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I confirm the presence of a correlation between iceberg volume and glacial-earthquake size, which moves us closer to having the ability to use remotely recorded seismic signals to quantify mass loss at Greenland glaciers. This work presents testable hypotheses for future model development.
"Jakobshavn Isbræ, a fast-flowing outlet glacier in West Greenland, began a rapid retreat in the late 1990's. The glacier has since retreated over 15 km, thinned by tens of meters, and doubled its discharge into the ocean. The glacier's retreat and associated dynamic adjustment are driven by poorly-understood processes occurring at the glacier-ocean interface. These processes were investigated by synthesizing a suite of field data collected in 2007-2008, including timelapse imagery, seismic and audio recordings, iceberg and glacier motion surveys, and ocean wave measurements, with simple theoretical considerations. Observations indicate that the glacier's mass loss from calving occurs primarily in summer and is dominated by the semi-weekly calving of full-glacier-thickness icebergs, which can only occur when the terminus is at or near flotation. The calving icebergs produce long-lasting and far-reaching ocean waves and seismic signals, including 'glacial earthquakes'. Due to changes in the glacier stress field associated with calving, the lower glacier instantaneously accelerates by ~3% but does not episodically slip, thus contradicting the originally proposed glacial earthquake mechanism. We furthermore showed that the pre-dominance of calving during summer can be attributed to variations in the strength of the proglacial ice mélange (dense pack of sea ice and icebergs). Sea ice growth in winter stiffens the mélange and prevents calving; each summer the mélange weakens and calving resumes. Previously proposed calving models are unable to explain the terminus dynamics of Jakobshavn Isbræ (and many other calving glaciers). Using our field observations as a basis, we developed a general framework for iceberg calving models that can be applied to any calving margin. The framework is based on mass continuity, the assumption that calving rate and terminus velocity are not independent, and the simple idea that terminus thickness following a calving event is larger than terminus thickness at the event onset. Although the calving framework does not constitute a complete calving model, it provides a guide for future attempts to define a universal calving law"--Leaf iii.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (2007) acknowledged that current ice sheet models do not adequately treat the dynamic response of ice sheets to climate change. This second edition addresses these issues through the addition of new chapters covering glacier instabilities, the interpretation of observations, and ice sheets and sea level. Another new chapter covers glacier mass balance. The text also provides the necessary background and theoretical foundation for developing more realistic ice sheet models, which is essential for better integration of data and observations as well as for better model development.
The Greenland Ice Sheet rapidly lost mass over the last two decades, in part due to increases in ice loss from termini of large tidewater glaciers. Terminus melting and calving can drive glacier retreat and the pattern of ice sheet mass loss through reductions in resistive stresses near the glacier front and, in turn, increases in ice flow to the ocean. Despite their importance to ice sheet mass balance, factors controlling terminus positions are poorly constrained in ice sheet models, which fundamentally obscures sea level rise predictions. In this dissertation, I use a suite of novel observations and techniques to quantify controls on frontal ablation and terminus positions at tidewater glaciers in central west Greenland. Until recently, frontal ablation processes were obscured due to limited observations of submarine termini. Here, I use observations from multibeam echo sonar to show the morphological complexity of the submarine terminus face and identify previously unrecognized melting and calving processes. The terminus features numerous secondary subglacial plume outlets outside of the main subglacial channel system that drive and disperse large submarine melt rates across the glacier front. Submarine melting drives steep, localized terminus undercutting that can trigger calving by connecting to finely-spaced surface crevasses. In turn, large calving events cause the terminus face to become anomalously overcut. Incorporating observed outlet geometries in a numerical plume model, I estimate small subglacial discharge fluxes feeding secondary plume outlets that are reminiscent of a distributed subglacial network. Regional remote-sensing observations reveal that, for most glaciers in central west Greenland, seasonal terminus positions are more sensitive to glacial runoff than ice mélange or ocean thermal forcing. Shallow, serac-failing tidewater glaciers are most sensitive, where subglacial plumes melt the terminus and locally enhance retreat. Glaciers with large ice fluxes and deep termini retreat sporadically through full ice-thickness calving events less dependent on runoff. Together, these results provide process-oriented constraints on the shape of the submarine terminus face, the geometry of subglacial discharge and submarine melting, the influence of environmental forcing mechanisms and the impact that these variables have on terminus positions and dynamics in a warming climate.
