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Over the last forty years Professor Hall has been a major contributor to the ’new view’ of Newton now generally accepted. Essentially this has derived from the bringing to light and examination of Newton’s vast, but long neglected legacy of manuscripts, and the first studies in this volume illustrate the wealth of information these provide on the earliest phases of his great discoveries in mathematics and science. In particular, they confirm the intensity and originality of Newton’s investigations before and through the ’anni mirabiles’ of 1665-66. Further papers then deal with his relations with contemporaries such as Hooke, Leibniz and Huyghens, again making extensive use of unpublished manuscript material, and with the developing influence of his work. Durant les quarante dernières années, le professeur Hall a été l’un des plus importants contributeurs à la nouvelle appréciation de l’oeuvre de Newton, qui est de nos jours la plus généralement acceptée. Ceci provient essentiellement de l’examen du vaste héritage de manuscrits laissés par Newton et très longtemps négligé; les premières études de ce volume illustrent la richesse d’informations contenues dans ceux-ci quant aux toutes premières phases de ses grandes découvertes dans le domaine des mathématiques et de le science. Ils confirment en particulier l’intensité et l’originalité des recherches de Newton avant et pendant les anni mirabiles de 1665-66. S’ajoutent à ceci plusieurs études, où il est à nouveau fait grand usage de manuscrits inédits, traitant des rapports qu’il entretenait avec ses contemporains tels, Hooke, Leibniz et Huyghens, ainsi que de l’influence progressive de ses travaux.
"Hooke's Programme was revolutionary both cosmologically and mathematically. It presented 'the celestial motions", the proverbial symbol of stability and immutability, as a process of continuous change and prescribed only parameters of rectilinear motions and rectilinear attractions for calculating their closed curved orbits. Yet the traces of Hooke's construction of his Programme for the heavens lead through his investigations in such earthly disciplines as microscopy, practical optics and horology, and the mathematical tools developed by Newton to accomplish it appear no less local and goal-oriented than Hooke's lenses and springs.".
Isaac Newton was born in a stone farmhouse in 1642, fatherless and unwanted by his mother. When he died in London in 1727 he was so renowned he was given a state funeral—an unheard-of honor for a subject whose achievements were in the realm of the intellect. During the years he was an irascible presence at Trinity College, Cambridge, Newton imagined properties of nature and gave them names—mass, gravity, velocity—things our science now takes for granted. Inspired by Aristotle, spurred on by Galileo’s discoveries and the philosophy of Descartes, Newton grasped the intangible and dared to take its measure, a leap of the mind unparalleled in his generation. James Gleick, the author of Chaos and Genius, and one of the most acclaimed science writers of his generation, brings the reader into Newton’s reclusive life and provides startlingly clear explanations of the concepts that changed forever our perception of bodies, rest, and motion—ideas so basic to the twenty-first century, it can truly be said: We are all Newtonians.
Already famous throughout Europe for his theories of planetary motion and gravity, Isaac Newton decided to take on the job of running the Royal Mint. And there, Newton became drawn into a battle with William Chaloner, the most skilful of counterfeiters, a man who not only got away with faking His Majesty's coins (a crime that the law equated with treason), but was trying to take over the Mint itself. But Chaloner had no idea who he was taking on. Newton pursued his enemy with the cold, implacable logic that he brought to his scientific research. Set against the backdrop of early eighteenth-century London with its sewers running down the middle of the streets, its fetid rivers, its packed houses, smoke and fog, its industries and its great port, this dark tale of obsession and revenge transforms our image of Britain's greatest scientist.
This book provides a thrilling history of the famous priority dispute between Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Isaac Newton, presenting the episode for the first time in the context of cultural history. It introduces readers to the background of the dispute, details its escalation, and discusses the aftermath of the big divide, which extended well into rThe Early Challengesnd the story is very intelligibly explained – an approach that offers general readers interested in the history of sciences and mathematics a window into the world of these two giants in their field. From the epilogue to the German edition by Eberhard Knobloch:Thomas Sonar has traced the emergence and the escalation of this conflict, which was heightened by Leibniz’s rejection of Newton’s gravitation theory, in a grandiose, excitingly written monograph. With absolute competence, he also explains the mathematical context so that non-mathematicians will also profit from the book. Quod erat demonstrandum!
These chapters analyze texts from Isaac Newton’s work to shed new light on scientific understanding at his time. Newton used the concept of “sensorium” in writings intended for a public audience, in relation to both humans and God, but even today there is no consensus about the meaning of his term. The literal definition of the Latin term 'sensorium', or its English equivalent 'sensory', is 'thing that feels’ but this is a theoretical construct. The book takes readers on a process of discovery, through inquiry into both Newton’s concept and its underlying model. It begins with the human sensorium. This part of his concept is situated in the context of the aforesaid writings but also in the context of the writings of two of Newton's contemporaries, the physicians William Briggs and Thomas Willis, both of whom were at the forefront of their respective specialties of ophthalmology and neurology. Only once the human sensorium has been explored is it possible to generalize to the unobservable divine sensorium, because Newton's method of reasoning from experience requires that the second part of his concept is last in the order of knowledge. And the reason for this sequence is that his method, the short-hand term for which is 'analogy of nature', proceeds from that which has been observed to be universally true to that which is beyond the limits of observation. Consequently, generalization passes insensibly into reasoning by analogy. Readers will see how certain widespread assumptions can be called into question, such as that Newton was a theological voluntarist for whom the will is superior to the intellect, or that, for Newton, not only the world or universe but also God occupies the whole extent of infinite space. The insights afforded through this book will appeal to scholars of the philosophy of science, human physiology, philosophy of mind and epistemology, among others.
Over the last forty years Professor Hall has been a major contributor to the 'new view' of Newton now generally accepted. Essentially this has derived from the bringing to light and examination of Newton's vast, but long neglected legacy of manuscripts, and the first studies in this volume illustrate the wealth of information these provide on the earliest phases of his great discoveries in mathematics and science. In particular, they confirm the intensity and originality of Newton's investigations before and through the 'anni mirabiles' of 1665-66. Further papers then deal with his relations with contemporaries such as Hooke, Leibniz and Huyghens, again making extensive use of unpublished manuscript material, and with the developing influence of his work. Durant les quarante dernières années, le professeur Hall a été l'un des plus importants contributeurs à la nouvelle appréciation de l'oeuvre de Newton, qui est de nos jours la plus généralement acceptée. Ceci provient essentiellement de l'examen du vaste héritage de manuscrits laissés par Newton et très longtemps négligé; les premières études de ce volume illustrent la richesse d'informations contenues dans ceux-ci quant aux toutes premières phases de ses grandes découvertes dans le domaine des mathématiques et de le science. Ils confirment en particulier l'intensité et l'originalité des recherches de Newton avant et pendant les anni mirabiles de 1665-66. S'ajoutent à ceci plusieurs études, oÃ1 il est à nouveau fait grand usage de manuscrits inédits, traitant des rapports qu'il entretenait avec ses contemporains tels, Hooke, Leibniz et Huyghens, ainsi que de l'influence progressive de ses travaux.