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A booming railroad & mining town in Nevada. Newspaper clippings tell the stories of the citizens. Family names include: Adams, Adler, Allen, Andrews, Angel, Armstrong, Atkinson, Augustine, Barney, Barrett, Becker, Bennett, Benney, Bernette, Bidwell, Blackmer, Blair, Boisot, Bonham, Bouton, Brady, Brant, Brown, Brownell, Brunner, Burnell, Byers, Caldwell, Campbell, Cazen, Chadderton, Chaffin, Chapin, Chapman, Charest, Cohn, Collver, Conklin, Cook, Cooke, Coulter, Cowen, Crandall, Crockett, Cromwell, Daisy, Danforth, Davenport, Deckle, Delavan, Dickson, Doolen, Dooley, Doves, Dowdle, Drysdale, Drysden, Dunbar, Duncan, Dyer, Eichender, Eliot, Elliott, Emmet, Estes, Fairbank, Fairchild, Ferguson, Finnegan, Fitzpatrick, Florinda, Farr, Foltz, Foote, Ford, Frett, Gabriel, Gaddis, Gandy, Gaston, Geyer, Gibson, Gilpin, Goldstone, Goodfellow, Gray, Greer, Groos, Gould, Gross, Gwyer, Hackett, Haffy, Hall, Hamilton, Hammill, Handlin, Hargrave, Harkins, Hart, Hastings, Hatsell, Haupt, Heise, Henry, Hickok, Higgins, Higgs, Hildebrand, Hill, Hogan, Holmes, Honeman, Horan, Horn, Hornick, Howell, Hudson, Humphreys, Hunt, Hurd, Hutchinson, Jacks, Jeffries, Jennings, Jones, Judicthe, Kayser, Kelley, Kelly, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Kirby, Klein, Koneman, Krouse, Lansing, Laplain, Leary, Leavitt, Lein, Libbey, Linton, Lovey, Lux, Mack, Mackinson, Mallard, Malone, Maloney, Manning, Martin, Mau, McCone, McCurdy, McDonnel, McDuffie, McErlain, McGinnis, McKenzie, McLivian, McTigue, Merrill, Mooney, Morlarty, Mullard, Mullowney, Munckton, Murphy, Muuckton, Norton, Noyes, O;Conner, O'Leary, O'Neil, Oscks, Oyer, Park, Paulson, Pease, Penrold, Pfiffer, Phundstein, Pickett, Plummed, Pousher, Powers, Quintral, Richey, Rowe, Ryan, Sabrine, Saddler, Schmidt, Schram, Scribner, Sewell, Sherman, Sirtal, Smith, Solomon, Spaulding, Spece, Stock, Strauss, Sullivan, Sweet, Sweetapple, Thoss, Todman, Treglone, Trench, Tyler, Venson, Vollmer, Waddell, Wagner, Walker, Warnock, Watson, Webb, Wegenstein, Wheeler, White, Whitelock, Wilcox, Williams, Winters, Wogan, Woolsey, Yager, Young, ZabrinskiNewspapers seen in this book: Eureka Daily Sentinel (Eureka, Nevada) Gold Hill Daily News (Gold Hill, Nevada), Lyon County Times (Silver City, Nevada), The Carson Daily Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), The Daily State Register (Carson City, Nevada), The Elko Independent (Elko, Nevada), The New Daily Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), Pioche Daily Record (Pioche, Nevada)
The mining was great, Searchlight was a boom town. There was land arguments and agreements, dredging in the Colorado, railroad, stages and new roads. Shortages of wood for housing, with people still coming to town. The found tourquoise and lots of gold. Family names include: Aleode, Allen, Arramdsen, Atwell, Atwilt, Baker, Ballant, Barnes, Barrett, Beattie, Beatty, Belgar, Bell, Benjamin, Bennett, Black, Bodie, Bowman, Bradley, Briggs, Bowman, Brockenbrou, Brown, Buckler, Bullock, Bunch, Burdick, Burns, Busteed, Butts, Campbell, Carter, Cassidy, Censer, Church, Clark, Clayton, Clements, Coleman, Colton, Conault, Conway, Cook, Copp, Courtaright, Coyle, Cox, Crawford, Creek, Crowley, Curiston, Dack, Day, Dean, DePuy, Detmers, Dexter, Doherty, Dunn, Durell, Earp, Egan, Ekelund, Elsen, Emerson, Enick, Erkenback, Ewing, Faber, Farguson, Fenton, Fisher, Flanagan, Fletcher, Forney, French, Frye, Garvin, Green, Greenley, Gilroy, Griffin, Grugan, Guston, Hal, Hansen, Harding, Harlan, Harland, Hawkins, Henderson, Henning, Hinke, Hitchcock, Hobson, Hodges, Hodson, Hopkins, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hunt, Jaberwood, Jacks, Jackson, James, Jennison, Johnson, Jost, Kearney, Kelly, Kennedy, King, Kittring, Kramer, Larsen, Latimer, Lewis, Lindstorm, Lindsay, Livingston, Loffer, Lynch, MacKinnon, MacReady, Martin, McClintock, McDonald, McEuter, McGregor, McIlvane, McLaughlin, McVey, Mathews, Mattman, Mauer, Merrill, Messiner, Metzkou, Middleworth, Mighton, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Mitt, Monaghan, Moncreif, Monohan, Murphy, Myers, Nagle, Nelson, Ord, Paddock, Pauff, Peck, Perew, Perkins, Perocca, Perry, Phillips, Prescott, Previne, Price, Randolph, Rawson, Reals, Reeder, Reid, Rice, Robinson, Rose, Rouselle, Runcorn, Ruff, Sanford, Sayers, Scott, Shannon, Sherman, Sherwood, Simmons, Sinclair, Smith, Stack, Stevens, Stewart, Stiles, Stotler, Sulzer, Suprenant, Sutton, Taber, Taylor, Ulman, Vanina, Vaughn, Visscher, Vutch, Wallbeecht, Walte, Ward, Wardlaw, Watkins, Watt, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Wellman, Wharton, Wheatley, Wheatly, White, Whitson, Williams, Williamson, Withers, Woods, Wright, Wyle, Young