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Studies the cohomology of degeneracy loci. This title assumes that $E\otimes F DEGREES\vee$ is ample and globally generated, and that $\psi$ is a general homomorphism. In order to study the cohomology of $Z$, it considers the Grassmannian bundle $\pi\colon Y: =\mathbb{G}(f-r, F)\to X$ of $(f-r)$-dimensional linear subspaces of the fibre
Contains carefully written expository and research articles. Expository papers include discussions of Noether-Lefschetz theory, algebraicity of Hodge loci, and the representation theory of SL2(R). Research articles concern the Hodge conjecture, Harish-Chandra modules, mirror symmetry, Hodge representations of Q-algebraic groups, and compactifications, distributions, and quotients of period domains.
The property of maximal $L_p$-regularity for parabolic evolution equations is investigated via the concept of $\mathcal R$-sectorial operators and operator-valued Fourier multipliers. As application, we consider the $L_q$-realization of an elliptic boundary value problem of order $2m$ with operator-valued coefficients subject to general boundary conditions. We show that there is maximal $L_p$-$L_q$-regularity for the solution of the associated Cauchy problem provided the top order coefficients are bounded and uniformly continuous.
For every finitely generated recursively presented group $\mathcal G$ we construct a finitely presented group $\mathcal H$ containing $\mathcal G$ such that $\mathcal G$ is (Frattini) embedded into $\mathcal H$ and the group $\mathcal H$ has solvable conjugacy problem if and only if $\mathcal G$ has solvable conjugacy problem.
A memoir that studies positive definite functions on convex subsets of finite- or infinite-dimensional vector spaces. It studies representations of convex cones by positive operators on Hilbert spaces. It also studies the interplay between positive definite functions and representations of convex cones.
In this memoir we present a new construction and new properties of the Yang-Mills measure in two dimensions. This measure was first introduced for the needs of quantum field theory and can be described informally as a probability measure on the space of connections modulo gauge transformations on a principal bundle. We consider the case of a bundle over a compact orientable surface. Our construction is based on the discrete Yang-Mills theory of which we give a full acount. We are able to take its continuum limit and to define a pathwise multiplicative process of random holonomy indexed by the class of piecewise embedded loops. We study in detail the links between this process and a white noise and prove a result of asymptotic independence in the case of a semi-simple structure group. We also investigate global Markovian properties of the measure related to the surgery of surfaces.
We prove that the solutions of a cohomological equation of complex dimension one and in the analytic category have a monogenic dependence on the parameter. This cohomological equation is the standard linearized conjugacy equation for germs of holomorphic maps in a neighborhood of a fixed point.
Considers nonsingular flows on closed 3-manifolds which are transversely modeled on the real affine geometry of the plane. This book obtains classification results for three types of flows.
Investigates the homotopy theory of the suspensions of the real projective plane. This book computes the homotopy groups up to certain range. It also studies the decompositions of the self smashes and the loop spaces with some applications to the Stiefel manifolds.
Intends to complete the determination of the maximal subgroups of positive dimension in simple algebraic groups of exceptional type over algebraically closed fields. This title follows work of Dynkin, who solved the problem in characteristic zero, and Seitz who did likewise over fields whose characteristic is not too small.