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In the last 20 years the disciplines of particle physics, astrophysics, nuclear physics and cosmology have grown together in an unprecedented way. A brilliant example is nuclear double beta decay, an extremely rare radioactive decay mode, which is one of the most exciting and important fields of research in particle physics at present and the flagship of non-accelerator particle physics. While already discussed in the 1930s, only in the 1980s was it understood that neutrinoless double beta decay can yield information on the Majorana mass of the neutrino, which has an impact on the structure of space-time. Today, double beta decay is indispensable for solving the problem of the neutrino mass spectrum and the structure of the neutrino mass matrix. The potential of double beta decay has also been extended such that it is now one of the most promising tools for probing beyond-the-standard-model particle physics, and gives access to energy scales beyond the potential of future accelerators. This book presents the breathtaking manner in which achievements in particle physics have been made from a nuclear physics process. Consisting of a 150-page highly factual overview of the field of double beta decay and a 1200-page collection of the most important original articles, the book outlines the development of double beta decay research theoretical and experimental from its humble beginnings until its most recent achievements, with its revolutionary consequences for the theory of particle physics. It further presents an outlook on the exciting future of the field.
The Theory of Beta-Decay covers the formulas, theories, probabilities, and spectra of beta-decay. This book is divided into 2 parts compassing 12 chapters, and starts with the introduction to the neutrino and the quantum theoretical background, explaining the basic phenomenon of beta-decay and the emission of electrons. The subsequent chapters deal with the interaction and the transition probability, as well as formulas of solutions. These topics are followed by discussions on the developments in the non-conservation of parity and helicity, the two-component theory of the neutrino, possible invariance under time-reversal and charge conjugation, leptonic number of lepton charge, and muon decay and other theories. Other chapters describe the tentative theory of beta-radiation, the detection of the free neutrino, and the selection rules for the beta-disintegration. The last chapters consider questions and experimental test about beta-decay. The chapters also look into the theories and helicity of neutrino, the theory of the Fermi interaction, and the test of the nature of the vector interaction in beta-decay This book will be of value to physicists and researchers in the allied fields.
Nuclear double beta decay is one of the most promising tools for probing beyond-the-standard-model physics on beyond-accelerator energy scales. It is already now probing the TeV scale, on which new physics should manifest itself according to theoretical expectations. Only in the early 1980s was it known that double beta decay yields information on the Majorana mass of the exchanged neutrino. At present, the sharpest bound for the electron neutrino mass arises from this process. It is only in the last 10 years that the much more far-reaching potential of double beta decay has been discovered. Today, the potential of double beta decay includes a broad range of topics that are equally relevant to particle physics and astrophysics, such as masses of heavy neutrinos, of sneutrinos, as SUSY models, compositeness, leptoquarks, left-right symmetric models, and tests of Lorentz symmetry and equivalence principle in the neutrino sector. Double beta decay has become indispensable nowadays for solving the problem of the neutrino mass spectrum and the structure of the neutrino mass matrix — together with present and future solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillation experiments. Some future double beta experiments (like GENIUS) will be capable to be simultaneously neutrino observatories for double beta decay and low-energy solar neutrinos, and observatories for cold dark matter of ultimate sensitivity.This invaluable book outlines the development of double beta research from its beginnings until its most recent achievements, and also presents the outlook for its highly exciting future.
Ch. 1. Double beta decay - historical retrospective and perspectives. 1.1. From the early days until the gauge theory era. 1.2. The nuclear physics side - nuclear matrix elements. 1.3. Double beta decay, neutrino mass models and cosmological parameters - status and prospects. 1.4. Other beyond standard model physics : from SUSY and leptoquarks to compositeness and space time structure. 1.5. The experimental race : from the late eighties to the discovery of [symbol] decay. 1.6. The future of double beta decay. 1.7. Conclusion -- ch. 2. Original articles. 2.1. From the early days until the gauge theory era. 2.2. The nuclear physics side - nuclear matrix elements. 2.3. Double beta decay, neutrino mass models and cosmological parameters - status and prospects. 2.4. Other beyond standard model physics : from SUSY and leptoquarks to compositeness and space time structure. 2.5. The experimental race : from the late eighties to the discovery of [symbol] decay. 2.6. The future of double beta decay