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A compilation of talks and articles on evangelization by a distinguished theologian.
As a young newly ordained priest, Pope Paul VI's Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Nuntiandi, had a profound effect on me. As I read it I saw the nature of the mission of the Church presented in a clear and decisive manner. The mission of the Church was to proclaim Jesus Christ to the world and to enable people to enter into a real and personal relationship with him. It gave clarity and direction to my priestly ministry. This book brings together my developing understanding of what evangelisation entails. I have been inspired along the way by papal teaching. It gives expression to As a young newly ordained priest, Pope Paul VI's Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Nuntiandi, had a profound effect on me. As I read it I saw the nature of the mission of the Church presented in a clear and decisive manner. The mission of the Church was to proclaim Jesus Christ to the world and to enable people to enter into a real and personal relationship with him. It gave clarity and direction to my priestly ministry. This book brings together my developing understanding of what evangelisation entails. I have been inspired along the way by papal teaching. It gives expression to what I have experienced over a period of some forty years of being actively involved in various works of evangelisation. It gives expression to my deep conviction that the New Evangelisation must be the pastoral strategy for the Church as it enters the third millennium of Christianity.
Multicultural Theology and New Evangelization sheds light on the central role of multiculturalism in the Catholic Church of the third millennium. In this book, Van Nam Kim addresses the challenges of new evangelization in the multicultural communities of the Church. Kim answers questions regarding how Catholics can fulfill their evangelical mission and looks at the special roles of religious sisters and lay Catholics, particularly women, in the Church. He also examines new procedures for forming future priests and the obligations of priests serving outside their homelands. Multicultural Theology and New Evangelization will inspire the Church hierarchy, seminary formators, priests, and the laity to rethink current approaches to Christian life and evangelization.
This book explores Pope John Paul II concept of the New Evangelisation and examines some of the implications that this has for Catholic schools. For John Paul II the New Evangelisation arose out of the deliberations of the Second Vatican Council and its aftermath. At its core it sees a relationship between believers and Christ, through the ministry of the Church, as the key for an authentic Christian life in the third millennium. The New Evangelisation recognizes that the cultural milieu in which Catholic schools operate is very different from even a few decades ago and as such schools need to reconfigure themselves to meet new challenges. Catholic Schools can no longer rely on passive socialization as a primary means of catechesis. It needs to better articulate their message in an era when religious beliefs and practises are increasing marginalized, often seen as a private concern or one option amongst many. By emphasizing, amongst other things, an engaged and responsive mentality, cultivation of supportive groups and the need for a reconceptualisation of religious education, Catholic schools can address the significant challenges the New Evangelisation puts before them.