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NuInt11, the seventh in the series of international workshops on Neutrino Nucleus Interactions in the Few-GeV region was held in Dehradun-Musoorie, India and was hosted by H. N. B. Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal) situated in Central Himalayan region of Northern India. The workshop focused on the measurement of Neutrino Nucleus cross sections and reconstruction of the kinematics of neutrino reactions which play an important role in understanding the neutrino oscillation physics. The interpretation of the experiments and extraction of the neutrino oscillation parameters require active collaboration of theoretical and experimental physicists working in the field of nuclear and high energy physics. NuInt11 provides a forum where such collaborative studies are presented, discussed and reviewed. The present volume contains the written account of all such deliberations presented in this workshop which will be useful for senior scientists and graduate students working in the field of astro, nuclear and high energy physics aspects of neutrino properties and its utilisation with matter. A review of latest experimental results for neutrino oscillation experiments like MiniBooNE, MINOS, SciBooNE, T2K and MINERvA are presented. Progress made in detector development at ArgoNeut, MicroBooNE and OPERA experiments for neutrino oscillation as well as some bolometer detectors for double Beta Decay experiments are described. Theoretically, the latest developments in the study of Neutrino Nucleus Interactions, in quasielastic inelastic and deep inelastic reactions are reviewed and comparative studies of neutrino event generators being used in the analysis of neutrino oscillation experiments presented at the workshop are included in this volume.
NuInt07, the fifth in a series of international workshops, was held at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, IL. It was the successful continuation of a series of workshops focused solely on the understanding and measurement of low energy neutrino-nucleus interactions. Neutrino cross sections in the few-GeV energy range are an important ingredient for neutrino oscillation experiments as well as being interesting in their own right. Such measurements and their accompanying theoretical calculations had not been updated for decades. The goal of this workshop series has been to remedy this situation by providing an environment where both experimentalists and theorists in nuclear and high energy physics can come together to review and discuss recent progress in neutrino-nucleus measurements and calculations.
NuInt09 was the sixth in a series of international workshops concentrating on low-energy neutrino-nucleus interactions. This unique series continues to bring together theorists and experimentalists from both the nuclear and high energy physics communities to address the many challenges that arise in trying to understand these complex interactions.