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How can we find serenity in the midst of so much noise without and within? Wayne Oates maintains that we can nurture silence in our lives if we truly value it and are eager and dedicated to nourishing it. He explores practical and spiritual ways to maintain peace and centeredness in our work, our relationships, and our daily routines. In silence we can find healing, and in silence we can experience the presence of God as Friend. This highly readable and engaging guide to finding and cultivating inner peace offers practical tips for the general reader whose life is filled with busyness and stress. Nurturing Silence in a Noisy Heart includes a "practice of silence" test and questions for reflection and discussion which make the book ideal for small group study or as the focus of a retreat or conference.
How does one write about Spiritual Success and preserve any sense of humility? Spiritual Success and How I Achieved It has been the tongue in cheek working title of this book. It serves to remind me that I know so very little. The irreverence serves to caution against the arrogance of pretending to know anything at all. None of this book is actually new. As Robert Webber used to remind us, the ancient is the future.1 Those to whom I am indebted include a long line of teachers reaching back to the early church fathers. I have had several excellent mentors and many tremendous teachers and professors. They all have helped connect me to the rich heritage that we have in Jesus Christ.
Have you ever felt stressed out? Everyone does at one point or another, it just comes with being alive. Some stress gets you ready for the day's experiences (I want to get to work on time). Other stress can have negative influences on your life (the speeding ticket received while trying to get to work on time). Our perspective toward how we view various stress points will determine whether stress is helpful or hurtful. If we learn the biblical principles of dealing with stress, we will be equipped to live holy and happy lives.
A revised and updated edition of the manifesto that shows how simplicity is not merely having less stress and more leisure but an essential spiritual discipline for the health of our soul.
Prayer is our basic expression of religious belief. It is our personal and most private act of devotion. Words cannot do justice to the feelings, wishes, terrors, pains, or pleasures that we exchange with God. This book sets out to define prayer as both a means of drawing nearer to God everyday and as a coping tool that people can use in order to achieve harmony, balance, and satisfaction in their in their lives.
Do you feel like your prayers are not heard? Prayer has often been described simply as communicating with God. How many of us talk to God daily? If we did not speak to our spouse daily, how much would we know about her/him? Dr William Powell Tuck brings not only years of studying the Scripture but perhaps more importantly his own prayer experience and his time as a pastor, counseling and teaching others. "I have often been embarrassed to admit that praying has not come so easily or naturally to me," he confesses in this book. This frank and open attitude gives us all a renewed hope, makes us eager to see what Dr Tuck has to say about prayer, and try his suggestions.
This is a presentation of a research project on the effect of classical spiritual disciplines on the spiritual and psychological well-being of participants. Eighteen persons studied and practiced thirteen different spiritual disciplines over a period of sixth months. Pretests and posttests measured the resultant change. Foundational chapters survey the literature of the disciplines and discuss the potential benefits and dangers of the spiritual practices considered. Substantial appendices contain the lessons presented on the disciplines themselves, as well as the test instruments used to measure results. A narrative relating the progress of the project from inception to completion is included.
?This diverse group of poets, novelists, artists, theologians, explorers, and psychologists muse on solitude as a means of discovering God and self, and as inspiration for creativity and inner peace. They grapple with how to reconcile the spirit of community with the spirit of seclusion, and, ultimately, how to use the power of silence and solitude to counter the distractions of our daily lives. The Wonders of Solitude is an inspiring companion in the struggle to remove ourselves, as Salwak writes, from “our peripheral concerns, from the pressures of a madly active world, and to return to the center where life is sacred — a humble miracle and mystery.”
In Seeking Spiritual Intimacy Glenn Myers introduces us to the Beguines, a network of faith communities in Medieval Europe, where women organized their world around a simple life with Christ at the center. Learn from the insights of wise women of faith who, from their modest homes and communities, revitalized the faith of a continent.