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Este libro presenta dos nuevas perspectivas curriculares que, integradas en el marco de la Reforma educativa, pueden influir decisivamente en el futuro desarrollo de la educacion fisica: una perspectiva de salud en la educacion fisica y una alternativa a la ensenanza de los juegos deportivos. Asimismo, pretende cubrir el vacio bibliografico que sobre estos temas existe para profundizar y abrir nuevas direcciones en la investigacion del curriculum de la educacion fisica. En el colaboran diversos autores y autoras que con sus aportaciones, escritas especificamente para esta obra, tratan de aportar la fundamentacion teorica, las orientaciones practicas y las ejemplificaciones pertinentes que permitan comprender las dos perspectivas curriculares y favorecer su desarrollo practico. El texto no pretende centrar solamente las excelencias de estas perspectivas, sino tambien los problemas y criticas que han recibido, asi como las dificultades que supone la puesta en practica de alternativas nuevas.
The Game Centred Approach (GCA) is the ideal framework for coaches and teachers to develop comprehensive tactical or technical lessons for any game, both in physical education and in extracurricular sport contexts. Learning about the pedagogical models included in this approach has never been easier thanks to this short introductory guide. The book helps the reader acquire the skills needed to design effective session plans, regardless of the sport that is being taught or coached. It introduces the core concepts underpinning the GCA model, complemented by practical examples of tasks and strategies for each game category and assessment instrument. This is essential reading for all educators, coaches or sports professionals who wish to improve their teaching or coaching to enhance their students and players’ physical literacy and sport competence. It is also invaluable reading for any student or researcher working in physical education, sport coaching or sport pedagogy.
Today's society demands to train children and adolescents who develop in an environment based on respect and the promotion of educational values. This aspect is especially relevant to promoting physical activity and its relationship with healthy habits, such as the consumption of unprocessed foods, the reduction of a sedentary lifestyle and the improvement of adherence to sports. In this sense, the World Health Organization warns that the current rates of overweight and obesity are very high and that we must combat them. From formal education, you can help improve healthy habits with educational programs and especially in Physical Education, a subject where the work of physical, social and cognitive well-being has special relevance. Since the 20th century, studies and research that have aimed to combat unhealthy habits in educational centres and sports schools have increased. Not only by promoting physical activity within the school, but above all by seeking to generate adherence towards the future of students and athletes.
During the past decades, the scientific discipline of Sports Didactics has developed in a heterogenous manner across national borders and individual university locations in Europe. Its position and situatedness has been characterised by its relation to and differentiation from Sports Pedagogy and other sub-disciplines within sports and educational sciences. The significance of Sports Didactics remains closely connected to the role of the school subject Physical Education as well as Physical Education Teacher Education at universities and colleges. This collected volume provides an overview of the subject understandings, theory landscapes, research contexts and practice models across 24 European countries along five lines of investigation: national historical developments of Sports Didactics, main trends and tendencies of theoretical differentiation, application fields of research and theory formation, recent research perspectives and possible future developments.
Libro que pone de relieve la función instructiva del juego y el deporte, como instrumento para la estimulación del aprendizaje del alumnado.
Es indiscutible la necesidad de aportar conocimiento respecto a un fenómeno tan importante como es la puesta en práctica de un nuevo modelo curricular en el área y/o materia de Educación Física. Esto hace que se presenten como necesarias, nuevas y efectivas fórmulas encaminadas a apoyar el aprendizaje del alumnado de cualquier etapa. Existen infinitud de experiencias y vivencias que, a través de retos, se pueden utilizar para ayudar a mejorar la comprensión del contenido curricular de Educación Física. En este sentido, la Educación Física actual debe esforzarse por crear unas condiciones óptimas en las que el alumnado adquiera las competencias adecuadas en favor de un aprendizaje sostenible y motivador.
Estas novedosas propuestas lúdicas para el desarrollo curricular de la educación física son un magnífico ejemplo de cómo se debe tratar el juego motor. En este libro los profesionales de la educación física encontrarán, a lo largo de tres extensos capítulos, un amplio repertorio de experiencias lúdicas bien sistematizadas, originales, fáciles de aplicar y adecuadas a la edad de los alumnos. El autor clasifica los juegos en tres grandes apartados que responden a objetivos y necesidades diferentes: los juegos motores y de acondicionamiento con material alternativo, cuya finalidad es mejorar las habilidades y capacidades físicas con materiales novedosos, sencillos, económicos y, sobre todo, motivadores para alumnos; los juegos predeportivos, en los que aporta un modelo de iniciación deportiva coherente con los aspectos estructurales y funcionales de los juegos; y los juegos tradicionales del mundo, en los que recoge una nutrida variedad de recursos lúdicos para el desarrollo de valores que potencien la igualdad de oportunidades y la no discriminación por motivos de raza, sexo o religión.
This collection of studies addresses contemporary issues and problems in the physical education curriculum. While each of the chapters illustrates the diverse range of practical curriculum issues currently facing physical education, the continuities between them also suggest a certain commonality of experience in Britain, North America and Au tralia. In each it is difficult not to detect at least some rumblings of the various crises - environmental, political, economic, social - that are increasingly impacting on everyday lives in the present and shaping thoughts and plans for the future. The editors stress that physical education is a part of social life and is therefore a key site for the production and legitimation of important cultural mores, values and symbols.
This book offers a comprehensive synthesis of over 40 years of research on models in physical education to suggest Models-based Practice (MbP) as an innovative future approach to physical education. It lays out the ideal conditions for MbP to flourish by situating pedagogical models at the core of physical education programs and allowing space for local agency and the co-construction of practice. Starting from the premise that true MbP does not yet exist, the book makes a case for the term "pedagogical model" over alternatives such as curriculum model and instructional model, and explains how learners’ cognitive, social, affective and psychomotor needs should be organised in ways that are distinctive and unique to each model. It examines the core principles underpinning the pedagogical models that make up MbP, including pedagogical models as organising centres for program design and as design specifications for developing local programs. The book also explores how a common structure can be applied to analyse pedagogical models at macro, meso and micro levels of discourse. Having created a language through which to talk about pedagogical models and MbP, the book concludes by identifying the conditions - some existing and some aspirational - under which MbP can prosper in reforming physical education. An essential read for academics, doctoral and post-graduate students, and pre-service and in-service teachers, Models-based Practice in Physical Education is a vital point of reference for anyone who is interested in pedagogical models and wants to embrace this potential future of physical education.