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The field of radioactive ion beam research has evolved over the last three decades, and several sizeable facilities are currently undergoing a major upgrade or are under construction. In Europe, these include ISOLDE - CERN (Switzerland), SPIRAL2 - GANIL (France), FAIR - GSI (Germany) and SPES (Italy) while RIBF - RIKEN (Japan), TRIUMF (Canada) and FRIB - MSU (USA) are the major undertakings elsewhere. These will create unprecedented opportunities to extend our knowledge in as yet unexplored regions of the nuclear chart, and address key questions in nuclear physics, fundamental interactions, and astrophysics, as well as linking to other fields of science including life science. This book presents material from the 201st International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, entitled: Nuclear Physics with Stable and Radioactive Ion Beams and held in Varenna, Italy, from 14 – 19 July 2017.The lectures and seminars of this school focused on structural and dynamic aspects from both a theoretical and experimental point of view, and among the recent advances discussed in the 14 full-length contributions included here are: advanced shell-model, density functional applications and symmetry-based methods, as well as cluster and reaction models. A dedicated session was organized to mark the 90th birthday of Professor R.A. Ricci, and focused on his pioneering work in nuclear structure. He was, in particular, one of the founders of heavy-ion-induced reaction studies devoted to deepening knowledge of nuclear structure and dynamics. The International School of Physics Enrico Fermi has a worldwide reputation, and the book will be of interest to all those working in the field.
The availability of radioactive ion beams represents a major advance in the capbaility to attack important problems of basic and applied nuclear physics. For the first time we are able to study nuclear reactions on nuclides outside the valley of stability. These nuclides represent about 80% of particle-stable isotopes. Questions of nuclear reaction mechanisms, nuclear properties of bound and continuum states, and basic symmetries for these unstable nuclides can therefore be answered by direct mesurement rather than by speculation. The applications of radioactive ion beams are widespread and extensive. In astrophysical studies, nuclear reactions of radioactive ion beams are essential to understanding a wide range of problems in energy generation, nucleosynthesis, neutrino effects, and the implications of gamma-ray astrophysical measurements. In material studies, the implantation of radioactive ions has already seen important use. Well defined beams of these ions will greatly increase the specifity and sensititivity of this technology. Radioactive ion beams may also have significant applications in medical diagnostics and therapy. Finally, standard sources of beta and gamma radiation can be prepared with much greater precision than formerly available.
This book provides an overview of the current research and future prospects in a variety of important areas in nuclear physics by leaders in their respective areas. Advances in both theory and experiments are covered. The topics included new insights into the fission process and the use of fission in the characterization of nuclear fuel waste. High spin spectroscopy studies of both proton and neutron rich nuclei are described. New and emerging areas covered include relativistic heavy ion physics at RHIC as it turns on in 1999, to new opportunities with radioactive ion beams at several laboratories, to prospects for new neutrino studies with the high intensity 1GeV proton beam from the Spallation Neutron source when it is completed in 2005. A major part of this book includes current and future research with stable and radioactive ion beams at the Holifield RIB facility and the performance and first results with the new generation recoil mass spectrometer at Holifield.
This book provides an overview of the current research and future prospects in a variety of important areas in nuclear physics by leaders in their respective areas. Advances in both theory and experiments are covered. The topics included new insights into the fission process and the use of fission in the characterization of nuclear fuel waste. High spin spectroscopy studies of both proton and neutron rich nuclei are described. New and emerging areas covered include relativistic heavy ion physics at RHIC as it turns on in 1999, to new opportunities with radioactive ion beams at several laboratories, to prospects for new neutrino studies with the high intensity 1GeV proton beam from the Spallation Neutron source when it is completed in 2005. A major part of this book includes current and future research with stable and radioactive ion beams at the Holifield RIB facility and the performance and first results with the new generation recoil mass spectrometer at Holifield.
Over ten years ago, U.S. nuclear scientists proposed construction of a new rare isotope accelerator in the United States, which would enable experiments to elucidate the important questions in nuclear physics. To help assess this proposal, DOE and NSF asked the NRC to define the science agenda for a next-generation U.S. Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). As the study began, DOE announced a substantial reduction in the scope of this facility and put off its initial operation date by several years. The study focused on an evaluation of the science that could be accomplished on a facility reduced in scope. This report provides a discussion of the key science drivers for a FRIB, an assessment of existing domestic and international rare isotope beams, an assessment of the current U.S. position about the FRIB, and a set of findings and conclusions about the scientific and policy context for such a facility.
