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In a series of papers, Ratner proved a deep theorem asserting that the orbits of any one-parameter unipotent flows are well behaved: they are either closed, or are dense in some homogeneous space of finite volume. Moreover, the probability measure which is invariant and ergodic under the unipotent flow must be the Haar measure on some homogeneous space. In particular, we can conclude from Ratner's theorem that the measurable conjugacy between two unipotent flows is affine. A natural problem is, whether we can similarly obtain the rigidity of perturbations of unipotent flows. Perhaps the simplest perturbations are time-changes, that is the flows that move points along the same orbits, but with different speeds. The problem was first studied by Ratner, who focused on horocycle flows and realized that it is related to the cohomological equations. In this thesis, we show that there are certain cocompact lattices so that there are time-changes of unipotent flows on the quotient of Lorentz groups SO(n,1) that are not measurably conjugate to the unperturbed ones. Moreover, we show that these time-changes are disjoint from the unperturbed flows in the sense of Furstenberg. More precisely, in Chapter 2, we extend the works of Ratner to the case SO(n,1) via a detailed study on the centralizer of unipotent flows. Then in Chapter 3, combining a stronger version of the branching of the complementary and Flaminio-Forni argument, we are able to provide certain cocompact lattices and time-changes on the corresponding homogeneous spaces to reach our purpose. The method also helps us obtain an extension of the work of Dong, Kanigowski and Wei.
The unifying theme of this book is the interplay among noncommutative geometry, physics, and number theory. The two main objects of investigation are spaces where both the noncommutative and the motivic aspects come to play a role: space-time, where the guiding principle is the problem of developing a quantum theory of gravity, and the space of primes, where one can regard the Riemann Hypothesis as a long-standing problem motivating the development of new geometric tools. The book stresses the relevance of noncommutative geometry in dealing with these two spaces. The first part of the book deals with quantum field theory and the geometric structure of renormalization as a Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. It also presents a model of elementary particle physics based on noncommutative geometry. The main result is a complete derivation of the full Standard Model Lagrangian from a very simple mathematical input. Other topics covered in the first part of the book are a noncommutative geometry model of dimensional regularization and its role in anomaly computations, and a brief introduction to motives and their conjectural relation to quantum field theory. The second part of the book gives an interpretation of the Weil explicit formula as a trace formula and a spectral realization of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. This is based on the noncommutative geometry of the adèle class space, which is also described as the space of commensurability classes of Q-lattices, and is dual to a noncommutative motive (endomotive) whose cyclic homology provides a general setting for spectral realizations of zeros of L-functions. The quantum statistical mechanics of the space of Q-lattices, in one and two dimensions, exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking. In the low-temperature regime, the equilibrium states of the corresponding systems are related to points of classical moduli spaces and the symmetries to the class field theory of the field of rational numbers and of imaginary quadratic fields, as well as to the automorphisms of the field of modular functions. The book ends with a set of analogies between the noncommutative geometries underlying the mathematical formulation of the Standard Model minimally coupled to gravity and the moduli spaces of Q-lattices used in the study of the zeta function.
This book is based on a course given at the University of Chicago in 1980-81. As with the course, the main motivation of this work is to present an accessible treatment, assuming minimal background, of the profound work of G. A. Margulis concerning rigidity, arithmeticity, and structure of lattices in semi simple groups, and related work of the author on the actions of semisimple groups and their lattice subgroups. In doing so, we develop the necessary prerequisites from earlier work of Borel, Furstenberg, Kazhdan, Moore, and others. One of the difficulties involved in an exposition of this material is the continuous interplay between ideas from the theory of algebraic groups on the one hand and ergodic theory on the other. This, of course, is not so much a mathematical difficulty as a cultural one, as the number of persons comfortable in both areas has not traditionally been large. We hope this work will also serve as a contribution towards improving that situation. While there are a number of satisfactory introductory expositions of the ergodic theory of integer or real line actions, there is no such exposition of the type of ergodic theoretic results with which we shall be dealing (concerning actions of more general groups), and hence we have assumed absolutely no knowledge of ergodic theory (not even the definition of "ergodic") on the part of the reader. All results are developed in full detail.
Focuses on ergodic theory, combinatorics, and number theory. This book discusses a variety of topics, ranging from developments in additive prime number theory to expository articles on individual mathematical topics such as the law of large numbers and the Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne primes.
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The description for this book, Flows on Homogeneous Spaces. (AM-53), Volume 53, will be forthcoming.
Fractal geometry represents a radical departure from classical geometry, which focuses on smooth objects that "straighten out" under magnification. Fractals, which take their name from the shape of fractured objects, can be characterized as retaining their lack of smoothness under magnification. The properties of fractals come to light under repeated magnification, which we refer to informally as "zooming in". This zooming-in process has its parallels in dynamics, and the varying "scenery" corresponds to the evolution of dynamical variables. The present monograph focuses on applications of one branch of dynamics--ergodic theory--to the geometry of fractals. Much attention is given to the all-important notion of fractal dimension, which is shown to be intimately related to the study of ergodic averages. It has been long known that dynamical systems serve as a rich source of fractal examples. The primary goal in this monograph is to demonstrate how the minute structure of fractals is unfolded when seen in the light of related dynamics. A co-publication of the AMS and CBMS.
The Dutch Intercity Seminar on Moduli, which dates back to the early eighties, was an initiative of G. van der Geer, F. Oort and C. Peters. Through the years it became a focal point of Dutch mathematics and it gained some fame, also outside Holland, as an active biweekly research seminar. The tradition continues up to today. The present volume, with contributions of R. Dijkgraaf, C. Faber, G. van der Geer, R. Hain, E. Looijenga, and F. Oort, originates from the seminar held in 1995--96. Some of the articles here were discussed, in preliminary form, in the seminar; others are completely new. Two introductory papers, on moduli of abelian varieties and on moduli of curves, accompany the articles.