what is Now taking place with Shar & I, as we both stand in THE NUWAVIS with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUvesal Guides. Most of the people on earth do not know this at this time, but the time is coming when the entire world will know and learn to look to Your DreamVisions for What IS Real Now. The days of masters and gurus and memberships as followers are gone and outdated. As of 2007, The Rod of Power has gone its way and there are so many who claim to have this 'idea,' which this is all it is, an idea. LifeIS Real, and What IS Real Now IS, Duane The Great Writer IS THE NUMAN with The TruReality, THE ALLIS. Everyone else is with the Gods of Man and The Influence that keeps people TapLined down in the lower Astral Realm. The DarkBrats that rule the world have invented the Gods of Man and all the rules and regulations that have condemned mankind to its knees. Take The Risk with this NUBook Today and save your Life!
Duane The Great Writer was given The Rod of Power in 2001, from Rebazar & Paul. The HU Word was then destroyed by THE IS and replaced by The NU-U. Reptilian Joanny and her Kontrolling Krone Korporation has convinced the Dumbed Down MemberShrimps to worship the Kalaum God and be a part of the Sacrificial Religious Priests. SHE has totally possessed HarOld, the TapLining Master and has infected thousands of unaware people with Reptilian TapLines in their unseen Astral Bodies. Rebazar Tarzs, Paul Twitchell & The RealGuides are telling everyone to "Sing The NU-U Now" to break the TapLines set by TapLining Master HarOld and his Reptilian Mate Joanny. The NU-U Session IS The RealConnection to THE ALLIS. In 2007, The Rod of Power became, THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN NOW. For those who pay attention to The RealGuidance from Rebazar Tarzs, they will be shown in Your DreamVisions, What IS Real Now! THE ALLIS decides The NUSound and The RealConnection... IT IS The NU-U-U-U Now!!
THE NUWAVIS THE ROD OF POWER, is NUBook Five of 'The AdventurIS Series.' This is part of The NUNowness Adventures of Duane. For many lifetimes, Rebazar Tarzs, The Great Being of THE IS, who stands in and holds THE ROD OF POWER, has designated Paul Twitchell and Duane The Great Writer, to also hold The RealPosition of THE ALLIS. Most of the humans on the earth will never know about THE NUWAVE, and so Now is the time for everyone to have the opportunity for RealGuidance, RealTruth and RealFreedom. The earth is a 'Place in Life,' and is not the final frontier like so many think it to be. There are endless realms and universes for all of us to discover and create a new lifestyle with. The Authoritarians who rule the earth will always do so, and they shall always have to deal with their own Cause and Effects. For those who are Young at Heart, and want to See Beyond all the control and abuse here, Now is your chance to discover What IS Real Now! Take the risk and try The NU-U Sessions, and meet with Rebazar Tarzs and Paul Twitchell in Your DreamVisions. You will be shown who stands in, THE NUWAVIS THE ROD OF POWER. Have Fun! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info / www.TheNUPresentation.Info
Hello, this is THE NUWAVIS NUBOOK 3. For more information go to:
Rebazar Tarzs IS, The Greatest Explorer of ALL. Human History has not as yet acknowledged Rebazar Tarzs, and so it is my great honor to do so as, DUANE THE GREAT WRITER. There is Something Wonderful that is so well hidden from the humans of this earth, and here is The Real Opportunity that everyone is actually looking for. There already exists greater worlds and universes which are not seen with the senses, and for those who have a heart for A Real Adventure, they will come to know The RealGuidance of Rebazar Tarzs and The Real Universal Guides.Take a risk, and come along on this Bold and Adventurous Journey, into worlds and universes that you can only imagine to be so. From The RealSide, you will meet Rebazat Tarzs and Paul Twitchell, along with their friends, Ursha LU, the MerMaid and Young Duane. This is not a story from the fables of the past like so much of the official documentation that humans have been subjected to for centuries and even eons. Not at all! This is Real, and you as the reader can learn to take part, because it is really all about you and what is possible for you during this lifetime. But, here is the catch, you have to walk The Real Razors Edge, and learn to develop your RealCourage, to discover what very few have the heart and sincerity to do. This Real Adventure is far too Real for most people, and so there will only be a very few who will PerSeeve what I am presenting Now. There is no guarantee that in your future lifetimes on this planet you will have this opportunity again, and once you read this book you will understand why. Young Duane, has written his adventures into so many unique episodes of his NUBooks known as, 'The AdventurIS Series.' Human History has provided a small glimpse into what is possible for everyone, but you need RealGuidance to complete the journey. Everything on the earth, from all the written material to the speeches that have been made, are merely a reference to RealTruth, and can never replace Real Experience, as you will find out by being outside of the human body and mind.Your DreamVisions, are the first clue as to what also exists beyond your little material body. If you become a Real RiskTaker, you will have the opportunity in discovering The Real Fountain of Youth, which has nothing to with the earth, but only with The RealU.By learning to do The NU-U Sessions, you will meet Rebazar Tarzs and Paul Twitchell on The RealSide, and they will show you worlds you have never known. RealFreedom is The Key to Secret Worlds and Universes, far beyond The Gods of Men, and this can be your time to Be Free...Have Fun! Website: www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
Hello, this is NUBook 5, 'THE NUWAVIS THE REALPOSITION NOW.' Go to: