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The empirical modeling of economic time series is dominated by methods that assume linearity of the underlying dynamic economic system. The reason for the adoption of linearity is its analytical and computational simplicity. But dynamic economic systems can be far from linear and the challenge facing applied econometrics in constructing reliable statistical techniques and models for handling dynamic nonlinearities is immense. This book examines and assesses the latest techniques in nonlinear dynamics.
Brock, Hsieh, and LeBaron show how the principles of chaos theory can be applied to such areas of economics and finance as the changing structure of stock returns and nonlinearity in foreign exchange.
A systematic and comprehensive introduction to the study of nonlinear dynamical systems, in both discrete and continuous time, for nonmathematical students and researchers working in applied fields. An understanding of linear systems and the classical theory of stability are essential although basic reviews of the relevant material are provided. Further chapters are devoted to the stability of invariant sets, bifurcation theory, chaotic dynamics and the transition to chaos. In the final two chapters the authors approach the subject from a measure-theoretical point of view and compare results to those given for the geometrical or topological approach of the first eight chapters. Includes about one hundred exercises. A Windows-compatible software programme called DMC, provided free of charge through a website dedicated to the book, allows readers to perform numerical and graphical analysis of dynamical systems. Also available on the website are computer exercises and solutions to selected book exercises. See
The plan to publish the present book arose while I was preparing a joint work with Gunter Gabisch (Gabisch, G. /Lorenz, H. -W. : Business Cycle Theory. Berlin-Heidel berg-New York: Springer). It turned out that a lot of interesting material could only be sketched in a business cycle text, either because the relevance for business cycle theory was not evident or because the material required an interest in dynamical economics which laid beyond the scope of a survey text for advanced undergraduates. While much of the material enclosed in this book can be found in condensed and sometimes more or less identical form in that business cycle text, the present monograph attempts to present nonlinear dynamical economics in a broader context with economic examples from other fields than business cycle theory. It is a pleasure for me to acknowledge the critical comments, extremely detailed remarks, or suggestions by many friends and colleagues. The responses to earlier versions of the manuscript by W. A. Barnett, M. Boldrin, W. A. Brock, C. Chiarella, C. Dale, G. Feichtinger, P. Flaschel, D. K. Foley, R. M. Goodwin, D. Kelsey, M. Lines, A. Medio, L. Montrucchio, P. Read, C. Sayers, A. Schmutzler, H. Schnabl, G. Silverberg, H. -\'\!. Sinn, J. Sterman, and R. Tscherning not only encouraged me to publish the book in its present form but helped to remove numerous errors (not only typographic ones) and conceptnal misunderstandings and flaws. Particular thanks go to G.
Complex dynamics constitute a growing and increasingly important area as they offer a strong potential to explain and formalize natural, physical, financial and economic phenomena. This book pursues the ambitious goal to bring together an extensive body of knowledge regarding complex dynamics from various academic disciplines. Beyond its focus on economics and finance, including for instance the evolution of macroeconomic growth models towards nonlinear structures as well as signal processing applications to stock markets, fundamental parts of the book are devoted to the use of nonlinear dynamics in mathematics, statistics, signal theory and processing. Numerous examples and applications, almost 700 illustrations and numerical simulations based on the use of Matlab make the book an essential reference for researchers and students from many different disciplines who are interested in the nonlinear field. An appendix recapitulates the basic mathematical concepts required to use the book.
This 1997 book presents developments in nonlinear economic dynamics along with related research from other fields, including mathematics, statistics, biology, and physics.
A collection of essays which bring together three basic aspects of research into nonlinear dynamics and economics. The first papers deal with the theoretical methods used in analyzing chaotic dynamics and the statistical tools to detect the presence of non-linearities in economic data. The following articles discuss the models which are currently being used to stimulate nonlinear economic phenomena. The final papers apply these methods to a number of economic time series.
This textbook is aimed at newcomers to nonlinear dynamics and chaos, especially students taking a first course in the subject. The presentation stresses analytical methods, concrete examples, and geometric intuition. The theory is developed systematically, starting with first-order differential equations and their bifurcations, followed by phase plane analysis, limit cycles and their bifurcations, and culminating with the Lorenz equations, chaos, iterated maps, period doubling, renormalization, fractals, and strange attractors.
Attractors, Bifurcations, & Chaos - now in its second edition - begins with an introduction to mathematical methods in modern nonlinear dynamics and deals with differential equations. Phenomena such as bifurcations and deterministic chaos are given considerable emphasis, both in the methodological part, and in the second part, containing various applications in economics and in regional science. Coexistence of attractors and the multiplicity of development paths in nonlinear systems are central topics. The applications focus on issues such as business cycles, oligopoly, interregional trade dynamics, and economic development theory.
Covering a broad range of topics, this text provides a comprehensive survey of the modelling of chaotic dynamics and complexity in the natural and social sciences. Its attention to models in both the physical and social sciences and the detailed philosophical approach make this an unique text in the midst of many current books on chaos and complexity. Part 1 deals with the mathematical model as an instrument of investigation. The general meaning of modelling and, more specifically, questions concerning linear modelling are discussed. Part 2 deals with the theme of chaos and the origin of chaotic dynamics. Part 3 deals with the theme of complexity: a property of the systems and of their models which is intermediate between stability and chaos. Including an extensive index and bibliography along with numerous examples and simplified models, this is an ideal course text.