Newspapers seen in this book: The Central Nevadan (Battle Mountain, Nevada), Churchill Standard (Fallon, Nevada), Churchill County Standard (Fallon, Nevada), The Courier (Genoa, Nevada), Daily Independent (Elko, Nevada), The Daily Silver State (Winnemucca, Nevada), Eureka Weekly Sentinel (Eureka, Nevada), Las Vegas Age (Las Vegas, Nevada), Las Vegas Times (Las Vegas, Nevada), Lincoln County Record (Pioche, Nevada), Lovelock Tribune (Lovelock, Nevada), Lyon County Times (Silver City, Nevada), Morning Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), The Pioche Weekly Record (Pioche, Nevada), The Record (Gardnerville, Nevada), The Silver State (Unionville, Nevada), Wadsworth Semi-Weekly Dispatch (Wadsworth, Nevada), Tonopah Bonanza (Butler City/Tonopah, Nevada), Walker Lake Bulletin (Hawthorne, Nevada), Weekly Independent (Elko, Nevada), The White Pine News (Treasure City, Nevada), Yerington Times (Yerington, Nevada)
"The most comprehensive and interpretive study of the mining industry available to historians. . . . It is a book that will stand the test of time." -W. Turrentine Jackson, Technology and Culture "Mark Wyman's sympathetic account of the Western metal miners includes graphic details of their bitter struggle for unpaid wages, for industrial safety legislation, for corporate liability in the event of mine accidents and for workmen's compensation. . . . Throughout the book one finds the compassion and understanding that mark works in the best tradition of historical scholarship." -Milton Cantor, The Nation "Wyman has looked at miners in the larger context of American industrialization during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In doing so, he has produced a stimulating, informative account of how this group of workingmen responded to changes in the work place brought on by changes in technology, corporate capitalism, and the shifting labor forces of the day." -James E. Fell, Jr., Pacific Northwest Quarterly "Wyman's compassionate and thoughtful study is an important contribution to the social history of western mining. Hard Rock Epic is also a significant addition to the literature on the process of industrialization. It amply demonstrates that no group in the American West was so deeply affected by the Industrial Revolution as the hard rock miners." -Jeffrey K. Stine, The Midwest Review "Hard Rock Epic is both a descriptive and analytical study of the impact of technology on the life of metalliferous miners of the West. It is thoroughly researched, drawing heavily upon primary sources and the most relevant recent scholarship concerning the hardrock men. The study is judicious and balanced. . . . [and] fits well into the growing body of scholarship on Western metal mining. Historians of labor and the American West will find this volume instructive and definite contribution to their fields of study." -George C. Suggs, Jr., The American Historical Review
Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins (Northern Paiute) has long been recognized as an important nineteenth-century American Indian activist and writer. Yet her acclaimed performances and speaking tours across the United States, along with the copious newspaper articles that grew out of those tours, have been largely ignored and forgotten. The Newspaper Warrior presents new material that enhances public memory as the first volume to collect hundreds of newspaper articles, letters to the editor, advertisements, book reviews, and editorial comments by and about Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins. This anthology gathers together her literary production for newspapers and magazines from her 1864 performances in San Francisco to her untimely death in 1891, focusing on the years 1879 to 1887, when Winnemucca Hopkins gave hundreds of lectures in the eastern and western United States; published her book, Life among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims (1883); and established a bilingual school for Native American children. Editors Cari M. Carpenter and Carolyn Sorisio masterfully assemble these exceptional and long-forgotten articles in a call for a deeper assessment and appreciation of Winnemucca Hopkins’s stature as a Native American author, while also raising important questions about the nature of Native American literature and authorship.
