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The Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigation (NNWSI) has developed a strategy to license a nuclear waste repository in tuff. This strategy, which is currently circulating in draft form within the Department of Energy's Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, has important implications for DWPF waste form qualification activities, design of the DWPF process, and DWPF operations. In this report, the strategy and its implications for the DWPF are presented. 2 refs.
This project plan for the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI) Project has been developed in order to define the scope, the objectives, and the management requirements of the project. The plan lists the technical, management, cost, schedule, and institutional objectives of the NNWSI project; presents a technical plan that reflects the newly defined uniform work breakdown structure for the Office of Geologic Repositories; summarizes the management approach and acquisition strategy; and briefly discusses the principal risks associated with the projected costs through the completion of the development and evaluation phase; discusses the schedule for the NNWSI Project and the factors that may affect it directly or indirectly; and briefly reviews the controlled items for the project. The NNWSI Project Plan is a supporting document to the Geologic Repository Project Plan.
This report presents a plan for developing equipment for emplacing and, if necessary, retrieving high-level nuclear waste at the proposed Yucca Mountain repository in Nevada.
This document is composed of two technical memorandums containing information that has been referenced in the Site Characterization Plan for the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI) Project. The NNWSI Project is characterizing the Yucca Mountain site on the Nevada Test Site (NTS) to study the feasibility of constructing a high-level waste repository in the Topopah Spring Member of the Paintbrush Tuff. The information pertains to the following subject areas: (1) the potential for thermal degradation of the Topopah Spring Tuff; and (2) updated data analysis for Goodman Jack tests performed in G-tunnel on the NTS.
A comprehensive system study has been performed to screen the Nevada Research and Development Area (NRDA) of the Nevada Test Site (NTS) and nearby areas for relatively favorable locations of about ten square miles for the permanent disposal of radioactive waste in a mined repository. The purpose of this screening is to use available information to identify such locations. The results of this screening will allow more informed decisions as to where future repository exploration can be concentrated to optimize the chances that the locations chosen for characterization will actually qualify as a licensed repository site.
The purposes of the Integrated Testing Task are to develop laboratory data on thermodynamic properties for actinide and fission product elements for use in the EQ3/6 geochemical modelling code; to determine the transport properties of radionuclides in the near-field environment; and develop and validate a model to describe the rate of release of radionuclides from the near-field environment. Activities to achieve the firs item have been described in the Scientific Investigation Plan for EQ3/6, where quality assurance levels were assigned to the acitivities. This Scientific Investigation Plan describes activities to achieve the second and third purposes. The information gathered in these activities will be used to assess compliance with the performance objective for the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) to control the rate of release of radionuclides if the repository license application includes part of the host rock; to provide a source term for release of radionuclides from the waste package near-field environment to the system performance assessment task for use in showing compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency requirements; and to provide a source term for release of radionculides from the waste package near-field environment to the system performance assessment task for use in doing calculations of cumulative releases of radionuclides from the repository over 100,000 years as required by the site evaluation process. 5 refs.
The Department of Energy's Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI) Project is evaluating a site at Yucca Mountain in Nevada as a geological repository for the storage of high-level nuclear waste. The Nuclear Waste Management Projects (NWMP) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has the responsibility for design, testing, and performance analysis of the NNWSI waste packages. One portion of this work is the selection and testing of the material for container construction. The anticipated container design is for this material to be a corrosion resistant metal called the metal barrier. This document is the publication version of the Scientific Investigation Plan (SIP) for the Metal Barrier Selection and Testing Task. The SIP serves as a formal planning document for the investigation and is used to assign quality assurance levels to the activities of the task. This document is an informal version for information distribution and has the sections on ''Schedule and Milestones'' and ''Quality Assurance Level Assignment Sheets'' removed.