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This dissertation consists of four integral parts with a unified objective of developing efficient numerical methods for high frequency time-harmonic wave equations defined on both homogeneous and random media. The first part investigates the generalized weak coercivity of the acoustic Helmholtz, elastic Helmholtz, and time-harmonic Maxwell wave operators. We prove that such a weak coercivity holds for these wave operators on a class of more general domains called generalized star-shape domains. As a by-product, solution estimates for the corresponding Helmholtz-type problems are obtained. The second part of the dissertation develops an absolutely stable (i.e. stable in all mesh regimes) interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin (IP-DG) method for the elastic Helmholtz equations. A special mesh-dependent sesquilinear form is proposed and is shown to be weakly coercive in all mesh regimes. We prove that the proposed IP-DG method converges with optimal rate with respect to the mesh size. Numerical experiments are carried out to demonstrate the theoretical results and compare this method to the standard finite element method. The third part of the dissertation develops a Monte Carlo interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin (MCIP-DG) method for the acoustic Helmholtz equation defined on weakly random media. We prove that the solution to the random Helmholtz problem has a multi-modes expansion (i.e., a power series in a medium- related small parameter). Using this multi-modes expansion an efficient and accurate numerical method for computing moments of the solution to the random Helmholtz problem is proposed. The proposed method is also shown to converge optimally. Numerical experiments are carried out to compare the new multi-modes MCIP-DG method to a classical Monte Carlo method. The last part of the dissertation develops a theoretical framework for Schwarz pre- conditioning methods for general nonsymmetric and indefinite variational problems which are discretized by Galerkin-type discretization methods. Such a framework has been missing in the literature and is of great theoretical and practical importance for solving convection-diffusion equations and Helmholtz-type wave equations. Condition number estimates for the additive and hybrid Schwarz preconditioners are established under some structure assumptions. Numerical experiments are carried out to test the new framework.
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications WAVE PROPAGATION IN COMPLEX MEDIA is based on the proceedings of two workshops: • Wavelets, multigrid and other fast algorithms (multipole, FFT) and their use in wave propagation and • Waves in random and other complex media. Both workshops were integral parts of the 1994-1995 IMA program on "Waves and Scattering." We would like to thank Gregory Beylkin, Robert Burridge, Ingrid Daubechies, Leonid Pastur, and George Papanicolaou for their excellent work as organizers of these meetings. We also take this opportunity to thank the National Science Foun dation (NSF), the Army Research Office (ARO, and the Office of Naval Research (ONR), whose financial support made these workshops possible. A vner Friedman Robert Gulliver v PREFACE During the last few years the numerical techniques for the solution of elliptic problems, in potential theory for example, have been drastically improved. Several so-called fast methods have been developed which re duce the required computing time many orders of magnitude over that of classical algorithms. The new methods include multigrid, fast Fourier transforms, multi pole methods and wavelet techniques. Wavelets have re cently been developed into a very useful tool in signal processing, the solu tion of integral equation, etc. Wavelet techniques should be quite useful in many wave propagation problems, especially in inhomogeneous and nonlin ear media where special features of the solution such as singularities might be tracked efficiently.
