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This book is a guide to concepts and practice in numerical algebraic geometry ? the solution of systems of polynomial equations by numerical methods. Through numerous examples, the authors show how to apply the well-received and widely used open-source Bertini software package to compute solutions, including a detailed manual on syntax and usage options. The authors also maintain a complementary web page where readers can find supplementary materials and Bertini input files. Numerically Solving Polynomial Systems with Bertini approaches numerical algebraic geometry from a user's point of view with numerous examples of how Bertini is applicable to polynomial systems. It treats the fundamental task of solving a given polynomial system and describes the latest advances in the field, including algorithms for intersecting and projecting algebraic sets, methods for treating singular sets, the nascent field of real numerical algebraic geometry, and applications to large polynomial systems arising from differential equations. Those who wish to solve polynomial systems can start gently by finding isolated solutions to small systems, advance rapidly to using algorithms for finding positive-dimensional solution sets (curves, surfaces, etc.), and learn how to use parallel computers on large problems. These techniques are of interest to engineers and scientists in fields where polynomial equations arise, including robotics, control theory, economics, physics, numerical PDEs, and computational chemistry.
An elementary introduction to polynomial continuation.
Written by the founders of the new and expanding field of numerical algebraic geometry, this is the first book that uses an algebraic-geometric approach to the numerical solution of polynomial systems and also the first one to treat numerical methods for finding positive dimensional solution sets. The text covers the full theory from methods developed for isolated solutions in the 1980's to the most recent research on positive dimensional sets.
This book provides a general introduction to modern mathematical aspects in computing with multivariate polynomials and in solving algebraic systems. It presents the state of the art in several symbolic, numeric, and symbolic-numeric techniques, including effective and algorithmic methods in algebraic geometry and computational algebra, complexity issues, and applications ranging from statistics and geometric modelling to robotics and vision. Graduate students, as well as researchers in related areas, will find an excellent introduction to currently interesting topics. These cover Groebner and border bases, multivariate resultants, residues, primary decomposition, multivariate polynomial factorization, homotopy continuation, complexity issues, and their applications.
Bridging a number of mathematical disciplines, and exposing many facets of systems of polynomial equations, Bernd Sturmfels's study covers a wide spectrum of mathematical techniques and algorithms, both symbolic and numerical.
In this fourth and final volume the author extends Buchberger's Algorithm in three different directions. First, he extends the theory to group rings and other Ore-like extensions, and provides an operative scheme that allows one to set a Buchberger theory over any effective associative ring. Second, he covers similar extensions as tools for discussing parametric polynomial systems, the notion of SAGBI-bases, Gröbner bases over invariant rings and Hironaka's theory. Finally, Mora shows how Hilbert's followers - notably Janet, Gunther and Macaulay - anticipated Buchberger's ideas and discusses the most promising recent alternatives by Gerdt (involutive bases) and Faugère (F4 and F5). This comprehensive treatment in four volumes is a significant contribution to algorithmic commutative algebra that will be essential reading for algebraists and algebraic geometers.
This volume focuses on Buchberger theory and its application to the algorithmic view of commutative algebra. The presentation is based on the intrinsic linear algebra structure of Groebner bases, and thus elementary considerations lead easily to the state-of-the-art in its algorithmization.
This book is the first comprehensive treatment of numerical polynomial algebra, an area which so far has received little attention.
Covers extensions of Buchberger's Theory and Algorithm, and promising recent alternatives to Gröbner bases.
Systems of polynomial equations can be used to model an astonishing variety of phenomena. This book explores the geometry and algebra of such systems and includes numerous applications. The book begins with elimination theory from Newton to the twenty-first century and then discusses the interaction between algebraic geometry and numerical computations, a subject now called numerical algebraic geometry. The final three chapters discuss applications to geometric modeling, rigidity theory, and chemical reaction networks in detail. Each chapter ends with a section written by a leading expert. Examples in the book include oil wells, HIV infection, phylogenetic models, four-bar mechanisms, border rank, font design, Stewart-Gough platforms, rigidity of edge graphs, Gaussian graphical models, geometric constraint systems, and enzymatic cascades. The reader will encounter geometric objects such as Bézier patches, Cayley-Menger varieties, and toric varieties; and algebraic objects such as resultants, Rees algebras, approximation complexes, matroids, and toric ideals. Two important subthemes that appear in multiple chapters are toric varieties and algebraic statistics. The book also discusses the history of elimination theory, including its near elimination in the middle of the twentieth century. The main goal is to inspire the reader to learn about the topics covered in the book. With this in mind, the book has an extensive bibliography containing over 350 books and papers.