Radicalism in the Mountain West, 1890-1920 traces the history of radicalism in the Populist Party, Socialist Party, Western Federation of Miners, and Industrial Workers of the World in Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico. Focusing on the populist and socialist movements, David R. Berman sheds light on American radicalism with this study of a region that epitomized its rise and fall. As the frontier industrialized, self-reliant pioneers and prospectors transformed into wage- laborers for major corporations with government, military, and church ties. Economically and politically stymied, westerners rallied around homegrown radicals such as William "Big Bill" Haywood and Vincent "the Saint" St. John and touring agitators such as Eugene Debs and Mary "Mother" Jones. Radicalism in the Mountain West tells how volleys of strikes, property damage, executions, and deportations ensued in the absence of negotiation. Drawing on years of archival research and diverse materials such as radical newspapers, reports filed by labor spies and government agents, and records of votes, subscriptions, and memberships, Berman offers Western historians and political scientists an unprecedented view into the region's radical past.
Some of the family names include: Aarde, Acree, Adair, Adams, Adelman, Ahern, Alfino, Allen, Alward, Anderson, Arandall, Arden, Arnold, Arroe, Ashton, Aubrey, Auger, Autard, Baker, Ballance, Bartlett, Bass, Benton, Bertrand, Beuah, Bird, Bissell, Black, Blakeslee, Blume, Blumenthal, Bodie, Boniporte, Booth, Bowen, Bowes, Bowler, Bradshaw, Briggs, Brissell, Brockman, Brodigan, Brooks, Brougher, Brown, Brush, Buckley, Burbanks, Butnett, Burt, Butler, Bynum, Clark, Camose, Campbell, Cane, Carey, Carmack, Carr, Casey, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chang, Charley, Chittenden, Cohen, Cohn, Cole, Collins, Congdom, Cook, Court, Cowing, Crocker, Crozier, Cuddleback, Culbert, Curtis, Cushing, Cutting, Darnellis, Davidovich, Davis, Davison, Day, Dayton, DeVoe, Dickerson, Dixon, Donaldson, Dorsey, Doughtery, Downey, Doyle, Drob, Drossel, Duetesch, Duffield, Dugan, Dunhan, Dunn, Dunkley, Dunn, Dyer, Eagan, Earp, Easton, Eckley, Edwards, Egan, Elliott, Ellis, Esber, Findlay, Finnegan, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Fleming, Fogg, Foley, Footler, Ford, Forman, Foster, Fowler, Fowlie, Frederick, Fuller, Gayhart, Gale, Gillen, Gleaves, Glore, Gluntz, Golden, Graham, Grant, Gravel, Gregrovich, Grimes, Gunter, Guster, Haley, Hallisey, Hamilton, Hammond, Harris, Hart, Hartigan, Hawthorne, Henderson, Hennessey, Hickey, Hicks, Higgs, Hodgens, Holden, Holmes, Howard, Hudgens, Huebner, Hughes, Hummel, Hurley, Hussey, Inman, Irie, Irving, Ish, Jackson, Jamison, Jenkins, Jensen, Joanis, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kanters, Karski, Karsky, Keen, Keene, Kelley, Kellhofer, Kelly, Kendall, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kenzie, Kilpatrick, Kind, King, Klaus, Kluge, Knapp, Knight, Kramer, Krecke, Kuhlman, Kuna, Lamarque, Lambert, Lane, Lang, Lanhart, Larson, Laub, Lawrence, Lazarovich, Leavitt, Leece, Leedham, Leidy, Leigh, Lenny, Lindsey, Ling, Little, Livesly, Lobner, Logan, Long, Lopez, Lothrop, Lowe, Luke, Lund, Lynch, MacSweeney, Madigan, Madison, Maney, Manon, Marks, Marsh, Marshall, Massey, Mason, Mates, Mau, Maunder, Maxwell, May, McAfee, McAullife, McCabe, McCann, McCarthy, McDonald, McGee, McGill, McGonigall, McGrady, McIntyre, McKane, McKay, McKenzie, McKewen, McLaughlin, McMahan, McQuillan, Meder, Meginnis, Metson, Miller, Mitchell, Money, Montague, Montgomery, Moore, Morin, Moriss, Moss, Murin, Myles, Neidermeyer, Nelligan, Nelson, Noyes, O'Belen, O'Brien, Oddie, O'Keefe, O'Neil, O'Toole, Orr, Ott, Owens, Owsley, Parking, Patrick, Patterson, Peters, Pepper, Pheby, Phelps, Phillips, Pittman, Plamenat, Pearlman, Perry, Peters, Phenix, Piper, Platt, Pohl, Porter, Power, Powers, Raggio, Ralston, Ramsey, Rapp, Ray, Raycraft, Read, Red, Revert, Rice, Richard, Richards, Ridge, Ritter, Roach, Robinson, Rose, Rowley, Runge, Ruppert, Ryan, Sallsbury, Samuelson, Sanders, Santos, Sara, Sawle, Saxton, Saylor, Scheld, Scherer, Schillingberger, Schinneman, Schmidt, Scott, Sellstrom, Shear, Sherwill, Shields, Showalter, Sibert, Sinclair, Sloan, Smith, Spaulding, Sperry, Statler, Stenson, Stevens, Stewart, Stimler, Stock, Stoddard, Stoneham, Sullivan, Summers, Sunderland, Tamblyn, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Timpson, Thorn, Towner, Trabert, Tripp, Trotter, Turner, Twaddle, VanAlstine, VanMohr, Veach, Veitch, Vermilyn, Walker, Wampler, Warburton, Ward, Wardle, Warren, Watkins, Watson, Wells, Wheeler, White, Whitestine, Whitman, Wight, Williams, Wilson, Wingfield, Winters, Wise, Wylie, Wonacot, Woods, Woodsides, Yerington, Yoacham, Zaspel, ZiemerEureka Weekly Sentinel (Eureka, Nevada), Lincoln County Record (Pioche, Nevada), Lyon County Times (Silver City, Nevada), Morning Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), The Goldfield News (Goldfield, Nevada), Tonopah Bonanza (Butler City renamed to Tonopah, Nevada), Weekly Independent (Elko, Nevada)The focus of these clippings is on the individuals rather than the weekly area mine reports. There are weddings, births, deaths, dances, school reports, train, stage, weather and so much more.
The news included mining, politics, marriages, deaths, births, court, weather. There was the hopes for railroads and telegraphs and even mail service on a regular more frequent basis. Family names include: Adams, Ah Goin, Ah Wan, Ah Wes, Allen, Ashburn, Ball, Barnes, Barnett, Bateman, Bender, Black, Borden, Booth, Bowden, Bowler, Bowman, Bradley, Brothertin, Brown, Bruce, Bryant, Bull, Burke, Campbell, Canfield, Canon, Carey, Chrysler, Clark, Copeland, Cornelins, Cosgrove, Crowell, Cruikshank, Curier, Daniel, Davenport, Davis, Deady, Deal, Delano, Dikeman, Doran, Dykeman, Duffy, Ellis, Engeltom, Epstein, Ernst, Esser, Faber, Farley, Falkinham, Farrell, Ferguson, Fisher, Fitch, Forrest, Franklin, Fuge, Fulton, Gates, Gerrity, Garrard, Gilbert, Gilmore, Goldsmith, Granger, Grimes, Groves, Hall, Hanchett, Hatch, Hathaway, Haze, Heren, Hesketh, Hilhouse, Hogan, Hollis, Hownad, Huey, Humphries, Hunt, Hyman, Jennings, Johns, Johnson, Keenan, Kelly, King, Lamb, Lazard, Leon, Leptych, Litteral, Logan, Main, Makx, Mansfield, Martin, Maute, Mayers, McClellan, McCormick, McIntyre, McKenney, McLean, McMullen, Mead, Mestrieau, Mitchell, Mitonell, Moore, Morgan, Nixon, Ogden, Ohlander, Oliver, O'Leary, O'Malley, O'Neil, Orndorff, Owen, Pasco, Pattes, Pearson, Pfeller, Powers, Preston, Price, Pritchard, Purdy, Reeder, Remusat, Renfrev, Reynolds, Roberts, Robins, Robinson, Rock, Rosevear, Rutherford, Sampson, Schemerhorn, Sedley, Seymour, Sharon, Sharp, Sine, Smith, Southward, Steen, Steniler, Stewart, Stimler, Stoner, Stowe, Summers, Tallman, Thoman, Thomas, Thomasson, Ti