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The GAMM-Commi ttee for Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics (GAMM-Fachausschuss für Numerische Methoden in der Strömungsmechanik) has sponsored the organization of a GAMM Workshop dedicated to the numerical simulation of three dimensional incompressible unsteady viscous laminar flows to test Navier-Stokes solvers. The Workshop was held in Paris from June 12th to June 14th, 1991 at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts et Metiers. Two test problems were set up. The first one is the flow in a driven-lid parallelepipedic cavity at Re = 3200 . The second problem is a flow around a prolate spheroid at incidence. These problems are challenging as fully transient solutions are expected to show up. The difficulties for meaningful calculations come from both space and temporal discretizations which have to be sufficiently accurate to resol ve detailed structures like Taylor-Görtler-like vortices and the appropriate time development. Several research teams from academia and industry tackled the tests using different formulations (veloci ty-pressure, vortici ty velocity), different numerical methods (finite differences, finite volumes, finite elements), various solution algorithms (splitting, coupled ...), various solvers (direct, iterative, semi-iterative) with preconditioners or other numerical speed-up procedures. The results show some scatter and achieve different levels of efficiency. The Workshop was attended by about 25 scientists and drove much interaction between the participants. The contributions in these proceedings are presented in alphabetical order according to the first author, first for the cavi ty problem and then for the prolate spheroid problem. No definite conclusions about benchmark solutions can be drawn.
This text on finite element-based computational methods for solving incompressible viscous fluid flow problems shows readers how to split complicated computational fluid dynamics problems into a sequence of simpler sub-problems. A methodology for solving more advanced applications such as hemispherical cavity flow, cavity flow of an Oldroyd-B viscoelastic flow, and particle interaction in an Oldroyd-B type viscoelastic fluid is also presented.
The book is concerned with mathematical modelling of supersonic and hyper sonic flows about bodies. Permanent interest in this topic is stimulated, first of all, by aviation and aerospace engineering. The designing of aircraft and space vehicles requires a more precise prediction of the aerodynamic and heat transfer characteristics. Together with broadening of the flight condition range, this makes it necessary to take into account a number of gas dynamic and physical effects caused by rarefaction, viscous-inviscid interaction, separation, various physical and chemical processes induced by gas heating in the intensive bow shock wave. The flow field around a body moving at supersonic speed can be divided into three parts, namely, shock layer, near wake including base flow, and far wake. The shock layer flow is bounded by the bow shock wave and the front and lat eral parts of the body surface. A conventional approach to calculation of shock layer flows consists in a successive solution of the inviscid gas and boundary layer equations. When the afore-mentioned effects become important, implementation of these models meets difficulties or even becomes impossible. In this case, one has to use a more general approach based on the viscous shock layer concept.
In this translation of the German edition, the authors provide insight into the numerical simulation of fluid flow. Using a simple numerical method as an expository example, the individual steps of scientific computing are presented: the derivation of the mathematical model; the discretization of the model equations; the development of algorithms; parallelization; and visualization of the computed data. In addition to the treatment of the basic equations for modeling laminar, transient flow of viscous, incompressible fluids - the Navier-Stokes equations - the authors look at the simulation of free surface flows; energy and chemical transport; and turbulence. Readers are enabled to write their own flow simulation program from scratch. The variety of applications is shown in several simulation results, including 92 black-and-white and 18 color illustrations. After reading this book, readers should be able to understand more enhanced algorithms of computational fluid dynamics and apply their new knowledge to other scientific fields.
Introduction to the Numerical Analysis of Incompressible Viscous Flows treats the numerical analysis of finite element computational fluid dynamics. Assuming minimal background, the text covers finite element methods; the derivation, behavior, analysis, and numerical analysis of Navier-Stokes equations; and turbulence and turbulence models used in simulations. Each chapter on theory is followed by a numerical analysis chapter that expands on the theory. This book provides the foundation for understanding the interconnection of the physics, mathematics, and numerics of the incompressible case, which is essential for progressing to the more complex flows not addressed in this book (e.g., viscoelasticity, plasmas, compressible flows, coating flows, flows of mixtures of fluids, and bubbly flows). With mathematical rigor and physical clarity, the book progresses from the mathematical preliminaries of energy and stress to finite element computational fluid dynamics in a format manageable in one semester. Audience: this unified treatment of fluid mechanics, analysis, and numerical analysis is intended for graduate students in mathematics, engineering, physics, and the sciences who are interested in understanding the foundations of methods commonly used for flow simulations.
This book consists of 37 articles dealing with simulation of incompressible flows and applications in many areas. It covers numerical methods and algorithm developments as well as applications in aeronautics and other areas. It represents the state of the art in the field.