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Recorra las páginas de este impactante libro, donde por medio de evidencia Bíblica usted podrá ver, cómo las verdaderas señales de la Segunda Venida de Cristo están teniendo su asombroso cumplimiento delante de nuestros ojos. Nuestro Libertador Está Cerca, lo desafiará a dejar las fábulas y amar la verdad. Este libro es una herramienta dada por Dios, para librarnos de caer en el mismo error de su pueblo en el tiempo de la Primera Venida, quienes perdieron la gloria de Su visitación, por atesorar y resistirse a cambiar sus ideas preconcebidas.
Fiesta Cristiana is a bilingual collection of worship services that can be used with Hispanic congregations. Fiesta Cristiana not only contains traditional worship services, but also features services special to the Hispanic culture.
In Jesus' greatest sermon, He begins with the Beatitudes: nine statements that turn our world upside down. He's establishing a counterculture, a different way to seeing reality, with a shocking set of blessings. Jesus is asking us to join Him in a kingdom that challenges everything we normally believe and hold dear... and offers us more than we've ever imagined. Sound intriguing? Hold on tight. Look at this modern translation: "God's kind of happiness comes to those who know they are poor. Divine comfort is showered on those whose hearts are broken with grief. If you are truly meek, the whole world belongs to you. And for those of you who are suffering for doing the right thing -- Awesome! It's a party time! You belong in God's hall of fame!" In this book, Pastor Bill White gives us a door of understanding. If we walk through it, we'll find that these paradoxical truths turn conventional wisdom upside down... and they fill our hearts with God's love, forgiveness, wisdom, and strength.
De la autora de Los ojos amarillos de los cocodrilos. Más de un millón de ejemplares vendidos en Francia. Para algunas, es la hora de la revancha. Para otras, la de la liberación. O de la esperanza. Todo se hace, se deshace, renace. Las muchachas avanzan con grandes zancadas. Nunca sabemos lo que está por llegar. Contenemos la respiración, cruzamos los dedos. ¡Vivan las muchachas!
This book is a classic in the history of art. In it François Baschet recounts the research and creation of his Sound Sculptures, with which he began a pioneering career combining art and science, sculpture and music. The willingness to share his findings inspired another breakthrough: participatory exhibitions, spaces where everyone could explore and play with sound. François Baschet’s conception of acoustics—a method of understanding the functional relations between form, matter, action and sound—not only gave rise to the invention of hundreds of Sound Sculptures of all sizes and sonority, which can be found all over the world, but also led François and his brother to collaborate with personalities such as Jean Cocteau, Pierre Schaeffer and ToruTakemitsu. François Baschet relates a funny collection of stories about the artistic life in Paris and New York in 40s and 60s. This reissue of The Sound Sculptures of Bernard and François Baschet includes fragments still unpublished when the first edition appeared, and incorporates the original text of the Organologie des Structures Sonores Baschet (written by the two brothers), with Spanish translations.
In this book you will find a Song, Poem, Short Story, and a How to Guide in Practicing Spiritual Principles Verse 1 (Song Form): In a world of endless strife and chaos, I found solace in spiritual principles profound. So, I penned a book, an ode to these truths, In song form, where poetic melodies resound. Stanza 1 (Poem Form): Within the depths of my soul's embrace, Lies a collection of wisdom, deep and true. A book emerged, bound with love and grace, 52 spiritual principles, shared anew. Paragraph 1 (Short Story): Once upon a time, a seeker yearned for guidance. Their heart was filled with questions, seeking meaning amidst the complexities of life. In their quest, they encountered 52 spiritual principles, each like a shining beacon of light. Compelled to share this transformative knowledge, they decided to pen a book. Through tales of trials and triumphs, they weaved together a collection of short stories that illustrated the power and relevance of these principles in everyday life. Section 1 (How-to Guide): Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth can be intimidating. Hence, the book titled "52 Spiritual Principles" also functions as a practical how-to guide. In this section, readers will find step-by-step instructions and insightful exercises to help them integrate these principles into their own lives. From meditation practices to mindfulness techniques, the guide offers tangible tools to deepen spiritual understanding and cultivate inner peace. Section: My Experience Throughout my own spiritual journey, I have discovered the profound impact that these 52 spiritual principles can have on one's life. Each principle serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards self-discovery and inner peace. Allow me to share my personal experience with these principles and how they shaped my perspective.
Relatos infieles es una recopilación de historias cortas oídas, vistas, comentadas o sufridas, sobre las circunstancias que rodean a la infidelidad. En las relaciones amorosas no hay buenos y malos, no hay reglas y no hay límites. Hay hechos, pensamientos y emociones. Tal vez haya quien se crea ganador y quien piense que lo ha perdido todo. No queda sino enfrentar al toro por los cuernos, con la tristeza, con la risa, con la estrategia que nos lleve a aceptar la naturaleza humana tal como es: defectuosa. La infidelidad tiene tantos matices como involucrados en el drama más antiguo del mundo. Después de todo, una infidelidad no es para morirse... o quien sabe.
¿Se ha encontrado usted alguna vez en una situación, donde lo que no quiere hacer, hace una y otra vez? El asunto que está derrotando a miles del creyentes hoy por todas partes del mundo es, no tener un completo entendimiento, de que fue lo que pasó en la cruz. En el madero no sólo el pecado fue derrotado, sino también el poder que tenía el viejo hombre sobre nosotros fue destruido. Este, no es un libro más. En este escrito, usted va a poder experimentar victoria total sobre el cuerpo de humillación y sus deseos engañosos. No será el ayuno que lo librará, ni mucho menos su fuerza de voluntad. Usted va a aprender que no es lo que usted hace, sino lo que usted cree lo que marcará la diferencia. Atrévase a leerlo y experimente libertad total.