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This book focuses on four topical and interconnected, innovative pathways to civil justice within the context of securing and improving access to justice: the use of Artificial Intelligence and its interactions with judicial systems; ADR and ODR tracks in privatising justice systems; the effects of increased self-representation on access to justice; and court specialization and the establishment of commercial courts to counter the trend of vanishing court trials. Top academics and experts from Europe, the US and Canada address these topics in a critical and multidisciplinary manner, combining legal, socio-legal and empirical insights. The book is part of ‘Building EU Civil Justice’, a five-year research project funded by the European Research Council. It will be of interest to scholars and policymakers, as well as practitioners working in the areas of civil justice, alternative dispute resolution, court systems, and legal tech. The chapters “Introduction: The Future of Access to Justice – Beyond Science Fiction” and “Constituting a Civil Legal System Called “Just”: Law, Money, Power, and Publicity” are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
This seventh volume in the Swedish Studies in European Law series brings together some of the most prominent scholars working within the fast-evolving field of EU civil justice. Civil justice has an impact on matters involving, inter alia, family relationships, consumers, entrepreneurs, employees, small and medium-sized businesses and large multinational corporations. It therefore has great power and potential. Over the past 15 years a wealth of EU measures have been enacted in this field. Issues arising from the implementation thereof and practice in relation to these measures are now emerging. Hence, this volume will explore the benefits as well as the challenges of these measures. The particular themes covered include forum shopping, alternative dispute resolution, simplified procedures and debt collection, family matters and collective redress. In addition, the deepening of the field that continues post-Lisbon has occasioned a new level of regulatory and policy challenges. These are discussed in the final part of the volume which focuses on mutual recognition also in the broader European law context of integration in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.
Zwanzig Jahre nach der Verabschiedung des Amsterdamer Vertrags über die justizielle Zusammenarbeit in Zivilsachen wurden vom europäischen Gesetzgeber zahlreiche Instrumente des EU-Zivilprozessrechts entwickelt, die heute in der nationalen Rechtsprechung fest verankert sind. Diese Instrumente haben einen grenzüberschreitenden Raum der Rechtssicherheit geschaffen, dem Bürgerinnen und Bürger sowie und Unternehmen vertrauen können. Das vorliegende Buch fragt nach den "best practices" gemeinsamer Regeln und Praktiken. Inspiriert von der Verschiebung des Schwerpunkts von der Schaffung neuer Rechtsvorschriften hin zu einer Konzentration auf die konkrete Umsetzung, bietet der Band einen Überblick über einen einheitlichen europäischen Rechtsraum und seinen Regeln.
This book studies three interrelated frontiers in civil justice from European and national perspectives, combining theory with policy and insights from practice: the interplay between private and public justice, the digitisation of justice, and litigation funding. These current topics are viewed against the backdrop of the requirements of effective access to justice and the overall goal of establishing a sustainable civil justice system in Europe.
For a long time, civil justice was considered to be a purely national, conservative, and slow-changing topic. The texts collected in this book supply proof that this is no longer the case. These papers discuss civil justice from a European angle, concentrating on the age-old dichotomy between quality and efficiency. One of the developments that has triggered civil justice to become an international discipline is the establishment of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice - better known by the acronym of its French name, the CEPEJ - on September 18, 2002 by the Council of Europe. The mandate of the CEPEJ is to analyze the results of the various judicial systems of the Member States of the Council of Europe, to identify the difficulties these systems encounter, to develop concrete ways to improve them, and to evaluate the functioning of these systems. Various papers in this volume address the CEPEJ and its work, as well as other issues of civil procedure in Europe, such as legal aid, alternative dispute resolution, and the influence of European developments on the reform of national civil justice systems. Consequently, the book provides an overview of the most recent ideas and developments in the field of civil justice. These ideas and developments show that although the values of the old tradition of European ius commune are still alive, they have been modified and expanded to such an extent that the organization of efficient civil justice systems has become a feasible option for national legislatures.
The book focuses on legal instruments that promote simplification of the process and timely completion of the lawsuit in the first instance civil procedure. It observes the changes of traditional principles in the pursuit of efficient and high quality court procedures. Results of a research conducted from 2007 to 2010 are presented. Civil procedures of multiple jurisdictions are covered, including the most "influencing" English, French and German procedures and specific procedural regulations in Austria, the Netherlands and Hungary - the latter used as a basis of reflection, as the "native" procedure of the author. Small claims procedures are interpreted as one significant way of providing access to justice by keeping judicial resources and procedural costs moderate while providing a well-established judgment with all its effects and enforceability. A balance of parties' rights and managing powers of the judge together with the principle of cooperation guaranteed by explicit procedural liabilities in the law may lead to an effective and just system of civil litigation. The book should help gain insight into efficiency issues in civil justice for lawyers or anyone interested.
This book examines the role of the European Court of Human Rights in promoting standards of effective civil justice in Europe. It defines judicial effectiveness as composed of three main components, namely the length, cost and predictability of proceedings. Following a comprehensive review of the relevant case law, the book argues that the legal standards established by the Court in these areas are rather modest, and that the legal reasoning behind them is predominantly formalist. Rather than developing an understanding of the relevant policy choices that determine the institutional framework of civil justice, the Court bases its decisions on abstract concepts like 'reasonable time', 'access to court' and 'legal certainty'. By sidelining the key institutional issues such as resource allocation and incentives, the Court has produced a largely theoretical case law that actually has little value for persons who wish to enforce their rights in courts.
As the first woman to be appointed President of the UK Supreme Court, Brenda Hale was one of the UK's most high profile and influential judges, and she is among the most powerful women leaders of our time. For almost half a century, she pioneered as an educator, reformer, and decision-maker, leaving a distinct mark on the law and the lives of many. In commemoration of her recent retirement from the Supreme Court, this collection celebrates her long and illustrious career. Organised by thematic chapters and featuring original research from leading academics, judges and lawyers, this book offers a comprehensive account of Lady Hale's achievements and enduring impact. The contributors, many of whom were her peers and colleagues, demonstrate how Hale forged her own path within male-dominated institutions, carved a space for herself and others, and, ultimately, endeavoured to promote justice for everyone.
"Effective policy-making in the administration of justice requires a solid understanding of public behaviour. This book presents the results of the most wide-ranging survey ever conducted by an independent body or government agency into the experiences of ordinary citizens as they grapple with the kinds of problems that could ultimately end in the civil courts. Funded by the Nuffield Foundation, the survey identifies how often people experience problems for which there might be a legal solution and how they set about solving them. Revealing crucial differences in the approach taken to different kinds of potential legal problems, the study describes the factors that influence decisions about whether and where to seek advice about problems, and whether and when to go to law. In addition to exploring experiences of courts, tribunals and ADR processes, the study also provides important insights into public confidence in the courts and the judiciary. For the first time the study reveals the public's perspective on access to civil justice and makes a significant contribution to debate about how far civil justice reforms coincide with public experience and expectations about resolving justiciable problems."--Back cover.