Electromagnetic wave scattering from randomly rough surfaces in the presence of scatterers is an active, interdisciplinary area of research with myriad practical applications in fields such as optics, acoustics, geoscience and remote sensing. In this book, the Method of Moments (MoM) is applied to compute the field scattered by scatterers such as canonical objects (cylinder or plate) or a randomly rough surface, and also by an object above or below a random rough surface. Since the problem is considered to be 2D, the integral equations (IEs) are scalar and only the TE (transverse electric) and TM (transverse magnetic) polarizations are addressed (no cross-polarizations occur). In Chapter 1, the MoM is applied to convert the IEs into a linear system, while Chapter 2 compares the MoM with the exact solution of the field scattered by a cylinder in free space, and with the Physical Optics (PO) approximation for the scattering from a plate in free space. Chapter 3 presents numerical results, obtained from the MoM, of the coherent and incoherent intensities scattered by a random rough surface and an object below a random rough surface. The final chapter presents the same results as in Chapter 3, but for an object above a random rough surface. In these last two chapters, the coupling between the two scatterers is also studied in detail by inverting the impedance matrix by blocks. Contents 1. Integral Equations for a Single Scatterer: Method of Moments and Rough Surfaces. 2. Validation of the Method of Moments for a Single Scatterer. 3. Scattering from Two Illuminated Scatterers. 4. Scattering from Two Scatterers Where Only One is Illuminated. Appendix. Matlab Codes. About the Authors Christophe Bourlier works at the IETR (Institut d’Electronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes) laboratory at Polytech Nantes (University of Nantes, France) as well as being a Researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) on electromagnetic wave scattering from rough surfaces and objects for remote sensing applications and radar signatures. He is the author of more than 160 journal articles and conference papers. Nicolas Pinel is currently working as a Research Engineer at the IETR laboratory at Polytech Nantes and is about to join Alyotech Technologies in Rennes, France. His research interests are in the areas of radar and optical remote sensing, scattering and propagation. In particular, he works on asymptotic methods of electromagnetic wave scattering from random rough surfaces and layers. Gildas Kubické is in charge of the “Expertise in electroMagnetism and Computation” (EMC) laboratory at the DGA (Direction Générale de l’Armement), French Ministry of Defense, where he works in the field of radar signatures and electromagnetic stealth. His research interests include electromagnetic scattering and radar cross-section modeling.
This volume focuses on asymptotic methods in the low and high frequency limits for the solution of scattering and propagation problems. Each chapter is pedagogical in nature, starting with the basic foundations and ending with practical applications. For example, using the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction, the canonical problem of edge diffraction is first solved and then used in solving the problem of diffraction by a finite crack. In recent times, the crack problem has been of much interest for its applications to Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of flaws in structural materials.
Computer simulation of wave propagation is an active research area as wave phenomena are prevalent in many applications. Examples include wireless communication, radar cross section, underwater acoustics, and seismology. For high frequency waves, this is a challenging multiscale problem, where the small scale is given by the wavelength while the large scale corresponds to the overall size of the computational domain. Research into wave equation modeling can be divided into two regimes: time domain and frequency domain. In each regime, there are two further popular research directions for the numerical simulation of the scattered wave. One relies on direct discretization of the wave equation as a hyperbolic partial differential equation in the full physical domain. The other direction aims at solving an equivalent integral equation on the surface of the scatterer. In this dissertation, we present three new techniques for the frequency domain, boundary integral equations.
Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random Media, Volume 1: Single Scattering and Transport Theory presents the fundamental formulations of wave propagation and scattering in random media in a unified and systematic manner, as well as useful approximation techniques applicable to a variety of different situations. The emphasis is on single scattering theory and transport theory. The reader is introduced to the fundamental concepts and useful results of the statistical wave propagation theory. This volume is comprised of 13 chapters, organized around three themes: waves in random scatterers, waves in random continua, and rough surface scattering. The first part deals with the scattering and propagation of waves in a tenuous distribution of scatterers, using the single scattering theory and its slight extension to explain the fundamentals of wave fluctuations in random media without undue mathematical complexities. Many practical problems of wave propagation and scattering in the atmosphere, oceans, and other random media are discussed. The second part examines transport theory, also known as the theory of radiative transfer, and includes chapters on wave propagation in random particles, isotropic scattering, and the plane-parallel problem. This monograph is intended for engineers and scientists interested in optical, acoustic, and microwave propagation and scattering in atmospheres, oceans, and biological media.
