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"Onora il tuo nome", e cosi che si intitola o e stata nominata la raccolta del visual artista partenopeo Mario Chiauzzi, importante personalità creativa che nuota come un pesce libero e disinvolto nel mare dell'arte contemporanea d'oggi, un mare angusto e colmo di trappole che sapientemente vengono schivate e raggirate da un'artista dall'armatura culturale lucente. La grafia segnica di Mario Chiauzzi e un inno alla libera espressività attraverso l'uso consapevole dell'arte grafica digitale. Come egli stesso rivela: "Onora il tuo nome" e un'opera dai molteplici significati - raccolta in più volumi praticamente identici, tranne l'ultimo, il settimo. Ciascun volume contiene 62 immagini che, ciclicamente si ripetono, per 5 volte consecutive, seguendo sempre lo stesso andamento, lo stesso ordine consecutivo con una minima differenza, tra una composizione e l'altra, cromatica o di volume. Simile alle lancette di un orologio, ruotano sempre nello stesso verso, regolarmente avanzano, cambiando solo tonalità e forma. In qualche modo, simboleggiano il tempo, la quotidiana spersonalizzazione dell'individuo, la sequela noiosa e ripetitiva dei giorni di una civiltà consumistica e illusoria, la vita che apparentemente avanza, ma in realtà retrocede, si ripete. Le immagini, che amo definire la variazione dell'uguale che avanza ma non e mai dissimile dalla diversità di messaggio e nominazione stilistica, diventano qualcosa di diverso, di autenticamente curioso, qualcosa che pone lo spettatore di fronte al quesito intimistico di avanzamento dello sguardo o ritrosia del senso dell'immagine proposta. Un ambiguità voluta che sfocia in alcune immagini proposte, che fungono da collante, da "intermezzo" tra una successione e l'altra, che rappresentano la voglia, il desiderio di cambiare, di essere altro, di allontanarsi dalla solita routine che tutto avvolge e governa in un'infinita e rumorosa confusione: una routine piena di doppiezze e di viltà, di ciarle e di pleonastiche vanità, come egli stesso sottolinea. Una scelta obbligata, per rimarcare l'omologazione in atto, in ogni campo, dove tutto diventa normale, riproducibile; dove tutto diviene tranquillamente sostituibile, a scapito dell'unicità.
Horae Apocalypticae is a commentary on the apocalypse, critical and historical; including also an examination of the chief prophecies of Daniel. It is doubtless the most elaborate work ever produced on the Apocalypse. Editors Note, 2018 Quin. Ed. E. B Elliot finished his great work about the year 1860. The nature of the Historicist method of interpretation is such that the line of fulfilled prophecy is continually moving with the passage of time. The interpretation of which necessarily requires a certain amount of speculation which must be verified before accepted as true. As well intentioned as many are the passage of time will overthrow the best of expositors on some points of which time would reveal to be mere speculation. Though the bulk of Mr. Elliot's work still stands the test of time, time has unveiled a more likely or true interpretation on some points. The editors herein have made some updates commensurate.
This is it: the final chapter in MARCO B. BUCCI and JACOPO CAMAGNI'S urban-fantasy opus is here and it's as shocking and ruthless and as you would expect. While Becky (the witch) and Taranis (The King) face-off, Medea's ritual changes the world of NOMEN OMEN forever. Surviving such a drastic transformation won't be easy: tragedy is always just a few pages away. Death, guilt and retribution will follow. This is the end after all. Or is it? Collects Nomen Omen #11-15
Comprising fifteen books and over two hundred and fifty myths, Ovid's Metamorphoses is one of the longest extant Latin poems from the ancient world and one of the most influential works in Western culture. It is an epic on desire and transgression that became a gateway to the entire world of pagan mythology and visual imagination. This, the first complete commentary in English, covers all aspects of the text – from textual interpretation to poetics, imagination, and ideology – and will be useful as a teaching aid and an orientation for those who are interested in the text and its reception. Historically, the poem's audience includes readers interested in opera and ballet, psychology and sexuality, myth and painting, feminism and posthumanism, vegetarianism and metempsychosis (to name just a few outside the area of Classical Studies).
This publication reviews the labour market integration of immigrants and their offspring in three OECD countries: Austria, Norway and Switzerland, and provides country-specific recommendations.
Becky's literal leap of faith unhinged the doors to a world of magic, a world that will force her to abandon her old life and embrace her legacy. After all, you may be born a witch, but there's no way you can properly use ma
Denis Feeney is one of the most distinguished scholars of Latin literature and Roman culture in the world of the last half-century. These two volumes conveniently collect and present afresh all his major papers, covering a wide range of topics and interests. Ancient epic is a major focus, followed by Latin lyric, historiography and elegy. Ancient literary criticism and the technology of the book are recurrent themes. Many papers address the problems of literary responses to religion and ritual, with an interdisciplinary methodology drawing on comparative anthropology and religion. The transition from Republic to Empire and the emergence of the Augustan principate form the background to the majority of the papers, and the question of how literary texts are to be read in historical context is addressed throughout. All quotations from ancient and modern languages have now been translated and Stephen Hinds has contributed a foreword.
In the spirit of Ludolph of Saxony (c. 1295-1378) and Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), The Fourfold Gospel invites the reader into the mystery of God's redemption in Jesus Christ. All the parallel passages in the Gospels are glossed together, along with the unique material, using a medieval interpretive approach called the Quadriga or the acronym PaRDeS in Hebrew. Meditating on the literal, canonical, moral, and theological senses of Scripture offers a scaffolding for the spiritual formation of the reader. This volume, in addition to a thorough introduction to the method and the Gospels, focuses on the beginning of the story--the birth, baptism, and temptations of Christ.