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Our objective in this project was to derive a mathematically exact theory of unsteady fluid flow separation. We have obtained analytic formulae for the location and shape of separation profiles in terms of measurable, wall-based physical quantities. These formulae can now be used to design feedback controllers that alter, destroy, or create separation. Our main achievements are as follows: (1) We have developed a mathematical theory of unsteady three-dimensional separation for flows with a steady mean component. (2) We have developed a theory of moving unsteady separation for flows with a time-varying mean component. (3) We have developed a theory of separation for two-dimensional flows with a slip boundary ((1)-(3) above cover no-slip boundaries) (4) We also conducted experiments to prove existence of a new three-dimensional separation pattern (separation along a limit cycle of the wall shear field) first predicted by our 3D steady separation theory.
Flow separation (the detachment of fluid from a no-slip boundary) is a major cause of performance loss in engineering devices, including diffusers, airfoils and jet engines. The systematic study of flow separation dates back to the seminal work of Prandtl in 1904. He showed that a two-dimensional steady flow separates from a no-slip boundary at points where the wall shear vanishes and admits a negative gradient. Three-dimensional flows, however, tend to separate along lines, as opposed to isolated wall-shear zeros. Despite widespread effort, no generally applicable extension of Prandtl's result has emerged for even three-dimensional steady flows. In this thesis we develop a nonlinear theory for separation and attachment of steady and unsteady three-dimensional fluid flows on no-slip curved moving boundaries. The theory provides analytic criteria for locating the separation line and approximating the shape of separation surface. Based on nonlinear dynamical systems techniques, the criteria identify separation line and separation surface by locating nonhyperbolic unstable manifolds that collect and eject fluid particles from the boundary. We verify our theory on analytic flow models, in numerical simulations of important benchmark problems and in experiments. Our theory provides a systematic tool for diagnostics, configuration design and active flow control of separation and attachment in complex three dimensional fluid flows.
This book develops concepts and a methodology for a rational description of the organization of three-dimensional flows considering, in particular, the case where the flow is the place of separations. The descriptive analysis based on the critical point theory of Poincaré develops conventional but rather unfamiliar considerations from aerodynamicists, who face the understanding of complex flows including multiple separation lines and vortices. These problems concern industrial sectors where aerodynamics plays a key role, such as aerospace, ground vehicles, buildings, etc. Contents 1. Skin Friction Lines Pattern and Critical Points. 2. Separation Streamsurfaces and Vortex Structures. 3. Separated Flow on a Body. 4. Vortex Wake of Wings and Slender Bodies. 5. Separation Induced by an Obstacle or a Blunt Body. 6. Reconsideration of the Two-Dimensional Separation. 7. Concluding Remarks. About the Authors Jean Délery is a Supaero (French National Higher School of Aeronautics and Space) engineer who has worked at Onera (French national aerospace research center) since 1964. He has participated in several major French and European aerospace programs, is the author of many scientific publications, and has occupied various teaching positions particularly at Supaero, the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin, Ecole polytechnique in France and “La Sapienza” University in Rome, Italy. He is currently emeritus adviser at Onera.
No be certain it can is not based mathematics. knowledge if upon da Vinci, (Leonardo 1452 1519) the humankind. Thinking is one greatest of Joys of Galilei, (Galileo 1564 1642) Now I think is to be the root all hydrodynamics and is at of physical science, second the to none in its mathematics. present beauty of Thomson (William (Lord Kelvin), 1824 1907) The book contains the lecture notes of of the nine instructors at present eight the short Flow Control: Fundamentals and which held course was Practices, in the week 24 28 June and Carg6se, Corsica, France, during 1996, repeated at the of Notre 9 13 1996. University Dame, Indiana, September Following the week in the course a on same was held. Corsica, 5 day workshop topic Selected from the scheduled to 1998 workshop are papers appear early special volume of the International Journal Heat Thermo of Experimental Transfer, and Fluid All Mechanics. three events were Jean Paul dynamics, organized by Bonnet of Universit6 de Andrew Pollard of Univer Poitiers, France, Queen's at and Mohamed Gad el Hak of the of sity Kingston, Canada, University Notre U.S.A.
This textbook is aimed at newcomers to nonlinear dynamics and chaos, especially students taking a first course in the subject. The presentation stresses analytical methods, concrete examples, and geometric intuition. The theory is developed systematically, starting with first-order differential equations and their bifurcations, followed by phase plane analysis, limit cycles and their bifurcations, and culminating with the Lorenz equations, chaos, iterated maps, period doubling, renormalization, fractals, and strange attractors.
This volume contains articles based on lectures given at the Workshop on Transition and Turbulence Control, hosted by the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, 8OCo10 December 2004. The lecturers included 13 of the worldOCOs foremost experts in the control of transitioning and turbulent flows. The chapters cover a wide range of subjects in the broad area of flow control, and will be useful to researchers working in this area in academia, government laboratories and industry. The coverage includes control theory, passive, active and reactive methods for controlling transitional and turbulent wall-bounded flows, noise suppression and mixing enhancement of supersonic turbulent jets, compliant coatings, modern flow diagnostic systems, and swept wing instabilities."
In this book, the authors present the elements of a general theory for flows on three-dimensional compact boundaryless manifolds, encompassing flows with equilibria accumulated by regular orbits. The book aims to provide a global perspective of this theory and make it easier for the reader to digest the growing literature on this subject. This is not the first book on the subject of dynamical systems, but there are distinct aspects which together make this book unique. Firstly, this book treats mostly continuous time dynamical systems, instead of its discrete counterpart, exhaustively treated in some other texts. Secondly, this book treats all the subjects from a mathematical perspective with proofs of most of the results included. Thirdly, this book is meant to be an advanced graduate textbook and not just a reference book or monograph on the subject. This aspect is reflected in the way the cover material is presented, with careful and complete proofs, and precise references to topics in the book.