He, Toland, Toney, Travis, Trolson, Tucker, Tupper, Turner, Tweed, VanDorn, VanPatten, Vaughn, Veitch, Veny, Vollmer, Walker, Walling, Warburton, Ward, White, Whitehill, Williams, Wilton, Wood, Wright, WunderlichArticles from the following newspapers are included: Carson Daily Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), Gold Hill Daily News, (Gold Hill, Nevada), Lyon County Times (Silver City, Nevada), The Daily State Register (Carson City, Nevada), The Elko Independent (Elko, Nevada), The Ely Record (Pioche, Nevada), Eureka Daily Sentinel (Eureka, Nevada), Gold Hill Daily News (Gold Hill, Nevada Territory), The New Daily Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), Pioche Daily Record (Pioche, Nevada), The Pioche Tri-Weekly Record (Pioche, Nevada), The Pioche Weekly Record (Pioche, Nevada)These clippings are all over 100 years old some are harder to read that others. Enjoy.
Yerington, Nevada a mining community with an interesting past. There were robberies, illnesses, schools, churches and more.Family names included: Alstine, Ambrose, Archer, Arends, Arendt, Baglin, Baker, Barnett, Bernard, Bettencourt, Brady, Brandon, Brooks, Bruette, Burbank, Burkett, Campbell, Carroll, Charlebios, Clinton, Cooper, Cox, Craig, Crowninshield, Cummings, Daly, Davidson, DeGrandpre, Dick, Dillon, Dobbins, Donohue, Downey, Dunn, Dyer, Edson, Emerson, Fairbanks, Fietalle, Finning, Forey, Foster, Fox, French, Gale, Gallagher, Galland, Gelder, Gifford, Gleeson, Gray, Gregory, Grimmon, Gruber, Grulli, Gunn, Guthrie, Hall, Hanna, Hansen, Hannah, Hanson, Hardy, Harrell, Hartman, Hayes, Hernleben, Henley, Hilbun, Hironymous, Holland, Honham, Hovard, Hyronymous, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Kaufman, Kelly, Kemp, Knemeyer, Knierim, Knight, Kraus, Krway, Lam, Lamb, Lamberson, Lampkin, Lashbaugh, Leavitt, Leverich, Littell, Lovie, Lucott, Lupton, Lynch, Mack, Mannering, Marconi, Martin, Martinezm, Masterson, McAllister, McAvoy, McDaniels, McDonnell, McIntyre, McKeough, McLeod, McNeil, Meadows, Menke, Metscher, Mitchell, Murchie, Neely, Nelson, Netherton, Nichol, Nicholas, Nitcher, Osborn, Page, Paine, Paquint, Parker, Patterson, Penrose, Peatross, Pilkington, Poli, Powers, Pursell, Rammelkamp, Reymers, Ross, Russel, Ryan, Rymal, Sefton, Segal, Sinclair, Slingerland, Smart, Snyder, Spiegel, Spurgeon, Stacy, Stevenson, Strosnider, Sweat, Thrailkill, Treen, Vailenoore, Vanatta, Vogel, Wagoner, Waldo, Walley, Walmsley, Warren, Welsh, Whiting, Whitman, Whittacre, Williams, Willis, Wing, Winsor, Wise, Wood, YoungNewspapers included: The Eureka Sentinel (Eureka, Nevada), Eureka Weekly Sentinel (Eureka, Nevada), The Goldfield News (Goldfield, Nevada), Lincoln County Record (Pioche, Nevada), Lyon County Times (Silver City, Nevada later moved to Yerington), Morning Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), The Pioche Weekly Record (Pioche, Nevada), The Salt Lake Herald (Salt Lake City, Utah), Tonopah Bonanza (Tonopah, Nevada), Yerington Times (Yerington, Nevada)
