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"A Brookings Institution Press and British-North American Committee publication Two hundred years ago, the first Industrial Revolution sparked a dramatic acceleration in the quantity of goods and services available to the average citizen--a trend of steadily increasing real income per capita that continues to this day. Since that time, economists have struggled to develop systematic explanations for what caused the sudden, rapid increase, why the economy keeps growing, and why the rate of growth varies in different time periods and nations. In this book, F. M. Scherer traces the evolution of economic growth theory from the Industrial Revolution to the present. Emphasizing technological change as the most crucial dynamic force for growth, Scherer analyzes early hypotheses that paid little attention to new technologies, follows the emergence of theories that increasingly emphasized technological change, and reviews the current state of economic growth theory. Pointing out a lack of solid microbehavioral foundations to support contemporary ""new growth"" ideas, Scherer then supplies some foundational ""bricks"" concerning financial investment and human capital, and concludes by exploring the prospects for sustaining rapid growth into the next century. "
Technology's contribution to economic growth and competitiveness has been the subject of vigorous debate in recent years. This book demonstrates the importance of a historical perspective in understanding the role of technological innovation in the economy. The authors examine key episodes and institutions in the development of the U.S. research system and in the development of the research systems of other industrial economies. They argue that the large potential contributions of economics to the understanding of technology and economic growth have been constrained by the narrow theoretical framework employed within neoclassical economies. A richer framework, they believe, will support a more fruitful dialogue among economists, policymakers, and managers on the organization of public and private institutions for innovation. David Mowery is Associate Professor of Business and Public Policy at the School of Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley. Nathan S. Rosenberg is Fairleigh Dickinson Professor of Economics at Stanford University. He is the author of Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics (CUP, 1983).
This book shows that the existing theories on economic growth have clear limitations in terms of how much they can effectively contribute to actual economic growth. Therefore, this book presents a more effective theory on economic growth for countries and leaders looking to promote economic growth. It is essentially centered around the theory of economic growth and theory of national development, written for agricultural developing countries pursuing industrialization and late-starting industrialized countries pursuing their own development. Nevertheless, it also makes a significant contribution to the very development of human civilization through the growth of developing countries, late-starting industrialized countries and early industrialized countries throughout the world.
This book develops new theoretical perspectives on the economics and politics of innovation and knowledge in order to capture new trends in modern capitalism. It shows how giant corporations establish themselves as intellectual monopolies and how each of them builds and controls its own corporate innovation system. It presents an analysis of a new form of production where Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft, and their counterparts in China, extract value and appropriate intellectual rents through privileged access to AI algorithms trained by data from organizations and individuals all around the world. These companies’ specific form of production and rent-seeking takes place at the global level and challenges national governments trying to regulate intellectual monopolies and attempting to build stronger national innovation systems. It is within this context that the authors provide new insights on the complex interplay between corporate and national innovation systems by looking at the US-China conflict, understood as a struggle for global technological supremacy. The book ends with alternative scenarios of global governance and advances policy recommendations as well as calls for social activism. This book will be of interest to students, academics and practitioners (both from national states and international organizations) and professionals working on innovation, digital capitalism and related topics.
Explores how changing technology can influence economic systems and vice versa. This text studies the impact of innovation on inter-firm competition at the industry level; technological progress and long run growth; and the economics of the firm as it relates to adopting innovations.
