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The field of ultrafast nonlinear optics is broad and multidisciplinary, and encompasses areas concerned with both the generation and measurement of ultrashort pulses of light, as well as those concerned with the applications of such pulses. Ultrashort pulses are extreme events – both in terms of their durations, and also the high peak powers which their short durations can facilitate. These extreme properties make them powerful experiment tools. On one hand, their ultrashort durations facilitate the probing and manipulation of matter on incredibly short timescales. On the other, their ultrashort durations can facilitate high peak powers which can drive highly nonlinear light-matter interaction processes. Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics covers a complete range of topics, both applied and fundamental in nature, within the area of ultrafast nonlinear optics. Chapters 1 to 4 are concerned with the generation and measurement of ultrashort pulses. Chapters 5 to 7 are concerned with fundamental applications of ultrashort pulses in metrology and quantum control. Chapters 8 and 9 are concerned with ultrafast nonlinear optics in optical fibres. Chapters 10 to 13 are concerned with the applications of ultrashort pulses in areas such as particle acceleration, microscopy, and micromachining. The chapters are aimed at graduate-student level and are intended to provide the student with an accessible, self-contained and comprehensive gateway into each subject.
Deals with the fundamental properties of photon and light beams, both experimentally and theoretically. It covers the essentials of linear interactions and most of the nonlinear interactions between light and matter in both the transparent and absorbing cases. About 4000 references open access to original literature.
Session 1 Elementary Excitations and Excitation Transport.- Picosecond Resolved Optically Driven Phonon Dynamics.- Relaxation and Propagation of High Frequency Phonons in Thin Crystalline Plates After Intense Laser Pumping.- Evolution in Real Time and Space of Short Polariton Pulses in Crystals.- Quasielastic Electronic Light Scattering in Semiconductors at Low Concentrations of Current Carriers.- Condensed Matter Science With Far Infra Red Free Electron Lasers (Abstract).- Nonequilibrium Terahertz Range Acoustic Phonons and Luminescence of Excitons in Semiconductors.- Session II Optical Properties of Surfaces and Interfaces.- Nonlinear Optical Studies of Molecular Adsorbates.- Enhancement of Exciton Transition Probabilities in Ultrathin Films of Cadmium Telluride.- Studies of Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces by Three Wave Mixing Spectroscopy (Abstract).- Time-Resolved Resonant Reflection of Light.- Femtosecond Photoemission Studies of Image Potential and Electron Dynamics in Metals.- High Intensity, Ultrashort Pulse Laser Heated Solids.- Session III Optical Studies of Growth, Instabilities and Pattern Formation.- Control of Transversal Interactions in Nonlinear Optics: New Spatio-Temporal Effects in Nonlinear Wave Dynamics (Abstract).- Synchronization of Atomic Quantum Transitions by Light Pulses.- Chaos in Nonlinear Optics.- Self-Organizaiton and Spatio-Temporal Chaos in Phase-Locked Semiconductor Laser Arrays (Abstract).- Competitive and Cooperative Dynamics in Optical Neural Networks (Abstract).- Transitions Between Ordered and Disordered Solid-Melt Patterns Formed on Silicon by Continuous Laser Beams: Competition Between Electrodynamics and Thermodynamics.- Session IV Elementary Excitations and Excitation Transport.- Light Scattering in Oxide Superconductors.- Raman Scattering in High-Tc Superconductors YBa2Cu3Ox With Different Oxygen Contents.- Raman Scattering from High Temperature Superconductors.- Decay of Exciton Gratings in Anthracene: Anisotropy of Lowest Exciton Bands and Coexistence of Longpath and Shortpath Waveguide Modes.- Excitation Transport in Polymeric Solids.- Vibron Lifetimes in Molecular Crystals.- Session V Optical Properties of Critical Phenomena Random Systems, and Coherent Phenomena.- Anomalies of the Elastic Light Scattering at Phase Transitions in Crystals with Point Defects.- Dynamical Fluctuations in a Dipolar Glass.- Localization of Light in Random Media (Abstract).- Quantum Optic and Transient Effects of Excitonic Polaritons, and Properties of Phonoritons.- Nonclassical Field Correlations in Quantum Optics (Abstract).- Phase-Conjugated Wave Enhanced by Weak Localization of Exciton-Polaritons.- Session VI Nonlinear Optical Properties of Semiconductors Organics and Fibers.- The Historical Relationship Between Nonlinear Optics and Condensed Matter (Abstract).- Optical Nonlinearities Enhanced by Carrier Transport.- Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials and Devices for Optoelectronics (Abstract).- Nonlinear Optical Susceptibilities of Surface Layers of Metals and Super- and Semiconductors Related to Electronic Structure and Crystal Symmetry.- Second Harmonic Generation in Optical Fibers.- Nonlinear Optical Probes of Glassy Polymers.- Session VII Quantum Wells.- Photoluminescence of Hot Electrons and Scattering Processes in Quantum-Well Structures.- High Resolution Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy Measurements of Exciton Dynamics in GaAs Quantum Well Structures.- Optical Spectroscopy in the Regime of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect.- Geminate Recombination in MQW Structures in a Magnetic Field.- Investigation of Two-Electron-Hole Pair Resonances in Semiconductor Quantum Dots.- Many Body Effects in Homogeneous Quasi 2D Electron-Hole Plasma in Undoped and Modulation Doped InGaAs Single Quantum Wells.- Session VIII Recent Significant Developments.- Pulsed Diffusing-Wave Spectroscopy in Dense Colloids.- Waves on Corrugated Surfaces: K-Gaps and Enhanced Backscattering.- Black Hole Radiation: Can Vir...
