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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to design a regulatory policy to solve a nonpoint source (NPS) water pollution problem, . Cost-sharing programs of various kinds have dominated NPS policy since the 19802s. However, such programs are neither efficient nor effective. Economists agree that, in principle, performance-based approaches are preferred to design-based, because they allow firms to choose least-cost abatement practices. However, nonpoint sources are seldom included in performance-based programs since it is very costly to monitor the performance of individual NPS polluters. The NPS pollution problem can be modeled as a generalized principal-agents problem. That is, the principal has to regulate agents while he cannot observe either the types and or the effort level of the agents; only total level of ambient pollution is verifiable. However this kind of problem is very complicated and a general solution has yet to be derived. Simplified models (with either only adverse selection, or hidden action) have been analyzed and first best solutions derived. Nevertheless, these solutions are incomplete, since they fail to solve simultaneously the adverse selection and moral hazard problems. I show that under assumptions consistent with the NPS pollution situation it is possible to decompose the generalized principal-agent problem into two univariate variational problems in the multi-agents case, and to design a two-step contract that solves both the adverse selection and the hidden action problems. I offer a policy-maker2s algorithm that can be used to design a regulatory policy to control NPS pollution. Three steps of a transaction 6 property rights/initial endowment assignment, price and quantity determination, and money/product exchange 6 are considered sequentially; an optimal regulatory intervention is chosen for each step; and then the whole policy is evaluated for consistency and for as-yet-unexamined effects on related markets. Inconsistencies and undesired general equilibrium effects are resolved by modifying the intervention at the appropriate step and re-iterating through the policy algorithm. This research has resulted in contributions in three areas of economic theory: policy design, mechanism design (the generalized principal agent problem), and environmental economics (the nonpoint source water pollution problem).
Nonpoint-source pollution (NPSP) poses a special challenge to society's ability to manage its collective environmental good - especially surface and groundwater quality. Since there is no `point', such as an outfall pipe, from which the pollution is being discharged and can be measured, pollution can reach the ambient environment without being monitored. Since management of air and water polution requires the definition and enforcement of limits on discharges or the imposition of fees on those discharges, inability to measure limits our ability to manage this environmental problem. This book presents a state-of-the-art review and discussion of economists' efforts to resolve this major problem and attempts to provide a way of working around it. The book sets forth the theoretical issues, modeling, and the actual programs set up to confront this issue.
In April 1992 the Foundation Eni Enrico Mattei organized a workshop on the regulation of nonpoint source pollution. This volume inc1udes the proceedings of that meeting, as well as additional original contributions, in an attempt to provide an overview of recent theoretical developments in the field. Research on the causes, consequences, and control of nonpoint source pol lution has been carried out over the last two decades. Interest in this subject has grown as a result of the increasing recognition of the insufficiency of traditional pollution control policies focused on the large scale, confined, and general ly predictable pollutant discharges. In fact, many contemporary problems are caused by the combined activities of small polluters, along with natural pro cesses, intermittent and unpredictable events, and often involve pollutants with complex environmental outcomes. Despite the progress made in understanding the nature and size of pollution from diffuse sources, the issue of regulation is still far from being system at ically and adequately addressed. This policy vacuum is partly attributable to the difficulty of adapting the traditional point source regulatory tool kit to the specific features of nonpoint source problems. Such features inc1ude the tech nical difficulty of identifying sources and measuring individual emissions, their variability over time and space, the role played by natural processes in detennin ing pollutant discharges at source and their ultimate impacts on the receiving environmental media.
Nonpoint source (NPS), common in agriculture, reaches the environment as runoff from a field, not output from a waste pipe. Its control and regulation are also different from other types of pollution that may seem more familiar.
Abstract: Pollution from nonpoint sources (NPS), and agriculture in particular, remains as one of the largest sources of water quality impairments in the United States. As is well known in the literature, there are many difficulties with designing regulations for reducing nonpoint source pollution (i.e., Tomasi, Segerson, and Braden, 1994). Uncertainty and asymmetric information are the key regulatory difficulties in the control of NPS. The main goal of this study is to describe a potential incentive scheme that can be applied in limited information situations. The incentive scheme involves a contract written between a point source of pollution and a small group of other nonpoint polluters in the watershed to reduce a specific load of pollution. In this study, I propose a group contract built upon the ideas of Stiglitz (1990) and Varian (1990), and originally applied to micro-lending arrangements in developing countries. The contract allows the nonpoint sources to enter the contract voluntarily, and will base on group performance. To handle the incentive problems typical in many principal agent problems, it incorporates joint liability, and peer pressure/monitoring to induce the nonpoint sources of pollution to meet their contractual obligations. It is shown that, depending on parameter values, this mechanism can potentially induce peer pressure/monitoring, alleviate moral hazard/free-rider problems within the group even though the contract offers them some level of fixed payment.