The early Nevada town of Winnemucca, Nevada saw railroads, mining, saloons, cattle and family life. Family names include: Akin, Algauer, Anderson, Bannister, Barnes, Barnham, Barrett, Baud, Bayley, Bell, Berck, Berk, Binkle. Blossom, Bonnifield, Bowman, Bradley, Brashear, Buckner, Butler, Cage, Caldwell, Chambers, Charles, Chenoweth, Clapp, Clemo, Cohoon, Conard, Cook, Cornwall, Cox, Craig, Crass, Crook, Crozier, Crump, Curran, Dalryinple, Davis, DeSaussure, Delbanio, Denio, Dickinson, Diehl, Dome, Doneline, Eberly, Edwards. Ellison, English, Enos, Evarts, Ewing, Fairbank, Fellow, Fisk, Fludder, Fox, French, Garrell, Germain, Geroux, Gilbert, Gilson, Ginacca, Gintz, Girish, Grass, Grey, Groves, Guthrie, Hall, Hargis, Hamlin, Hancroft, Handke, Hanson, Harding, Hargis, Harris, Haskell, Hickard, Hilton, Hinkey, Hodgman, Hofman, Holman, Huff, Hughes, Hutchins, Jasper, Jewitt, Job, Johnson, Julian, Jurgens, Kean, Keane, Kelley, Kemler, Kemp, Kesler, Kleinhass, Krinkle, Kyle, LaGrave, Lamolle, Lee, Legren, Lennep, Leonard, Levy, Lewis, Leyson, Lindsay, Livingston, Lovich, Luff, Maley, Manning, McColly, McKenzie, Melarkey, Merritt, Miner, Monroe, Moore, Narramore, Nofsinger, O'Neal, Otey, Owens, Peck, Phillips, Pickett, Plane, Powers, Pryor, Purdin, Quick, Ragsdale, Rainford, Reeder, Reeves, Reinhart, Rice, Richard, Robins, Robinson, Rodgers, Rosco, Rosenthal, Sabine, Savan, Schaler, Sears, Seigel, Shafer, Shaw, Sheehan, Shelton, Shermer, Shep, Shepherd, Sheriff, Shone, Siegel, Simpson, Staunton, Steele, Steiner, Stevens, Stewart. Stockton, Stoddard, Stoner, Sutterley, Sweet, Tandy, Thacker, Therien, Tierney, Thompson, Trousdale, Ulrich, Unverzagt, VanDerlip, Van Lennep, Varian, Wah, Walker, Wasson, Weber, Webster, Weisenberger, Welch, Well, Westrope, Whittier, Wild, Wiley, Wiel, Williams, Wise, Wood, Wright, Yucus Newspapers seen in this book: The Aegis and Intelligencer (Bel Air, Maryland), The Albany Register (Albany, Oregon), Arizona Citizen (Tucson, Arizona), Arizona Weekly Miner (Prescott, Arizona), The Carson Daily Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), The Daily State Register (Carson City, Nevada), The Elko Independent (Elko, Nevada), Eureka Daily Sentinel (Eureka, Nevada), Gold Hill Daily News (Gold Hill, Nevada), Helena Weekly Herald (Helena, Montana), Idaho Semi-Weekly World (Boise, Idaho), The Idaho World (Idaho City, Idaho), Knoxville Daily Chronicle (Knoxville, Tennessee), Los Angeles Daily Herald (Los Angeles, California), Lyon County Times (Silver City, Nevada), The Montana Post (Virginia City, Montana), Nashville Union and American (Nashville, Tennessee), The New North-West (Deer Lodge, Montana), Oregon Republican (Dallas, Oregon), Owyhee Semi-Weekly Tidal Wave (Silver City, Idaho), The New Daily Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), The Pacific Commercial Advertiser (Honolulu, Hawaii), Pioche Daily Record (Pioche, Nevada), The Placer Herald (Auburn, California), The Portland Daily Press (Portland, Oregon), The Shasta Courier (Shasta, California), The Silver State (Unionville, Nevada), The State Rights Democrat (Albany, Oregon), The Tiffin Tribune (Tiffin, Ohio), The Weekly Arizona Miner (Prescott, Arizona) The White Pine News (Treasure City, Nevada) Use for family history research or searching the history of the area.