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This book concerns the numerical simulation of dynamical systems whose trajec- ries may not be differentiable everywhere. They are named nonsmooth dynamical systems. They make an important class of systems, rst because of the many app- cations in which nonsmooth models are useful, secondly because they give rise to new problems in various elds of science. Usually nonsmooth dynamical systems are represented as differential inclusions, complementarity systems, evolution va- ational inequalities, each of these classes itself being split into several subclasses. The book is divided into four parts, the rst three parts being sketched in Fig. 0. 1. The aim of the rst part is to present the main tools from mechanics and applied mathematics which are necessary to understand how nonsmooth dynamical systems may be numerically simulated in a reliable way. Many examples illustrate the th- retical results, and an emphasis is put on mechanical systems, as well as on electrical circuits (the so-called Filippov’s systems are also examined in some detail, due to their importance in control applications). The second and third parts are dedicated to a detailed presentation of the numerical schemes. A fourth part is devoted to the presentation of the software platform Siconos. This book is not a textbook on - merical analysis of nonsmooth systems, in the sense that despite the main results of numerical analysis (convergence, order of consistency, etc. ) being presented, their proofs are not provided.
Nonsmoothness and nonconvexity arise in numerous applications of mechan­ ics and modeling due to the need for studying more and more complicated phe­ nomena and real life applications. Mathematicians have started to provide the necessary tools and theoretical results underpinning these applications. Ap­ plied mathematicians and engineers have begun to realize the benefits of this new area and are adopting, increasingly, these new tools in their work. New computational tools facilitate numerical applications and enable the theory to be tested, and the resulting feedback poses new theoretical questions. Because of the upsurge in activity in the area of nonsmooth and noncon­ vex mechanics, Professors Gao and Ogden, together with the late Professor P.D. Panagiotopoulos, had planned to organize a Minisymposium with the title Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Mechanics within the ASME 1999 Mechanics & Materials Conference, June 27-30 1999, Blacksburg, Virginia. After the unex­ pected death of Professor Panagiotopoulos the first two editors invited the third editor (Professor Stavroulakis) to join them. A large number of mathematical and engineering colleagues supported our efforts by presenting lectures at the Minisymposium in which the available mathematical methods were described and many problems of nonsmooth and nonconvex mechanics were discussed. The interest of the many participants encourages us all to continue our research efforts.
This work presents recent mathematical methods in the area of optimal control with a particular emphasis on the computational aspects and applications. Optimal control theory concerns the determination of control strategies for complex dynamical systems, in order to optimize some measure of their performance. Started in the 60's under the pressure of the "space race" between the US and the former USSR, the field now has a far wider scope, and embraces a variety of areas ranging from process control to traffic flow optimization, renewable resources exploitation and management of financial markets. These emerging applications require more and more efficient numerical methods for their solution, a very difficult task due the huge number of variables. The chapters of this volume give an up-to-date presentation of several recent methods in this area including fast dynamic programming algorithms, model predictive control and max-plus techniques. This book is addressed to researchers, graduate students and applied scientists working in the area of control problems, differential games and their applications.
Thank you for opening the second edition of this monograph, which is devoted to the study of a class of nonsmooth dynamical systems of the general form: ::i; = g(x,u) (0. 1) f(x, t) 2: 0 where x E JRn is the system's state vector, u E JRm is the vector of inputs, and the function f (-, . ) represents a unilateral constraint that is imposed on the state. More precisely, we shall restrict ourselves to a subclass of such systems, namely mechanical systems subject to unilateral constraints on the position, whose dynamical equations may be in a first instance written as: ii= g(q,q,u) (0. 2) f(q, t) 2: 0 where q E JRn is the vector of generalized coordinates of the system and u is an in put (or controller) that generally involves a state feedback loop, i. e. u= u(q, q, t, z), with z= Z(z, q, q, t) when the controller is a dynamic state feedback. Mechanical systems composed of rigid bodies interacting fall into this subclass. A general prop erty of systems as in (0. 1) and (0. 2) is that their solutions are nonsmooth (with respect to time): Nonsmoothness arises primarily from the occurence of impacts (or collisions, or percussions) in the dynamical behaviour, when the trajectories attain the surface f(x, t) = O. They are necessary to keep the trajectories within the subspace = {x : f(x, t) 2: O} of the system's state space.
This volume is devoted to a systematic presentation of constructive analytical perturbation methods relevant to optimal control problems for nonlinear systems. Chapter 1 deals with the averaging method for optimal control problems of quasilinear oscillatory systems with slowly-varying parameters. In Chapter 2, asymptotic methods for solving boundary-value problems are considered. The averaging method for nonlinear rotatory--oscillatory systems is developed in Chapters 3 and 4. The methods developed in the first four chapters are applied to some mechanical systems of practical interest in the following two chapters. Small parameter techniques for regularly perturbed systems having an invariant norm are developed in Chapter 7. The final chapter considers new approaches and studies some other aspects of perturbation theory consistent with the analysis of controlled systems. For applied mathematicians and engineers interested in applied problems of dynamic systems control.
The first three chapters contain the elements of the theory of dynamical systems and the numerical solution of initial-value problems. In the remaining chapters, numerical methods are formulated as dynamical systems and the convergence and stability properties of the methods are examined.
This book is designed as an advanced undergraduate or a first-year graduate course for students from various disciplines and in particular from Economics and Social Sciences. The first part develops the fundamental aspects of mathematical modeling, dealing with both continuous time systems (differential equations) and discrete time systems (difference equations). Particular attention is devoted to equilibria, their classification in the linear case, and their stability. An effort has been made to convey intuition and emphasize connections and concrete aspects, without giving up the necessary theoretical tools. The second part introduces the basic concepts and techniques of Dynamic Optimization, covering the first elements of Calculus of Variations, the variational formulation of the most common problems in deterministic Optimal Control, both in continuous and discrete versions.
This workshop was divided into three sections: optimal control problems; extremal problems of finite measures; and applications. The section on optimal control contains papers on differential gains; synthesis evaluation and system control under conditions of uncertain information; stability; and qualitative optimal control problems. The second section describes problems of finite measures under extreme conditions and numerical methods for solving such problems for non-smooth and discontinous functions. The third section contains applications.
The central focus of this book is the control of continuous-time/continuous-space nonlinear systems. Using new techniques that employ the max-plus algebra, the author addresses several classes of nonlinear control problems, including nonlinear optimal control problems and nonlinear robust/H-infinity control and estimation problems. Several numerical techniques are employed, including a max-plus eigenvector approach and an approach that avoids the curse-of-dimensionality. The max-plus-based methods examined in this work belong to an entirely new class of numerical methods for the solution of nonlinear control problems and their associated Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) PDEs; these methods are not equivalent to either of the more commonly used finite element or characteristic approaches. Max-Plus Methods for Nonlinear Control and Estimation will be of interest to applied mathematicians, engineers, and graduate students interested in the control of nonlinear systems through the implementation of recently developed numerical methods.