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We extend the QCD sum rule analysis of the pion electromagnetic form factor F(sub)pi(Q^2) into the region of moderately large momentum transfers 3GeV^2
The authors investigate a model QCD sum rule for the pion wave function[var-phi][sub[pi]](x) based on the non-diagonal correlator whose perturbative spectral density vanishes and[Phi](x, M[sup 2]), the theoretical side of the sum rule, consists of condensate contributions only. They study the dependence of[Phi](x, M[sup 2]) on the Borel parameter M[sup 2] and observe that[Phi](x, M[sup 2]) has a humpy form, with the humps becoming more and more pronounced when M[sup 2] increases. They demonstrate that this phenomenon reflects just the oscillatory nature of the higher states wave functions, while the lowest state wave function, [var-phi][sub[pi]](x), extracted from their QCD sum rule analysis, has no humps, is rather narrow and its shape is close to the asymptotic form[var-phi][sub[pi]][sup as](x)= 6x(1[minus]x).
The QCD sum rule calculation of the pion wave function by Chernyak and Zhitnitsky is implicitly assuming that the correlation length of vacuum fluctuations is large compared to the typical hadronic scale ~ 1/m(sub)p, so that one can substitute the orginal nonlocal objects like (q-bar(0)q(z)) by constant (q-bar(0)q(0))-type values. We outline a formalism enabling one to work directly with the nonlocal condensates, and construct a modified sum rule for the moments (Xi^N) of the pion wave function. The results are rather sensitive to the value of the parameter lambda^2(sub)q = (q-barD^2q)/(q-bar q) specifying the average virtuality of the vacuum quarks. Varying it from the most popular value lambda^2(sub)q = 0.4 GeV^2 up to the value lamba^2(sub)q = 1.2 GeV^2 suggested by the instanton liquid model, we obtain (Xi^2) = 0.25 - 0.20, to be compared to the CZ value (Xi^2) = 0.43 obtained with lambda^2(sub)q = 0.
The Workshop N* Physics and non-perturbative QeD was held at the Eu ropean Center for Theoretical Studies and Related Areas (ECT*) in Trento, Italy, during May 18-29, 1998. Previous workshops of the series on N* Physics took place at the Florida State University (1994), at CEBAF (1995), at the Institute for Nuclear Theory in Seattle (1996) and at the George Washington University (1997). The Workshop was devoted to a summary of recent experimental and the oretical research on N* phsyics and special emphasis was given to the infor mation that photo-and electro-production of nucleon resonances can provide on the non-perturbative regime of Quantum Chromodynamics. The idea was to stimulate discussions among experimentalists and theoreticians in order to pursue the interpretation of the huge amount of forthcoming data from several laboratories in the world. It was therefore decided to have both experimental and theoretical lectures on the main topics, like ,among the others, single and double pion production, TJ-and K-meson production, the GDH sum rule, the spin of the proton, etc. Thanks to the unusual two-week extension of the Work shop, the allotted time for the lectures was extended up to one hour in order to allow the invited lecturers to give a detailed presentation of their topics. Fi nally, various short contributions were selected to sharpen the discussion about selected items.
Strong Interactions in Spacelike and Timelike Domains: Dispersive Approach provides the theoretical basis for the description of the strong interactions in the spacelike and timelike domains. The book primarily focuses on the hadronic vacuum polarization function, R-ratio of electron-positron annihilation into hadrons, and the Adler function, which govern a variety of the strong interaction processes at various energy scales. Specifically, the book presents the essentials of the dispersion relations for these functions, recaps their perturbative calculation, and delineates the dispersively improved perturbation theory. The book also elucidates the peculiarities of the continuation of the spacelike perturbative results into the timelike domain, which is indispensable for the studies of electron-positron annihilation into hadrons and the related processes. Covers the topics that play an essential role in contemporary particle physics and future collider projects Applicable for self-education alongside standard textbooks Makes the subject easily accessible without the need of an extensive theoretical background
The traditional purpose of the Adriatic Meeting is to present most advanced scienti?c research conducted by the lecturers who take part in the development of their ?elds and, in addition, to provide a school-like atmosphere for young scientists. Dubrovnik, as a geographical centre of this region of Europe, provided a most adequate location for this conference. Having very agreeable surroundings, the conference site nevertheless gave a focus for very strong scienti?c interaction. The subjects chosen for the 8th meeting, in September 2001, were gauge theories, particle phenomenology, string theories and cosmology. We were able to bring together a very good cross section of outstanding scientists who gave extraorinarily good presentations. Certainely one reason for this success is that most of us feel obliged to help the scienti?c life in South East Europe return to its former level. However, there are very exciting new scienti?c developments as well. Part of the meeting was dominated by neutrino physics which has just seen exciting progress by establishing neutrino masses experimentally. This was d- cussed within neutrino masses and grand uni?ed theories (GUTs). General - pects of neutrino physics and CP violation, neutrino mixing and the bayron asymmetry were presented along the same lines. On the theoretical side the idea of the construction of gauge theories on non-commutative spaces and their phenomenological implications is accepted worldwide within the particle physics community.