Contents:Light Scattering Problems in Astrophysics (J M Perrin)Surface Integral Operators and their Use in Acoustics and Electromagnetics (A Berthon)Acoustic Diffraction by Slender Bodies of Arbitrary Shape (M Tran-Van-Nhieu)High and Low Energy Approximations for the Electromagnetic Scattering by Irregular Objects (B Torresani)Electromagnetic Scattering and Mutual Interactions Between Closely Spaced Spheroids (J Dalmas & R Deleuil)Acoustical Imaging of 2D Fluid Targets Buried in a Half Space: A Diffraction Tomography Approach Using Line-Sources Insonification (B Duchene et al)Contribution of Radar Polarimetry in Radar Target Discrimination. The “Poincaré Planisphere”: a New Representation Method (E Pottier)Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves in Random Media: from Propagation to Anderson Localization (B Souillard)Weak Disorder: Homogeneisation Method and Propagation (C Bardos)Coherent Propagation of Surface Acoustic Waves in Quasi-Periodic and Random Arrays of Grooves (D Sornette et al)On Asymptotic Behaviour of Waves States in Random Media (F Bentosela & R Rodriguez)A Study of Acoustic Transmission of Transient Signal in a Inhomogeneous Medium with the Help of a Wavelet Transform. Application to an Air-Water Plane Interface (G Saracco & Ph Tchamitchian)Three-Dimensional Impedance Scattering Theory (P Sabatier)Survey of Optimization Algorithms Applied to Inverse Problems (A Roger)A Linearized Inverse Problem: Acoustic Impedance Tomography of Biological Media (J P Lefebvre)and others Readership: Electrical engineers and mathematicians.
Scattering-based numerical methods are increasingly applied to the numerical simulation of distributed time-dependent physical systems. These methods, which possess excellent stability and stability verification properties, have appeared in various guises as the transmission line matrix (TLM) method, multidimensional wave digital (MDWD) filtering and digital waveguide (DWN) methods. This text provides a unified framework for all of these techniques and addresses the question of how they are related to more standard numerical simulation techniques. Covering circuit/scattering models in electromagnetics, transmission line modelling, elastic dynamics, as well as time-varying and nonlinear systems, this book highlights the general applicability of this technique across a variety of disciplines, as well as the inter-relationships between simulation techniques and digital filter design. provides a comprehensive overview of scattering-based numerical integration methods. reviews the basics of classical electrical network theory, wave digital filters, and digital waveguide networks. discusses applications for time-varying and nonlinear systems. includes an extensive bibliography containing over 250 references. Mixing theory and application with numerical simulation results, this book will be suitable for both experts and readers with a limited background in signal processing and numerical techniques.
The book develops the dynamical theory of scattering from random media from first principles. Its key findings are to characterize the time evolution of the scattered field in terms of stochastic differential equations, and to illustrate this framework in simulation and experimental data analysis. The physical models contain all correlation information and higher order statistics, which enables radar and laser scattering experiments to be interpreted. An emphasis is placed on the statistical character of the instantaneous fluctuations, as opposed to ensemble average properties. This leads to various means for detection, which have important consequences in radar signal processing and statistical optics. The book is also significant also because it illustrates how ideas in mathematical finance can be applied to physics problems in which non-Gaussian noise processes play an essential role. This pioneering book represents a significant advance in this field, and should prove valuable to leading edge researchers and practitioners at the postgraduate level and above.
This book highlights the latest developments on the numerical methods for inverse scattering problems associated with acoustic, electromagnetic, and elastic waves. Inverse scattering problems are concerned with identifying unknown or inaccessible objects by wave probing data, which makes possible many industrial and engineering applications including radar and sonar, medical imaging, nondestructive testing, remote sensing, and geophysical exploration. The mathematical study of inverse scattering problems is an active field of research. This book presents a comprehensive and unified mathematical treatment of various inverse scattering problems mainly from a numerical reconstruction perspective. It highlights the collaborative research outputs by the two groups of the authors yet surveys and reviews many existing results by global researchers in the literature. The book consists of three parts respectively corresponding to the studies on acoustic, electromagnetic, and elastic scattering problems. In each part, the authors start with in-depth theoretical and computational treatments of the forward scattering problems and then discuss various numerical reconstruction schemes for the associated inverse scattering problems in different scenarios of practical interest. In addition, the authors provide an overview of the existing results in the literature by other researchers. This book can serve as a handy reference for researchers or practitioners who are working on or implementing inverse scattering methods. It can also serve as a graduate textbook for research students who are interested in working on numerical algorithms for inverse scattering problems.