This volume covers a range of topics from this interdisciplinary field, focusing on coherent responses of gaseous and condensed matter to ultrashort intense laser pulses, propagation of intense laser pulses, and laser-plasma interaction and its applications.
Session 1 Elementary Excitations and Excitation Transport.- Picosecond Resolved Optically Driven Phonon Dynamics.- Relaxation and Propagation of High Frequency Phonons in Thin Crystalline Plates After Intense Laser Pumping.- Evolution in Real Time and Space of Short Polariton Pulses in Crystals.- Quasielastic Electronic Light Scattering in Semiconductors at Low Concentrations of Current Carriers.- Condensed Matter Science With Far Infra Red Free Electron Lasers (Abstract).- Nonequilibrium Terahertz Range Acoustic Phonons and Luminescence of Excitons in Semiconductors.- Session II Optical Properties of Surfaces and Interfaces.- Nonlinear Optical Studies of Molecular Adsorbates.- Enhancement of Exciton Transition Probabilities in Ultrathin Films of Cadmium Telluride.- Studies of Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces by Three Wave Mixing Spectroscopy (Abstract).- Time-Resolved Resonant Reflection of Light.- Femtosecond Photoemission Studies of Image Potential and Electron Dynamics in Metals.- High Intensity, Ultrashort Pulse Laser Heated Solids.- Session III Optical Studies of Growth, Instabilities and Pattern Formation.- Control of Transversal Interactions in Nonlinear Optics: New Spatio-Temporal Effects in Nonlinear Wave Dynamics (Abstract).- Synchronization of Atomic Quantum Transitions by Light Pulses.- Chaos in Nonlinear Optics.- Self-Organizaiton and Spatio-Temporal Chaos in Phase-Locked Semiconductor Laser Arrays (Abstract).- Competitive and Cooperative Dynamics in Optical Neural Networks (Abstract).- Transitions Between Ordered and Disordered Solid-Melt Patterns Formed on Silicon by Continuous Laser Beams: Competition Between Electrodynamics and Thermodynamics.- Session IV Elementary Excitations and Excitation Transport.- Light Scattering in Oxide Superconductors.- Raman Scattering in High-Tc Superconductors YBa2Cu3Ox With Different Oxygen Contents.- Raman Scattering from High Temperature Superconductors.- Decay of Exciton Gratings in Anthracene: Anisotropy of Lowest Exciton Bands and Coexistence of Longpath and Shortpath Waveguide Modes.- Excitation Transport in Polymeric Solids.- Vibron Lifetimes in Molecular Crystals.- Session V Optical Properties of Critical Phenomena Random Systems, and Coherent Phenomena.- Anomalies of the Elastic Light Scattering at Phase Transitions in Crystals with Point Defects.- Dynamical Fluctuations in a Dipolar Glass.- Localization of Light in Random Media (Abstract).- Quantum Optic and Transient Effects of Excitonic Polaritons, and Properties of Phonoritons.- Nonclassical Field Correlations in Quantum Optics (Abstract).- Phase-Conjugated Wave Enhanced by Weak Localization of Exciton-Polaritons.- Session VI Nonlinear Optical Properties of Semiconductors Organics and Fibers.- The Historical Relationship Between Nonlinear Optics and Condensed Matter (Abstract).- Optical Nonlinearities Enhanced by Carrier Transport.- Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials and Devices for Optoelectronics (Abstract).- Nonlinear Optical Susceptibilities of Surface Layers of Metals and Super- and Semiconductors Related to Electronic Structure and Crystal Symmetry.- Second Harmonic Generation in Optical Fibers.- Nonlinear Optical Probes of Glassy Polymers.- Session VII Quantum Wells.- Photoluminescence of Hot Electrons and Scattering Processes in Quantum-Well Structures.- High Resolution Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy Measurements of Exciton Dynamics in GaAs Quantum Well Structures.- Optical Spectroscopy in the Regime of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect.- Geminate Recombination in MQW Structures in a Magnetic Field.- Investigation of Two-Electron-Hole Pair Resonances in Semiconductor Quantum Dots.- Many Body Effects in Homogeneous Quasi 2D Electron-Hole Plasma in Undoped and Modulation Doped InGaAs Single Quantum Wells.- Session VIII Recent Significant Developments.- Pulsed Diffusing-Wave Spectroscopy in Dense Colloids.- Waves on Corrugated Surfaces: K-Gaps and Enhanced Backscattering.- Black Hole Radiation: Can Vir...