At many of the largest glaciers and ice sheets on Earth, more than half of the annual ice loss occurs through iceberg calving into the ocean. Calving is also responsible for the most rapid ice mass changes, both directly (through the mechanical loss of ice at the terminus) and indirectly (through dynamic thinning of upstream ice initiated by terminus retreat). Yet, the mechanisms and factors that control calving are poorly understood. Recordings of glaciogenic seismic waves, known as "icequakes," produced during iceberg calving offer opportunities for insight that cannot be gleaned through other methods. In order to better understand iceberg calving and its links to calving icequakes, we conducted a 2-yr study of rapidly advancing Yahtse Glacier, site of one of the densest clusters of calving icequakes in southern Alaska. By synchronizing video of iceberg calving events with locally-recorded seismograms, we found that most icequake energy is produced after subaerial iceberg detachment from the glacier terminus, while the iceberg impacts and descends below the sea surface. Cavitation beneath the water surface generates the largest amplitude portions of icequakes-those that are detectable over several hundred km distances. Numerical simulations of these iceberg-sea surface interactions predict sources with durations that are consistent with the 1-5 Hz frequency content of calving icequakes. Oceanographic measurements in Icy Bay, where Yahtse Glacier terminates, reveal that warm water may melt most of the ice reaching the submarine terminus. During the summer, water with temperature > 10 °C flows from the Gulf of Alaska coast to within 2 km of Yahtse Glacier's terminus. We find that heat transport between 5 and 40 x 109 W can readily melt the submarine glacier terminus at a rate that matches the speed with which ice flows towards the glacier terminus (17 m d−1). Subaerial iceberg calving rates may be paced by submarine melt rates. To place our calving and submarine melt observations in a broader temporal context, we construct an empirical model of iceberg size using icequake properties and tune the model with over 800 visually-observed iceberg calving events. We find that iceberg calving is at its minimum during the winter, when seawater is cool and mixing of proglacial seawater by subglacial discharge is weak. Overlaying this long period cycle, we find significant daily to inter-annual variability and sensitivity of calving to tidal stage. These observations expand our appreciation for the ocean's important role in iceberg calving: at time scales ranging from the sub-second generation of icequakes, to the annual undercutting of the glacier terminus.
The present-day calving flux from Greenland and Antarctica is poorly known, and this accounts for a significant portion of the uncertainty in the current mass balance of these ice sheets. Similarly, the lack of knowledge about the role of calving in glacier dynamics constitutes a major uncertainty in predicting the response of glaciers and ice sheets to changes in climate and thus sea level. Another fundamental problem has to do with incomplete knowledge of glacier areas and volumes, needed for analyses of sea-level change due to changing climate. The authors proposed to develop an improved ability to predict the future contributions of glaciers to sea level by combining work from four research areas: remote sensing observations of calving activity and iceberg flux, numerical modeling of glacier dynamics, theoretical analysis of the calving process, and numerical techniques for modeling flow with large deformations and fracture. These four areas have never been combined into a single research effort on this subject; in particular, calving dynamics have never before been included explicitly in a model of glacier dynamics. A crucial issue that they proposed to address was the general question of how calving dynamics and glacier flow dynamics interact.
Glacier mass loss is an iconic process induced by anthropogenic climate change. It threatens human livelihood at coasts affected by the rising sea level and in glacierized hydrological basins where the glacial runoff is essential for water availability. Moreover, as glacier mass loss adds large amounts of freshwater to the oceans, it might alter ocean circulation in a way that affects marine ecosystems and the climate system. Only recently, satellite-data processing revealed mass changes on an individual glacier level (outside the large ice sheets), but only for the last two decades. Glacier mass change observations become increasingly sparse going back in time. Therefore, the glaciers' past contribution to global mean sea level rise can only be reconstructed using numerical models. Since glacier mass change will continue during this century, it is vital to understand how this will affect global mean sea level, ocean circulation, and regional hydrology. Again, this is only possible using numerical models. Hence, it is essential to improve these models by incorporating previously neglected processes of glacier mass change into them, mainly in the form of parametrizations, and by constraining them using observations. Moreover, it is crucial to understand the uncertainties of results produced by numerical models, as they can never fully represent the natural world, which also hinges on the amount and quality of observational data. This work will tackle aspects of three issues in numerically modeling glacier mass changes: past glacier mass change reconstructions' uncertainties, future mass change projections' uncertainties, specifically regarding marine-terminating glaciers, and ice-ocean interactions in the northern hemisphere outside the Greenland ice sheet. All three issues are relevant in addressing the question of how glaciers respond to changes in their mass balance due to climatic changes and what consequences such changes have for the Earth system and, ultimately, human livelihood. It is found that the further outside the glaciological and meteorological observations' spatial and temporal domain a numerical model is applied, the more uncertain reconstructed glacier mass changes become. Similarly, one primary source of uncertainty in future glacier mass change projections is the difference in climate models' outputs of near-surface temperatures and precipitation. More accurately describing marine-terminating glacier dynamics and considering volume changes below sea level reduces estimates of future glacier contribution to global mean sea level rise systematically. However, significant uncertainties due to uncertainty about appropriate values for parameters involved in modeling (marine-terminating) glaciers' dynamics are detected. Concerning ice-ocean interactions, it was found that including the freshwater input from glacier mass loss in the northern hemisphere (outside the Greenland ice sheet) in an ocean general circulation model significantly impacts the simulated high-latitude ocean circulation. Finally, a first estimate of the ice mass glaciers lose due to melting directly into the ocean was produced.