The nuclear shell model has had much success when describing nuclear structure. It is able to describe the single-particle states of nuclei, and gives understanding as to how nuclear structure evolves as the number of nucleons changes in a nucleus. This led to the discovery of the so-called magic numbers, which designate particularly stable configurations of protons and neutrons in nuclei. With the advent of radioactive ion beams, it has become possible to probe exotic nuclei to test current theories of nuclear structure. These investigations have led to the discovery of exotic nuclear phenomena, with structures different to those found in stable nuclei. One of these is the N=20 island of inversion, where configurations that appear in stable nuclei become less bound than more exotic particle-hole configurations across a shell gap. Another is the weakening of the magic N=20 shell gap to N=16 as the number of protons is reduced in this isotonic chain. Of particular interest are the magnesium isotopes, which exhibit a swift transition into the island of inversion with 29Mg lying outside and 31Mg lying inside. In addition, 29Mg lies one neutron outside N=16, so is also able to give insight on the weakening of the N=16 shell gap. Mapping this region of the chart of nuclides helps in the understanding of the evolution of this nuclear structure. A useful probe for this task is single-particle transfer reactions. However, these reactions have been hindered by low yields from radioactive ion beams, as well as suffering from kinematic effects that obscure the states that need to be observed. The ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer (ISS), that measures these transfer reactions in a solenoidal magnetic field, was designed to counteract these effects. With the high-yield radioactive ion beams at ISOLDE, CERN, these transfer reactions became viable. Therefore, the nuclear structure of 29Mg was probed using the d(28Mg,p) reaction using this device. This work marks the first measurement using the ISOLDE Solenoidal spectrometer and the first time that a solenoidal spectrometer has been used at an ISOL radioactive beam facility. The measurements highlight the interplay of nucleon-nucleon interactions and the geometry of the nuclear potential in driving observed trends in single-particle structure, in particular the changes in closed shells towards doubly magic 24O
This handbook is a comprehensive, systematic source of modern nuclear physics. It aims to summarize experimental and theoretical discoveries and an understanding of unstable nuclei and their exotic structures, which were opened up by the development of radioactive ion (RI) beam in the late 1980s. The handbook comprises three major parts. In the first part, the experiments and measured facts are well organized and reviewed. The second part summarizes recognized theories to explain the experimental facts introduced in the first part. Reflecting recent synergistic progress involving both experiment and theory, the chapters both parts are mutually related. The last part focuses on cosmo-nuclear physics—one of the mainstream subjects in modern nuclear physics. Those comprehensive topics are presented concisely. Supported by introductory reviews, all chapters are designed to present their topics in a manner accessible to readers at the graduate level. The book therefore serves as a valuable source for beginners as well, helping them to learn modern nuclear physics.
The purpose of this LDRD was to establish a program at LLNL in radioactive ion beam (RIB) experiments that would use these experiments to address a wide range physics issues in both stellar nucleosynthesis and stockpile stewardship radiochemistry. The LDRD was funded for a total of two years (fiscal years 2000 and 2001) and transferred to the Physical Data Research Program in fiscal year 2002. Reactions on unstable nuclei and isomeric states play a central role in the formation of elements in both stars and nuclear devices. However, the abilities of reaction models to predict cross sections on radioactive nuclei are uncertain at best. This can be attributed to the lack of experimental data to guide reaction-modeling efforts. Only the 10% of all bound nuclei that can be formed with stable targets and beams have been accessed and studied. The proposed Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) and existing RIB facilities offer an unprecedented opportunity to address many of the outstanding questions in nuclear structure, reactions and astrophysics by enabling the observation of nuclear reactions with radioactive targets and/or beams. The primary goal of this LDRD is to develop three experimental capabilities for use with RIB experiments: (1) Level density and [gamma]-ray strength function measurements using statistical [gamma]-rays. (2) Charged particle-induced cross sections measurements on radioactive nuclei. (3) Neutron-induced cross section measurements on a radioactive target. RIA and RIB based experiments are the new frontier for nuclear physics. The joint DOE/NSF nuclear science advisory committee has named development of a RIA facility in the United States as the highest new construction priority. In addition to addressing the questions presented above, this LDRD has helped to establish a position for LLNL at the forefront of the international nuclear science community.