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Embrace the shadows and explore the dark side of magick.
This companion to "Nocturnal Witchcraft" contains exclusive material taken from the author's own "Book of Shadows." Includes nocturnal rituals for the sabbats and the Dark and Full Moons.
Embrace the shadows and explore the dark side of magick with this boxed set of Konstantinos favorites. "Nocturnal Witchcraft "introduces how to work with lunar powers and spiritual entities that prefer the darkness. Learn to cast a nocturnal magick circle, skry the night, open the gates to the underworld, and use dark symbols in your night rituals. Expand your connection to the dark ether and the unseen world with "Gothic Grimoire." This book features techniques and rituals taken directly from Konstantinos’ personal magickal notebooks, including the Nocturnicon, rites for overcoming obstacles that appear in the life of the nightkind. From astral travel to working with thoughtforms, "The Nocturnal Witch Collection "will help you connect with the positive side of the dark-ness.
A remarkable tale of witchcraft, folk culture, and persuasion in early modern Europe. Based on research in the Inquisitorial archives of Northern Italy, The Night Battles recounts the story of a peasant fertility cult centered on the benandanti, literally, "good walkers." These men and women described fighting extraordinary ritual battles against witches and wizards in order to protect their harvests. While their bodies slept, the souls of the benandanti were able to fly into the night sky to engage in epic spiritual combat for the good of the village. Carlo Ginzburg looks at how the Inquisition's officers interpreted these tales to support their world view that the peasants were in fact practicing sorcery. The result of this cultural clash, which lasted for more than a century, was the slow metamorphosis of the benandanti into the Inquisition's mortal enemies—witches. Relying upon this exceptionally well-documented case study, Ginzburg argues that a similar transformation of attitudes—perceiving folk beliefs as diabolical witchcraft—took place all over Europe and spread to the New World. In his new preface, Ginzburg reflects on the interplay of chance and discovery, as well as on the relationship between anomalous cases and historical generalizations.
For those attracted to the occult, the author of "Nocturnal Witchcraft" presents a collection of magickal techniques for working with dark forces.
Hecate is a goddess of witchcraft, lunar magic, and necromancy. She appears with torches in her hands, accompanied by howling dogs, serpents, and ghosts of the dead - terrifying retinue that roams the land under the cloak of the night. Her powers are many, and her cult involves both life and death - mystical transformation through the ultimate rite of passage and rebirth in the womb of the earth. She is benevolent and generous, both to nature and her worshippers, as well as ruthless and responsible for all nocturnal atrocities and rites of malefica. In ancient times she was believed to endow witches with the power over the forces of nature, reveal secrets of herbs and poisonous plants, and introduce her followers to mysteries of lycanthropy and shape-shifting.In the Draconian Tradition, she is the guardian of the mystical point of crossing, where all worlds, planes, and dimensions meet and intersect. Initiation into her path involves the descent into inner darkness, the personal "underworld," where knowledge of ourselves and our universe lies concealed, waiting to be rediscovered. She is the first initiatrix, the psychopomp, and the sentinel who meets the aspiring Initiate at the Crossroads of the Worlds, leading us into the Womb of the Dragon through the gateways of the Nightside.This anthology contains all those portrayals of Hecate and many more, introducing the reader to the magic and mythology of this mysterious goddess. Here you will find descriptions of personal gnosis revealed through the work of authors featured in this book, as well as references to her appearance in ancient lore and magic of old times. Like the other anthologies by the Temple of Ascending Flame, all this is written from the perspective of the Draconian Initiate, involving a modern approach suitable for the practitioner of the Left Hand Path.Edited and compiled by Asenath Mason, it includes essays and articles by Bill Duvendack, Mike Musoke, Denerah Erzebet, Keona Kai'Nathera, Edgar Kerval, Selene-Lilith vel Belayla Rakoczy, Roberto Ruiz Blum, Inara Cauldwell, Satoriel Abraxas, Noctulius Isaac, and a special contribution from Jack Grayle.
Have you not always wondered as a child if witches really flew during the night on their brooms? And what was their destination? "How Do Witches Fly?" is an answer to these questions. It shows that witches anointed themselves with the "flying" ointment before they flew to their gatherings on special nights of the year. The book scientifically dissects the ointment and reveals its herebal and animal ingredients and biochemical components. It is a popular science treatise on alkaloids and their action, spiced with curious stories about Mediaeval witchcraft rituals. It offers recipes of the ointment and advances a biochemical theory on the mechanisms of the ointment action on human senses and perception. The book features the art of the world-renowned artist Barbara Broughel, which bridges the history of New England witchcraft trials and contemporary American society. "How Do Witches Fly?" is a charming reference book for students of herbalism, biochemistry, Mediaeval history and occultism of various ages and education. What a great Halloween reading! But Halloween is every night according to the author.
How does one become—or kill—a werewolf? Where do our modern shapeshifting stories come from? Are werewolves real? In this fascinating book, Konstantinos digs into the centuries-old myths and compelling scientific evidence surrounding these enigmatic beasts of literary and Hollywood fame. Explore four different types of werewolves: involuntary, voluntary, otherdimensional beings, and astral Find out which kinds of werewolves might actually exist Learn about the shapeshifting beliefs of the Quileutes and other Native American tribes Discover lycanthropic legends from cultures all over the world You'll also find true, never-before-published accounts of werewolf sightings and discussions of modern scientific theories that support the existence of these mysterious creatures. Each aspect is investigated, from curses and shamanic vision quests to drug-induced hallucinations and serial-killer werewolves.
Embracing the darkness is part of divine balance. Everyone has a shadow, a dark side. Exploring the shadow self is not only safe, it's necessary for balance and healing. The author of Goth Craft invites you down a unique magical path for navigating inner and outer darkness and harnessing the shadow for spiritual growth. Shadow Magick Compendium sheds a positive light on this misunderstood and rarely discussed side of magical practice. There are ritual meditations for exploring past experiences, dispelling harmful behavior patterns, and healing a fractured soul. Learn how to safely fast and perform other methods of self-sacrifice, invoke a deity into yourself (godform assumption), get in touch with your Spirit Animal, take advantage of the Dark Moon and eclipses, and perform a unique ritual with your television for a new perspective on society. From astral journeys to sigils to dark herbs, you'll find an array of magical techniques to navigate the shadows and mysteries of yourself and the world at large.
Since 1951, when the last of the Witchcraft Acts was repealed, many books have been written about the reappearance of witchcraft and the development of a pagan theology. Churchmen have denounced it. Sociologists have wondered at it. Journalists have penned sensational stories about it. But until the publication of this book, no one had told the real story of it from the inside as frankly as it is told here. Doreen Valiente, one of witchcraft's most widely known figures, was a close friend of the late Gerald Gardner, generally regarded as the founder of present-day witchcraft. Initiated by him and for a time High Priestess of his coven, Doreen Valiente helped him rewrite his seminal Book of Shadows. She records the break with Gardner that split his coven, the controversy surrounding Alex Sanders, 'King of the Witches' and memories of many other witches whom she has known, including the lady called 'Dafo', Robert Cochrane, Leslie Roberts and Sybil Leek. Doreen Valiente took part in many witchcraft rituals and had strange psychic experiences as a result. Described here are the clairvoyant communications she received purporting to come from 'John Brakespeare', an eighteenth-century witch. The Rebirth of Witchcraft traces the lineage of the present-day witchcraft from its forerunners through to modern feminist neo-paganism and the new wave of interest in ecology and holistic medicine.