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Annotation Presents invited lectures and reports on the ensuing working-group discussions from sessions on single-particle nonlinear dynamics, the production and dynamics of high brightness beams, beam dynamics in plasmas, and plasma dynamics in beams. Another 28 contributed papers discuss such topics as evaluating non-linear phase space distortions with frequency analysis, chaotic particle motion in hadron storage rings exhibiting decreasing betatron amplitudes, symplectic integration, linear effects of dispersion on the beam-beam interaction, and preliminary results of finding four-dimensional symplectic maps with reduced chaos. Reproduced from typescripts, some double spaced. No subject index. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
Market: Physicists, engineers, and advanced graduate students working with particle accelerators, storage rings, and colliders. This cogent, contemporary work by two preeminent Russian accelerator physicists details the physical processes limiting or assisting the performance of intense beams in particle accelerators. The authors apply statistical methods to the physics of stored beams and describe in rigorous detail a wide range of beam physics problems. These range from single particle dynamics, through the theory of linear coherent oscillations and cooling techniques, to the kinetic effects in intense beams and nonlinear collective phenomena.
This book of proceedings is an up-to-date review of the advances made in the past two decades on the production, control and exploitation of bright electron and light beams for science — in particular, innovative manipulation and control, in linear and circular accelerators, of high brightness charged particle beams. In the conceptual, theoretical and experimental framework of nonlinear beam dynamics and collective cooperative effects, the book provides an update of the state-of-the-art theoretical formulations, techniques and technologies, innovative concepts and scientific results obtained at existing accelerator facilities. Challenges and solutions, proposed or implemented, for the operation of third and fourth generation storage rings as synchrotron radiation sources and circular colliders for high energy particle physics, as well as radiofrequency linear accelerators for Compton/Thomson scattering-based light sources and free electron lasers, are reviewed and discussed. The complementarity between single-pass and recirculating light sources in energy, timing and spectral operational modes also emerges.
From the reviews: "This book is a very welcome and valuable addition to the accelerator literature. As noted by the authors, there is relatively little material in the book specifically for low-energy machines, but industrial users may still find it useful to read." Cern Courier
This book contains the proceedings of the 1999 ICFA workshop on the physics of high brightness beams. The workshop took a snapshot in time of a fast moving, interdisciplinary field driven by advanced applications such as high gradient, high energy physics linear colliders, high gain free electron lasers, heavy ion fusion, and transmutation of nuclear materials. While the field of high brightness beam physics has traditionally been divided into disparate electron and heavy ion communities, the workshop brought the two types of researchers together, so that a sharing of insights and methods could be achieved. Thus, this book represents a unifying step in the development of the diverse fascinating discipline of high brightness beam physics, with its challenges rooted in collective, nonlinear particle motion and ultra-high electromagnetic energy density.
The Eighth Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics was held on the campus of the University of Rochester during the period June 13-16,2001. This volume contains the proceedings of the meeting. The meeting was preceded by an affiliated conference, the International Conference on Quantum Information, with some overlapping sessions on June 13. The proceedings of the affiliated conference will be published separately by the Optical Society of America. A few papers that were presented in common plenary sessions of the two conferences will be published in both proceedings volumes. More than 268 scientists from 28 countries participated in the week long discussions and presentations. This Conference differed from the previous seven in the CQO series in several ways, the most important of which was the absence of Leonard Mandel. Professor Mandel died a few months before the conference. A special memorial symposium in his honor was held at the end of the conference. The presentations from that symposium are included in this proceedings volume. An innovation, that we believe made an important contribution to the conference, was the inclusion of a series of invited lectures chaired by CQO founder Emil Wolf, reviewing the history of the fields of coherence and quantum optics before about 1970. These were given by three prominent participants in the development of the field, C. Cohen-Tannoudji, 1. F. Clauser, and R. I. Glauber.
