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God cares a great deal more about our money than most of us imagine. The sheer enormity of Scripture’s teaching on this subject screams for our attention. In fact, Jesus says more about how we are to view and handle money and possessions than about any other topic—including both heaven and hell. In Managing God's Money, Randy Alcorn breaks down exactly what the Bible has to say about how we are to handle our money and posessions in a simple, easy-to-follow format. Filled with Scripture references, Managing God's Money is the perfect reference tool for anyone who is interested in gaining a solid biblical understanding of money, possessions, and eternity.
When a woman becomes pregnant, miscarriage is usually the furthest thing from her mind. Such was the case for Jessalyn Hutto when she became pregnant with her first baby. But as is all too common in our post-fall world, the life she carried came to an abrupt end. Death had visited her womb, and the horrors of miscarriage had become a part of her life’s story. ••• Ultimately, she would lose two children in the womb, at 6 and 15 weeks gestation. Through these painful losses, a whole new world of suffering opened up to her. It seemed that everywhere she looked women were quietly mourning the loss of their unborn children. Yet this particular type of loss has been grossly overlooked by the church. ••• Couples navigating the unique sorrow of losing a child are often left with little biblical counsel to draw upon. Well-meaning friends and family often offer empty platitudes and Christian clichés. But what these couples truly need is the hope of the gospel. ••• Short, sensitive, and theologically robust, Inheritance of Tears offers hope and comfort to those who are called to walk through the painful trial of miscarriage, and shows pastors and church members how to effectively minister to these parents in their time of need.
Teens' Guide to Identity from FamilyLife All teens wrestle with the question "Who am I?" and wonder, What makes me special? Though these questions linger for life, they are most intense in the teen years, where confusion, awkwardness, and a desperate grab for identity reign. So how does a young person answer these critical questions? Where do young men and women find their significance, worth, and value? True Identity is perfect for parents and youth workers to give to the teenagers (14-16) in their lives to help them in their journey. Drawing on experiences and wisdom from a wide array of experts, the book provides compassionate answers to help teens discover who they really are, emphasizing their identity in Christ above all other ways our culture defines them. As the book walks teens through the steps to make their faith their own, it highlights healthy independence and God-honoring relationships. The Passport2Identity curriculum launched in April 2016, and True Identity is its trade book companion.
Life is full of unexpected twists and turns and this has been particularly so in 2020. But the most unexpected and significant event in the history of the world actually happened over 2000 years ago when God himself became one of us in the person of Jesus Christ. These Advent reflections, written by David Mathis, help us to lift our eyes to wonder of the incarnation and worship the one who came to save us and make our futures certain. Be amazed once more by the unexpected details of Jesus' unique birth and saving work with these short daily devotions and prayers, and renew your worship of our humble, generous and loving Savior.
Perhaps you were drawn to this book because of its title. The notion that someone like Jesus would even consider having a Last Will and Testament seems out of character with what we know about him. Today we would consider him homeless and the suggestion that he had something of value to bequeath seems ludicrous. The portion of scripture recorded in The Gospel of John, chapters thirteen through seventeen has been referred to by various titles. It is generally believed they are the words Jesus shared with his disciples the night prior to his death on the cross. He began their time together by presenting them with a new commandment. He said, "So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other." Jesus then took a pitcher of water and a basin, wrapped a towel around his waist and washed the disciples' feet. This action demonstrated a love based on service the foundation by which they were to live. Later he would take bread and break it, and then a cup of wine and bless it. He commanded them to eat the bread and drink from the cup in remembrance of him. This second commandment became known as "The Lord's Supper" which foreshadowed how he would die. These two commandments are the basis of a tremendous treasure, yet they only scratch the surface of the great inheritance that Jesus bequeathed that night. The purpose of this book is to help us realize and appreciate all the wonderful gifts that Jesus made available to those who love him. During my time as a pastor, I have spoken with hundreds of people as they have faced the most difficult moment of their lives: the death of a loved one. When it came time to discuss the memorial service for their loved one, a vast majority of them requested the opening words of the fourteenth chapter of the Gospel According to St. John be read. Jesus' words, "Let not your heart be troubled" offered them a sense of comfort and hope. Recalling Jesus words was a reminder that he had provided for them and their loved one a great inheritance. It is a precious gift to hear Jesus say, "I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you" (14:2) however the treasures he offers to us are not only to be acknowledged at the occasion of death. The inheritance is intended for daily life. Our goal is to discover, perhaps for the very first time what our inheritance encompasses. As we learn to love him, we soon discover that there is more than some future glory. The message of the Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ is this: Whoever receives the son receives it all. And there is NO GREATER INHERITANCE!
Inheritance is a black sensorium, a chapel of color and sound that speaks to spaciousness, surveillance, identity, desire, and transcendence. Influenced by everyday moments of Washington, DC living, the poems live outside of the outside and beyond the language of categorical difference, inviting anyone listening to listen a bit closer. Inheritance is about the self’s struggle with definition and assumption.
Inheritance means taking hold of the portion God has planned for you. Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10), demonstrating God's longing for His people to prosper, to accomplish all He has planned for them. He wants to take them from a place of judgment, desolation, and fruitlessness to a place of restoration, hope, and abundant life. In this revised and updated edition of Possessing Your Inheritance, prophetic intercessor Chuck Pierce, with coauthor Rebecca Wagner Sytsema, shows readers how to embrace what God has destined for them, for their children, and their children's children.
Charles Galton Darwin was the grandson of the great Charles Darwin and was born into the liberal and independent-minded intellectual family in 1887. He became an eminent physical scientist, but less respectably emerged as a proponent of eugenics – a science devoted to the desirability, even necessity, of improving human stock by selective breeding. He and most of the previous generation of Darwins were enthusiastic activists and leaders in the cause of eugenics – which was controversial when it was first proposed and today, after its association with Nazi atrocities, has become hugely distasteful to most people. The Chief Sea Lion’s Inheritance: Eugenics and the Darwins is the first book to scrutinise this aspect of the Darwin inheritance – examining Charles Galton Darwin and six generations of the family.Dr. Blaney’s research has placed the concept of eugenics within the context of Charles Galton Darwin’s own unique family perspective. Why did a member of a family with a reputation for enlightened and humane thought pursue a concept that was reviled from its inception? And why has this seemingly reprehensible aspect of the Darwin family been given scant attention in nearly all versions of their illustrious story?