Keeping abreast of the latest techniques and applications, this new edition of the standard reference and graduate text on laser spectroscopy has been completely revised and expanded. While the general concept is unchanged, the new edition features a broad array of new material, e.g., frequency doubling in external cavities, reliable cw-parametric oscillators, tunable narrow-band UV sources, more sensitive detection techniques, tunable femtosecond and sub-femtosecond lasers (X-ray region and the attosecond range), control of atomic and molecular excitations, frequency combs able to synchronize independent femtosecond lasers, coherent matter waves, and still more applications in chemical analysis, medical diagnostics, and engineering.
The interaction of high-power lasers with matter can generate Terahertz radiations that efficiently contribute to THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy and also would replace X-rays in medical and security applications. When a short intense laser pulse ionizes a gas, it may produce new frequencies even in VUV to XUV domain. The duration of XUV pulses can be confined down to the isolated attosecond pulse levels, required to study the electronic re-arrangement and ultrafast processes. Another important aspect of laser-matter interaction is the laser thermonuclear fusion control where accelerated particles also find an efficient use. This book provides comprehensive coverage of the most essential topics, including Electromagnetic waves and lasers THz radiation using semiconducting materials / nanostructures / gases / plasmas Surface plasmon resonance THz radiation detection Particle acceleration technologies X-ray lasers High harmonics and attosecond lasers Laser based techniques of thermonuclear fusion Controlled fusion devices including NIF and ITER The book comprises of 11 chapters and every chapter starts with a lucid introduction to the main topic. Then sub-topics are sedulously discussed keeping in mind their basics, methodology, state-of-the-art and future perspective that will prove to be salutary for readers. High quality solved examples are appended to the chapters for their deep understanding and relevant applications. In view of the nature of the topics and their level of discussion, this book is expected to have pre-eminent potential for researchers along with postgraduate and undergraduate students all over the world.
The embryonic development of femtoscience stems from advances made in the generation of ultrashort laser pulses. Beginning with mode-locking of glass lasers in the 1960s, the development of dye lasers brought the pulse width down from picoseconds to femtoseconds. The breakthrough in solid state laser pulse generation provided the current reliable table-top laser systems capable of average power of about 1 watt, and peak power density of easily watts per square centimeter, with pulse widths in the range of four to eight femtoseconds. Pulses with peak power density reaching watts per square centimeter have been achieved in laboratory settings and, more recently, pulses of sub-femtosecond duration have been successfully generated. As concepts and methodologies have evolved over the past two decades, the realm of ultrafast science has become vast and exciting and has impacted many areas of chemistry, biology and physics, and other fields such as materials science, electrical engineering, and optical communication. In molecular science the explosive growth of this research is for fundamental reasons. In femtochemistry and femtobiology chemical bonds form and break on the femtosecond time scale, and on this scale of time we can freeze the transition states at configurations never before seen. Even for n- reactive physical changes one is observing the most elementary of molecular processes. On a time scale shorter than the vibrational and rotational periods the ensemble behaves coherently as a single-molecule trajectory.