This book adopts a non-traditional approach to accelerator theory. The exposition starts with the synchro-betatron formalism and continues with the linear and nonlinear theories of transverse betatron motion. Various methods of studying nonlinear dynamical systems (the canonical theory of perturbations and the methods of multiple scales and formal series) are explained through examples. The renormalization group approach to studying nonlinear (continuous and discrete) dynamical systems as applied to accelerators and storage rings is used throughout the book. The statistical description of charged particle beams (the BalescuOCoLenard and Landau kinetic equations as well as the Vlasov equation) is dealt with in the second part of the book. The processes of pattern formation and formation of coherent structures (solitons) are also described. Contents: Hamiltonian Formulation of Single Particle Dynamics; Linear Betatron Motion; Nonlinear Resonances of Betatron Oscillations; Canonical Perturbation Theory; Special Methods in Accelerator Theory; Transfer Maps; Statistical Description of Charged Particle Beams; Statistical Description of Non-Integrable Hamiltonian Systems; The Vlasov Equation; Nonlinear Waves and Turbulence in Intense Beams. Readership: Graduate students, academics and researchers in accelerator & experimental physics."
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics merges two long-running serials--Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics and Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy. This series features extended articles on the physics of electron devices (especially semiconductor devices), particle optics at high and low energies, microlithography, image science and digital image processing, electromagnetic wave propagation, electron microscopy, and the computing methods used in all these domains. Updated with contributions from leading international scholars and industry experts Discusses hot topic areas and presents current and future research trends Invaluable reference and guide for physicists, engineers and mathematicians
This book is especially concerned with fundamental theoretical and experimental aspects of relativistic beam physics, recoil, and cooling phenomena in atomic and ion beams and traps, with emphasis on coherence and collective effects. The central theme is the physics of atomic laser and free electron laser, and the development of a bridge between them through the mechanism of the so-called recoil induced gain mechanism. The links between relativistic beam physics and atomic laser physics are explored. This book is targeted at an audience of non-specialists or specialists in only one of the fields mentioned above. It addresses the following topics: Fundamentals of laser cooling and trapping of atoms: theory and experiments; Quantum optics and atomic coherence effects; Laser cooling of trapped ions; from single ion to ion crystal; Spatio-temporal instabilities in optical systems; Coherence in atom optics; atomic diffraction and interferometry; Optical lattices; nonlinear effects in laser-cooled atoms; Coherent population trapping; Two-level gain and collective recoil-induced effects; Fundamental physics of relativistic particles beams; High-gain free electron laser: theory, experiments and projects; Cooling of ion beams in a storage ring; Experiments on dense laser-cooled stored ion beams.
The OC 2007 ICTP Summer College on Plasma Physics'' was held at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, during the period 30 July to 24 August 2007. The purpose of the summer college was to provide training for young scientists from all over the world, mainly from third world countries, and to give them the opportunity to interact with senior scientists in an informal manner. A large number of talks were given by invited speakers and experts, with information about the most recent advances in magnetic confinement fusion and tokamak physics, intense laserOCoplasma interactions and plasma-based particle acceleration, turbulence, dusty plasmas, and the emerging field of quantum plasmas. A selected number of papers from the invited speakers appear in this book. Sample Chapter(s). Foreword (60 KB). Nonlinear Collective Processes in Very Dense Plasmas (1,782 KB). Contents: Nonlinear Collective Processes in Very Dense Plasmas (P K Shukla et al.); Quantum, Spin and QED Effects in Plasmas (G Brodin & M Marklund); Quantum Methodologies in Beam, Fluid and Plasma Physics (R Fedele); Generation of Galactic Seed Magnetic Fields (H Saleem); Multifluid Theory of Solitons (F Verheest); Electro-Acoustic Solitary Waves in Dusty Plasmas (A A Mamun & P K Shukla); Physics of Dust in Magnetic Fusion Devices (Z Wang et al.); Short Wavelength Ballooning Mode in Tokamaks (A Hirose & N Joiner); and other papers. Readership: Researchers in the field of plasma physics."