"While global glacier mass balance has decreased rapidly over the last two decades, mass loss has been greatest in regions with marine-terminating glaciers. In Greenland, peripheral glaciers and ice caps (GICs) cover only ~5% of Greenland’s area but contributed ~14-20% of the island’s ice mass loss between 2003-2008. Although Greenland GIC’s mass loss due to surface meltwater runoff have been estimated using atmospheric models, mass loss due to changes in ice discharge into surrounding ocean basins (i.e., dynamic mass loss) remains unquantified. Here, we use the flux gate method to estimate discharge from Greenland’s 594 marine-terminating peripheral glaciers between 1985 – 2018, and compute dynamic mass loss as the discharge anomaly relative to the 1985-1998 period. Greenland GIC discharge averages 2.14 Gt/yr from 1985-1998 and abruptly increases to an average of 3.87 Gt/yr from 1999-2018, indicating a -1.72 Gt/yr mass anomaly. This mass loss is driven by synchronous widespread acceleration around Greenland and, like the ice sheet, is primarily caused by changes in discharge from a small number of glaciers with larger discharge. These estimates indicate that although Greenland GICs are small, they are sensitive to changes in climate and should not be overlooked in future analyses of glacier dynamics and mass loss."--Boise State University ScholarWorks.
Since the 1980s, the Greenland ice sheet has been losing ice mass at an increased rate. Our current understanding of the complex physical processes that control dynamic mass loss is incomplete and, therefore, leads to a wide range of possible future contributions to sea level. Ice dynamics, or changes due to changes in ice flux, is dominated by the behavior of fast-moving outlet glaciers in Greenland. These glaciers are changing through melting of the terminus face and/or calving of icebergs; the combination of these processes and ice motion determines the position of a glacier terminus. In understanding how and why outlet glacier termini change over time compared to external forcing and internal glacier dynamics, we are able to move toward a better understanding of marine-terminating glaciers. In this dissertation, I use terminus traces to observe how and why marine-terminating glaciers change in order to better understand the mechanisms behind these complex heterogeneous changes in Greenland. I develop the largest database of manually-traced marine-terminating glacier terminus data for use in scientific and machine learning applications. These data have been collected, cleaned, assigned with appropriate metadata, including image scenes, and compiled so that they can be easily accessed by scientists. Then I use the location of the termini to identify features in the bed topography that inhibit the retreat of glaciers following the onset of ocean warming and widespread glacier retreat in the late 1990s. I find that the slope and lateral dimensions of bed features exhibit the strongest correlation to retreat and that the shape of the bed features allows different styles of terminus retreat, which may be indicative of how different ablation mechanisms are distributed across termini. Finally, I produce a time series of terminus morphological properties for four glaciers in western Greenland to identify the characteristics that are indicative of calving processes with the goal of categorizing glaciers by calving style. I find that a concave shape and low sinuosity are present at glaciers that calve via buoyant flexure, while the opposite is true at glaciers that are dominated by melt-induced calving via serac failure. I also find that glaciers do not persistently fit into single calving styles and may change over time. By studying how the terminus changes over time compared to external forcing and internal glacier dynamics, we are able to move toward a better understanding of marine-terminating glaciers
An international team of over 150 experts provide up-to-date satellite imaging and quantitative analysis of the state and dynamics of the glaciers around the world, and they provide an in-depth review of analysis methodologies. Includes an e-published supplement. Global Land Ice Measurements from Space - Satellite Multispectral Imaging of Glaciers (GLIMS book for short) is the leading state-of-the-art technical and interpretive presentation of satellite image data and analysis of the changing state of the world's glaciers. The book is the most definitive, comprehensive product of a global glacier remote sensing consortium, Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS, With 33 chapters and a companion e-supplement, the world's foremost experts in satellite image analysis of glaciers analyze the current state and recent and possible future changes of glaciers across the globe and interpret these findings for policy planners. Climate change is with us for some time to come, and its impacts are being felt by the world's population. The GLIMS Book, to be released about the same time as the IPCC's 5th Assessment report on global climate warming, buttresses and adds rich details and authority to the global change community's understanding of climate change impacts on the cryosphere. This will be a definitive and technically complete reference for experts and students examining the responses of glaciers to climate change. World experts demonstrate that glaciers are changing in response to the ongoing climatic upheaval in addition to other factors that pertain to the circumstances of individual glaciers. The global mosaic of glacier changes is documented by quantitative analyses and are placed into a perspective of causative factors. Starting with a Foreword, Preface, and Introduction, the GLIMS book gives the rationale for and history of glacier monitoring and satellite data analysis. It includes a comprehensive set of six "how-to" methodology chapters, twenty-five chapters detailing regional glacier state and dynamical changes, and an in-depth summary and interpretation chapter placing the observed glacier changes into a global context of the coupled atmosphere-land-ocean system. An accompanying e-supplement will include oversize imagery and other other highly visual renderings of scientific data.