This book develops a socio-economic paradigm of the future in the context of digital transformation. The challenge of economic openness is considered through the globalization of the world economic system by the example of modern Russia. The tendency of archaization of socio-economic relations is explored which is connected with the gradual disappearance of ineffective institutes and their replacement by new institutes. Attention is paid to the regional aspect of the digital economy – perspectives of development of the ethno-economy in the context of integration of regional economic systems are determined. The problem of preserving social identity and supporting the uniqueness of competitive advantages of the region’s economy in the conditions of digitization is actualized, and its perspective solutions based on a region’s globalization management are offered. Also, the problem of national and regional food security is considered. Increased social significance of the agro-industrial complex and the necessity for its de-economization on the platform of the digital economy are substantiated. A new concept of the market economy in the conditions of digitization and the Fourth industrial revolution is developed; economic power of technological progress and possibilities of managing and re-directing this power are determined. The authors substantiate the transition to the Sixth technological mode and the related transformation processes in the economy. Also, the authors dwell on the problem of the shadow economy and corruption and consider the perspectives of its overcoming based on the possibilities of digital technologies. The idea of de-regulation based on the possibilities of automatization and AI is opposed to the idea of increase of state regulation based on ubiquitous computing and digital monitoring of economic activities. The perspectives of increasing the economy’s transparency in the digital age are proved. The alternatives to the current model of development of the digital economy are given, and scenario analysis of consequences of observing these models based on the cognitive approach is performed. New opportunities for development of the integration processes in entrepreneurship in the conditions of the digital economy are shown – in particular, in the aspect of inter-regional and transnational sectorial clustering. Clusters are considered as growth points of the Russian economy, and the new Russian experience of formation and development of clusters in the sphere of higher education in the context of region’s economy is studied. The authors determine the contribution of key technological events in the development of entrepreneurship through the example of modern Russia. They come to the conclusion that despite the unique possibilities digital technologies do not necessarily create additional value for entrepreneurship, and their application could be ineffective due to additional capital expenditures in case of complexity of return of long-term venture investments. The needs of entrepreneurship for innovative infrastructural provision in the context of the digital economy are determined, and barriers on the path of its creation and practical application due to necessity for applying new forms of business organization are shown. Specific features of state management of a region’s economy in the conditions of digital modernization are shown, and the modern Russian practice of e-government as a response to the modern challenges is studied. The authors outline new perspectives of development of public-private partnership as an effective direction of industrial and cluster policy of a modern region.
New Perspectives on Structural Change is a comprehensive edited volume that outlines both the historical roots and state-of-the-art debates on the role of structural change in the process of economic development, including both orthodox and heterodox perspectives and contributions from prominent scholars in this field. The volume consists of four main sections. The first section covers the theoretical foundations of the structural change literature. The second section presents an empirical overview of the major trends of structural change, using up-to-date data sources and methods. The third section presents a broad ranging empirical analysis of the drivers of structural change. The fourth section examines how processes such as inclusive growth, poverty reduction, productive employment, the global income distribution, and environmental sustainability are affected by structural change, and how they can be influenced by policy.
To explain the importance of scientific research and technological innovation for industrial countries and in particular for the EU, in order to improve or to maintain economic leadership, is the central idea of this volume. It starts with a historical and theoretical perspective on scientific-technological innovation and its importance for industrial growth. Then it analyzes EU policy framework and strategies for R&D and it presents several national success stories both from EU and non-EU countries to confirm the theoretical perspective.
A groundbreaking study that shows how countries can create innovative, production-based economies for the twenty-first century Achieving economic growth is one of today's key challenges. In this groundbreaking book, Michael Best argues that to understand how successful growth happens we need an economic framework that focuses on production, governance, and skills. This production-centric framework is the culmination of three simultaneous journeys. The first has been Best's visits to hundreds of factories worldwide, starting early as the son of a labor organizer and continuing through his work as an academic and industrial consultant. The second is a survey of two hundred years of economic thought from Babbage to Krugman, with stops along the way for Marx, Marshall, Young, Penrose, Richardson, Schumpeter, Kuznets, Abramovitz, Keynes, and Jacobs. The third is a tour of historical episodes of successful and failed transformations, focusing sharply on three core elements—the production system, business organization, and skill formation—and their interconnections. Best makes the case that government should create the institutional infrastructures needed to support these elements and their interconnections rather than subsidize individual enterprises. The power of Best's alternative framework is illustrated by case studies of transformative experiences previously regarded as economic "miracles": America's World War II industrial buildup, Germany's postwar recovery, Greater Boston's innovation system, Ireland's tech-sector boom, and the rise of the Asian Tigers and China. Accessible and engaging, How Growth Really Happens is required reading for anyone who wants to advance today’s crucial debates about industrial policy, climate change, globalization, technological change, and the future of work.
Commissioned and brought tohgether for the research project by the world-renowned Council on Foreign Relations, the authors have produced an important compendia in applied economics.