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The importance of ionospheric irregularities in the overall concept of dynamic ionospheric physics modeling is emphasized. In particular, ionospheric irregularities produce scintillation which cause communication and radar system degradation. The determination, classification and nonlinear development of such instabilities, in terms of theoretical and numerical studies, is of fundamental importance. This report gives an overview of ionospheric irregularities and specific results in two areas: (1) nonlinear development of the type II E region equatorial electrojet instability and (2) plasma clouds, image effects and striations in the ionosphere.
A computer simulation accounts for some of the observed features of short wavelength irregularities in the equatorial electrojet. Two dimensional fluid equations for ion number density, velocity, and electrostatic potential are solved in the rest frame of the neutral atmosphere. The initial configuration is gradient-drift unstable. Growth of small amplitude fluctuations agrees with linear theory. When the density fluctuation reaches about 5%, nonlinear effects become noticeable. As the instability grows, the flow becomes similar to 2D turbulence. The late time spectral power decreases as K to the minus 3.5 power in agreement with theory and observations. (Author).
A Complete Reference for the 21st Century Until recently, much of the communications technology in the former Eastern bloc countries was largely unknown. Due to the historically competitive nature of East/West relations, scientific groups operated independently, without the benefit of open communication on theoretical framework
A computer simulation based on fluid equations of motion seems to account for basic observational features of short wavelength type 2 (subsonically propagating) ionization irregularities in the equatorial electrojet. The short wavelengths (less than 28 meters for parameters taken here) are excited only after long wavelengths, horizontally propagating waves grow to an amplitude sufficient to trigger the nonlinear growth of secondary vertically propagating modes. The result is a complicated two dimensional turbulent flow, with convective elements moving with comparable vertical and horizontal velocities. The density fluctuation power spectrum obeys approximately a power law k to the minus 3.5 power. These results agree with theory and observation.