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The use of a beta-ray spectrometer, in the analysis of nuclear decay schemes, makes possible the solution of many of the problems which arise in the course of such analyses. Of particular interest is the application of the instrument to the determination of the energy of beta and gamma-radiation from radioactive isotopes. In addition, it is possible to use the instrument to estimate the relative intensities of the various components of radiation; and to apply the coincidence method, in conjunction with the spectrometer, to the determination of the order in which these components are emitted from the nucleus. The present work was concerned with three particular problems arising in beta-ray spectrometry. A method of improving the intensity-resolution relationship of a thin lens magnetic beta-ray spectrometer, by means of ring focusing, was investigated. The existence of a ring-shaped constriction in the electron beam was demonstrated experimentally by a photographic film method. A theoretical analysis was carried out in an attempt to determine relations from which the relative intensities of beta-rays, gamma-rays and internal conversion electrons might be determined from data obtained with the spectrometer. Simplifying assumptions were made concerning the focusing action of the instrument, and effects due to scattering of electrons in the source of photoelectric radiator were neglected. Formulae were derived from which the observed spectrometer counting rates due to sources of known activity, emitting beta-rays, gamma-rays or internal conversion electrons may be predicted.
Alpha-, Beta- and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Volume 1 offers a comprehensive account of radioactivity and related low-energy phenomena. It summarizes progress in the field of alpha-, beta- and gamma-ray spectroscopy, including the discovery of the non-conservation of parity, as well as new experimental methods that elucidate the processes of weak interactions in general and beta-decay in particular. Comprised of 14 chapters, the book presents experimental methods and theoretical discussions and calculations to maintain the link between experiment and theory. It begins with a discussion of the interaction of electrons and alpha particles with matter. The book explains the elastic scattering of electrons by atomic nuclei and the interaction between gamma-radiation and matter. It then introduces topic on beta-ray spectrometer theory and design and crystal diffraction spectroscopy of nuclear gamma rays. Moreover, the book discusses the applications of the scintillation counter; proportional counting in gases; and the general processes and procedures used in determining disintegration schemes through a study of the beta- and gamma-rays emitted. In addition, it covers the nuclear shell model; collective nuclear motion and the unified model; and alpha-decay conservation laws. The emissions of gamma-radiation during charged particle bombardment and from fission fragments, as well as the neutron-capture radiation spectroscopy, are also explained. Experimentalists will find this book extremely useful.
The decay scheme of Mn51 has been investigated using gamma-ray and beta-ray scintillation spectrometers and a fast coincidence spectrometer. A half-life value of 46.5 ± 0.2 minutes was determined for Mn51 which decays predominantly to the ground state of Cr51 by the emission of positons with an experimentally measured end-point energy of 2.21 ± 0.02 MeV. Weak branching to the 761-keV and 1170-keV levels of Cr51, however, has been inferred from the measured 761 ± 11-keV and 1170 ± 15-keV gamma-ray energies observed in the Mn51 gamma-ray spectrum. Relative intensities for these weak gamma-rays have been determined experimentally as 0.70 ± 0.10 and 0.48 ± 0.12 percent of the positons, respectively. An 11 ± 1 nsec mean-life has been obtained for the 761-keV level of Cr51 while an upper-limit of 1 nsec has been given to the 1170-keV level. Using these experimental results coupled with theory, a spin and parity assignment of [superscript 5−]/[subscript 2] was given to the ground state of Mn51, a spin assignment which is not in agreement with the 7-value expected from the shell model prediction.
Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis: Radiation Physics and Detectors, Volume One, and Radioanalytical Applications, Volume Two, Fourth Edition, is an authoritative reference on the principles, practical techniques and procedures for the accurate measurement of radioactivity - everything from the very low levels encountered in the environment, to higher levels measured in radioisotope research, clinical laboratories, biological sciences, radionuclide standardization, nuclear medicine, nuclear power, and fuel cycle facilities, and in the implementation of nuclear forensic analysis and nuclear safeguards. It includes sample preparation techniques for all types of matrices found in the environment, including soil, water, air, plant matter and animal tissue, and surface swipes. Users will find a detailed discussion of our current understanding of the atomic nucleus, nuclear stability and decay, nuclear radiation, and the interaction of radiation with matter relating to the best methods for radionuclide detection and measurement. Spans two volumes, Radiation Physics and Detectors and Radioanalytical Applications Includes a much-expanded treatment of calculations required in the measurement of radionuclide decay, energy of decay, nuclear reactions, radiation attenuation, nuclear recoil, cosmic radiation, and synchrotron radiation Includes the latest advances in liquid and solid scintillation analysis, alpha- and gamma spectrometry, mass spectrometric analysis, gas ionization and nuclear track analysis, and neutron detection and measurement Covers high-sample-throughput microplate techniques and multi-detector assay methods
In 1969 we feit that the subject of angular correlations in nuclear disintegrat ion had received little special attention at international conferences. It is true that perturbed angular correlations had been discussed at a smalI, highly - specialised meeting at Uppsala in 1963 and that in 1967 certain aspects of perturbed angular correlations had been considered at a conference on hyperfine structure at Asilomar. However, both conferences were very limited in scope from the point of view of a low - energy nuclear physicist. Besides, since these conferences were being held, the field of perturbed ?ngular correlations had received new impetus from the still ex panding application of the implantation of radioactive isotopes in suitable environ ments, from the construction of large superconductive magnets, etc. Meanwhile, the technique of measuring correlations between beta particles and circularly polarized gamma rays had been developed to such a degree that they lent themselves to the in vestigation of beta decay, nuclear structure and charge dependence of nuclear forces. The systematic study of heavy elements had increased the import an ce of alpha-gamma angular correlations which present their own specific problems. Theoretical internal conversion data had become available to such an extent that electron -gamma direct ional correlations became an important tool in the investigation of nuclear structure: in a large number of cases it is more advantageous to study electron -gamma corre lations instead of the commonly measured gamma -gamma directional correlations.